God sins a lot but is there no end to God’s greed?

I love animals, even Grizzly bears , and they have been known to eat humans. Is my love wasted? I love you to man and you don't have to love Me , It is O.K. I don't think I have wasted my love for you or the Grizzly bear, but I guess it is my currency of love to spend how ever I want.

Best Regards

Is the love you have for bears the same love you have for your wife and children?--- Assuming you have these. If not, parents perhaps?

Do you see the difference.

Which love is the true love? The one that you fell returned or the one that is just the one way?

There is still slavery . Yeah you are a slave your self. A slave of society, a commodity of the government. I can't believe you didn't know that. You are born into slavery from the time you take your first breath. The government puts a value on your life. Now it is true the value was down graded about 2 years ago so your slavery got a little cheaper, but not by much. It still cost to much to live

I am sure this gentleman and others like him would have a few choice words for those like you who, with such an attitudes, make their work that much harder.


Love can never be demanded - in fact if you do the opposite will more than likely occur. The thing about this world is that we opt out of love and honour to god (by our own choice) than we are relegated to meeting the demands of material existence. IOW we enter into a world where we are literally forced at every moment of our waking (and sleeping) lives.


What is forcing you to sit and type?

As to opting out from love and honor for God, do you not think he would gain mire converts if he stopped hiding and showed up for a change?

As I said above, love is an emotion that needs to be shared to be true love. Sharing completes it.

If he does not show up to complete the circle of reciprocity for love, then he cannot blame people for just not throwing it to the winds.

life has a physical impact, but, despite the hard work of gross materialists the world over, life is seen to only come from life.

and this means what to the argument?

IOW no one has the foggiest on the essential mechanism of life or consciousness, yet this glaring absence of proof does not render it any less real or even qualitatively unknowable

Well I would disagree we do in fact have many theories and evidence for the essential mechanism of life and consciousness, but that besides the point that your argument is irrelevant. Lets say we didn't know how cars work, doesn't change the fact that we can see the car, touch the car, drive the car, crash it, pee on it, etc, etc, same for life, same for your consciousness, I can remove chuncks of brain and see its effects on your consciousness, I can run test to determine levels of consciousness, I can talk to your consciousness, interact with it. All these things exist in the physical world, our level of knowledge of them is irrelevant, we can see their affects and interact with them.

but god can't be measured, god can't be seen or touched in any provable manner, god lacks any provable physically existence. Now that does not mean god does not exist, god could exist outside our reality or god could exist in are minds as concept, in fact these aren't mutually exclusive and the latter is certianly true.

What is forcing you to sit and type?
The question is more what will force you to stop sitting and typing

As to opting out from love and honor for God, do you not think he would gain mire converts if he stopped hiding and showed up for a change?
Actually its love and honour that draws him - that's the way it works in a world where love of god is merely optional

As I said above, love is an emotion that needs to be shared to be true love. Sharing completes it.
Hence the question is merely one of us coming to the table

If he does not show up to complete the circle of reciprocity for love, then he cannot blame people for just not throwing it to the winds.
the first step of any sort of love is obedience - if we don't come to first base, its our problem
and this means what to the argument?
ideas about a subject and the existence of the subject are mutually exclsuive

Well I would disagree we do in fact have many theories and evidence for the essential mechanism of life and consciousness,
you are wrong
there are only theories
but that besides the point that your argument is irrelevant. Lets say we didn't know how cars work, doesn't change the fact that we can see the car, touch the car, drive the car, crash it, pee on it, etc, etc, same for life, same for your consciousness, I can remove chuncks of brain and see its effects on your consciousness, I can run test to determine levels of consciousness, I can talk to your consciousness, interact with it. All these things exist in the physical world, our level of knowledge of them is irrelevant, we can see their affects and interact with them.
the car example isn't really relevant and neither are your so called tests on consciousness.

I used consciousness because there is no way to imbue lifeless matter with life. Rather we have qualitative models for something being alive or not - this how we distinguish life from death or even an android.
but god can't be measured, god can't be seen or touched in any provable manner, god lacks any provable physically existence.
that's because god, much like consciousness contextualizes the workings of the mind and senses. One could just as easily say that no one has seen your mind so therefore you don't have one.

Now that does not mean god does not exist, god could exist outside our reality or god could exist in are minds as concept, in fact these aren't mutually exclusive and the latter is certianly true.
false argument I'm afraid since according to your analysis one can't include minds since whatever physical make up it has is certainly beyond current knowledge levels (although there are certainly many theories about it).

Technically you don't have the scope for saying god exists in the mind or imagination since according to your world view, there is no way to include things like the mind or imagination in the language of reality
ideas about a subject and the existence of the subject are mutually exclsuive

and that is irrelevant to the topic.

you are wrong

Beautiful, a conclusion with no premise.

there are only theories

So? All of reality is a theory, we could very well be in "the matrix" or in my day dream, but the pain is real enough that I rather know how this reality works be it real or not in order to avoid the parts and causes of suffering, doing so though does not require worship of a god.

the car example isn't really relevant and neither are your so called tests on consciousness.

why not? Provide premises for your arguments.

I used consciousness because there is no way to imbue lifeless matter with life.

certainly given enough technology there could be, heck we already have synthetic lifeforms. But again what your getting at is irrelevant.

Rather we have qualitative models for something being alive or not - this how we distinguish life from death or even an android.
that's because god, much like consciousness contextualizes the workings of the mind and senses.


One could just as easily say that no one has seen your mind so therefore you don't have one.

People have seen me, seen my writing, talk to me, there is plenty of evidence for my mind, my existence can be tested easily, not the same for god.

false argument I'm afraid since according to your analysis one can't include minds since whatever physical make up it has is certainly beyond current knowledge levels (although there are certainly many theories about it).

Again you don't need knowledge to determine if its real of not. We can meet people and determine that they exist without knowing how their minds work.

Technically you don't have the scope for saying god exists in the mind or imagination since according to your world view, there is no way to include things like the mind or imagination in the language of reality

Incorrect I have specifically stated how those things can be determined to be real, we can easily witness, test for even modify the existence of both, none of that we can do with god.
sometimes i really wonder where the strange idea that god is all loving comes from and especially believed. i don't even understand it by those living in relatively abundant countries.

it seems a lot of people for some reason have no inkling how much corruption and suffering has occurred and is occuring. this is not just in countries where it's media hyped like in africa but even in many european or eastern european countries as well as in asia. there are kids who grow up and live in actual sewers with other orphans and are prostitutes, not just in what westerners would think which is asia or africa. there is drug and human trafficking in massive amounts and every kind of human oppression. there are people dying of starvation and some even resorting to cannibalism. there is lots of disease, suffering, deep sadness, utter loss, immense grief, perpetual fear and pain for many out there you will never know. in fact, the whole world taken as a whole has more suffering than those who aren't. what i've just mentioned is a tip of an iceberg.

are people this dense to not realize the massive sheer amount of suffering and desperation out there? even i want to go and help all of them and it hurts me because i can't. there is just so much need, it's that overwhelming and it's that many people. what is even more heinous is the root of the problem will be found somewhere in human corruption or greed if you follow the trail because the earth does produce enough to take care of everyone. it's just that nature is riddled with so many negative traits (greed a major one) and hangups to prevent the best use of them. that's the enemy.
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Is the love you have for bears the same love you have for your wife and children?--- Assuming you have these. If not, parents perhaps?

Do you see the difference.

Which love is the true love? The one that you fell returned or the one that is just the one way?

No , I have sex with my wife. I don't do that with Bears or my dad, but that don't mean I can't love my cute little grizzly that can chew a head off a fish and it certainly don't mean I can't love you for being the worlds greatest mystery. Dude find forgiveness. Do you love your children? It would be beneficial for them and there future if you have children for change is for children and I like to think my children and there children will know the meaning of compassion and mercy by receiving it and giving it. Now my Dad it is more of a hate love relationship. I love him but man can he piss Me off with his ancient ways, but then I suffer the consequences of Christan behavior by Jesus's divide and it is hard to brake free of the past and look to the future. It has a way of slappa you face, Shut up! I think you need a group hug, How bout it every one group hug, Huggy 's Huggy"s we change you diepies now, Tickle tickle tickle
sometimes i really wonder where the strange idea that god is all loving comes from and especially believed. i don't even understand it by those living in relatively abundant countries.

it seems a lot of people for some reason have no inkling how much corruption and suffering has occurred and is occuring. this is not just in countries where it's media hyped like in africa but even in many european or eastern european countries as well as in asia. there are kids who grow up and live in actual sewers with other orphans and are prostitutes, not just in what westerners would think which is asia or africa. there is drug and human trafficking in massive amounts and every kind of human oppression. there are people dying of starvation and some even resorting to cannibalism. there is lots of disease, suffering, deep sadness, utter loss, immense grief, perpetual fear and pain for many out there you will never know. in fact, the whole world taken as a whole has more suffering than those who aren't. what i've just mentioned is a tip of an iceberg.

are people this dense to not realize the massive sheer amount of suffering and desperation out there? even i want to go and help all of them and it hurts me because i can't. there is just so much need, it's that overwhelming and it's that many people. what is even more heinous is the root of the problem will be found somewhere in human corruption or greed if you follow the trail because the earth does produce enough to take care of everyone. it's just that nature is riddled with so many negative traits (greed a major one) and hangups to prevent the best use of them. that's the enemy.

It says it in the new testament. That is where Christan get it. It says God is Love. Now I am lucky my self for I am a beast of the earth and I only love who I want to love. Your all lucky I love humans. If I didn't who knows what I would do? Like my friend Donald. He said if I knew I was going to die I know exactly who I would kill, I said Boy Donald I hope it's not Me?
and that is irrelevant to the topic.
not at all - go back to the post to see a complete tirade about it

Beautiful, a conclusion with no premise.
once again, not at all - the notion that life can be reproduced by certain materially reducible base components is pure theory

So? All of reality is a theory, we could very well be in "the matrix" or in my day dream, but the pain is real enough that I rather know how this reality works be it real or not in order to avoid the parts and causes of suffering, doing so though does not require worship of a god.
try as like you can't avoid suffering any more than you can take base material elements and create life - compare this to the theory that one can boil water by placing it in a vessel over heat and you will come to appreciate how having access to issues of application makes for a remarkable take on theory

why not? Provide premises for your arguments.
the car example can be subject to empirical measures (ie isolated to a controlled environment) and doesn't really hold a parallel to subjects that contextualize the senses etc.

As for your discussion of consciousness, you are dumbing down the term (a popular ploy by materialists when they try to circumvent the problem of reducing consciousness to material elements) to a mere discussion of consciousness operating in different situations as opposed to the question of what core elements actually give rise to consciousness.

The example you provide below is a classic example

certainly given enough technology there could be, heck we already have synthetic lifeforms. But again what your getting at is irrelevant.
Big difference between life and the chemicals life utilizes.

This link is basically in the same category as synthetic urea

When you say hello to someone what are you saying it to exactly?
their eyebrows?
their brain?
their big toe?

People have seen me, seen my writing, talk to me, there is plenty of evidence for my mind, my existence can be tested easily, not the same for god.
but if you want to prohibit qualitative testing, you don't have one, period. (not even a discussion of brain chemicals will help you I'm afraid)

Again you don't need knowledge to determine if its real of not. We can meet people and determine that they exist without knowing how their minds work.
kind of strange how you can talk of determining something in the (apparent) absence of knowledge

Incorrect I have specifically stated how those things can be determined to be real, we can easily witness, test for even modify the existence of both, none of that we can do with god.
make up your mind
Just above you say it doesn't require knowledge, now you talk of witnessing, testing and modifying, all of which are knowledge based assertions.
sometimes i really wonder where the strange idea that god is all loving comes from and especially believed.
you mean aside from it coming from the fact that he is all loving?

i don't even understand it by those living in relatively abundant countries.
material abundance = love?
it seems a lot of people for some reason have no inkling how much corruption and suffering has occurred and is occuring. this is not just in countries where it's media hyped like in africa but even in many european or eastern european countries as well as in asia. there are kids who grow up and live in actual sewers with other orphans and are prostitutes, not just in what westerners would think which is asia or africa. there is drug and human trafficking in massive amounts and every kind of human oppression. there are people dying of starvation and some even resorting to cannibalism. there is lots of disease, suffering, deep sadness, utter loss, immense grief, perpetual fear and pain for many out there you will never know. in fact, the whole world taken as a whole has more suffering than those who aren't. what i've just mentioned is a tip of an iceberg.
kind of makes you wonder why we opted for this alternative, huh?
are people this dense to not realize the massive sheer amount of suffering and desperation out there? even i want to go and help all of them and it hurts me because i can't.
hence co-operative living (even though we are doing such a dreadful job of it at the moment) cannot ultimate rid the material world of suffering

there is just so much need, it's that overwhelming and it's that many people. what is even more heinous is the root of the problem will be found somewhere in human corruption or greed if you follow the trail because the earth does produce enough to take care of everyone. it's just that nature is riddled with so many negative traits (greed a major one) and hangups to prevent the best use of them. that's the enemy.
greed is not a trait of nature
its a trait of (conditioned) human nature
(you don't even find it so much in the animal species)
sometimes i really wonder where the strange idea that god is all loving comes from and especially believed. i don't even understand it by those living in relatively abundant countries.

it seems a lot of people for some reason have no inkling how much corruption and suffering has occurred and is occuring.

All the suffering in the world matters very little to those who are happily married and such.

For example, if what one wanted the most was a doting spouse, and then one got a doting spouse, the rest of the world kind of disappears from one's awareness. One has received what one wanted, and it is normal to acknowledge this; normally, there is a spontaneous expression of gratitude and appreciation. Those who believe in God, are then grateful to God and believe Him to be loving.

Or, another example, I was listening to some symphonies the other day, and really enjoyed. It occured to me that God must be a truly magnanimous person to allow such wonderful music to be written and played, and to make it all happen.

These are examples where worldly enjoyments lead people to believe that the world is a fine place and that the Creator of this place is owed gratitude and appreciation. Many people are like that. (Academy Awards winners often thank God.)

However, if one doesn't so much desire worldly things, or has become disappointed with them, it is indeed difficult to consider that God, the Creator of all this, could be loving.
A wise person would then inquire into the nature of dissatisfaction and suffering, and try to find a way out of it.
once again, not at all - the notion that life can be reproduced by certain materially reducible base components is pure theory

Aside for the fact that we have actually created life from base components! Again just last year we created an organism with a completely synthetic genome.

try as like you can't avoid suffering any more than you can take base material elements and create life - compare this to the theory that one can boil water by placing it in a vessel over heat and you will come to appreciate how having access to issues of application makes for a remarkable take on theory

Suffering can be avoided easily, say as long as I have a good income and live in a stable economy I will never go hungry for example. Sure death is still guaranteed but that can be a quick and painless thing.

the car example can be subject to empirical measures (ie isolated to a controlled environment) and doesn't really hold a parallel to subjects that contextualize the senses etc.

What we can't measure and mess with the brain? We been able to alter and modify consciousness in accordance to theory for some time now.

As for your discussion of consciousness, you are dumbing down the term (a popular ploy by materialists when they try to circumvent the problem of reducing consciousness to material elements) to a mere discussion of consciousness operating in different situations as opposed to the question of what core elements actually give rise to consciousness.

Neurons, neural networks? Are you suggesting consciousness derives from something other then the material brain, then sure you are correct that is as metaphysical as god.

This link is basically in the same category as synthetic urea

Urea is not alive.

When you say hello to someone what are you saying it to exactly?
their eyebrows?
their brain?
their big toe?

The ensemble that is them?

but if you want to prohibit qualitative testing, you don't have one, period. (not even a discussion of brain chemicals will help you I'm afraid)

I don't need to get to to the brain chemicals, consciousness exist in our world, I can experiment on it, modify it, kill it, etc, god does not. If your saying our consciousness can exist outside our reality again sure that is metaphysical, like gods, and the only place we have proof for that concept's existence is as a concept in the mind, like gods!

kind of strange how you can talk of determining something in the (apparent) absence of knowledge

Sure, I don't need to know where rain comes from or how gravity works to determine that rain falls down.

make up your mind
Just above you say it doesn't require knowledge, now you talk of witnessing, testing and modifying, all of which are knowledge based assertions.

When did I say something did not require knowledge?
No. just a sense of humor that like to twist the knife into those who deserve it.

I notices the link I put up did not work so I am not sure what prompted the remark but let me try again. At least then you will know what I was doing.

Remember too as you judge that I have a thick skim thanks to bumping heads with many of her deluded and ignorant ilk.
She made me what I am today.



PS. Tried it and it works.

it's also a way to avoid answering legitimate questions, like these...

'think about this...for all of your knowledge, you're still a hateful, arrogant, prick.

care to explain?"


"and just what does this opinion of god, yours and greatest i am's, mean exactly? that because you disagree with it and think it's an asshole, that it doesn't exist? it does exist and it's your enemy? it does exist and it's whatever you want it to be? whatever suits you best? it does exist and it's YOU. YOU'RE GOD? i don't believe that. see, you can be like god, in the way of having some knowledge of good and evil. god has all knowledge of good and evil. but you yourself can have a bounty of it, and still not understand a goddamn thing. you have to want to understand."

answer the questions. because without answering the questions, all you're doing is having a temper tantrum on a public forum.
Love is an emotion that must be shared to be complete.

If not returned by the recipient, then it is wasted and not true lave at all.


tantrum confirmed. you're a slave to your emotions then. you worship them, which are typically temporary, fickle, selfish, and founded in untruths which are supported by a very limited (and jaded) perception.

just so you know, most of our pets are more enlightened than this.

love is not based in emotion, or contingent upon reciprocation. love is a valuation, which is constant, because it is based upon truth that is not limited or corrupt by your perception or emotion, and results in an action, that is "to love".

iow, those who are enlightened love because it's the right thing to do. and those who are not, love because their fickle, selfish self feels like it, or perhaps doesn't.

and that is why we suffer.

you think it's god's fault? you think it's someone else's fault that you don't love?
All the suffering in the world matters very little to those who are happily married and such.

For example, if what one wanted the most was a doting spouse, and then one got a doting spouse, the rest of the world kind of disappears from one's awareness. One has received what one wanted, and it is normal to acknowledge this; normally, there is a spontaneous expression of gratitude and appreciation. Those who believe in God, are then grateful to God and believe Him to be loving.

Or, another example, I was listening to some symphonies the other day, and really enjoyed. It occured to me that God must be a truly magnanimous person to allow such wonderful music to be written and played, and to make it all happen.

These are examples where worldly enjoyments lead people to believe that the world is a fine place and that the Creator of this place is owed gratitude and appreciation. Many people are like that. (Academy Awards winners often thank God.)

However, if one doesn't so much desire worldly things, or has become disappointed with them, it is indeed difficult to consider that God, the Creator of all this, could be loving.
A wise person would then inquire into the nature of dissatisfaction and suffering, and try to find a way out of it.

the point is there are people who can't even meet their basic needs. it's not as simple as that. that is why there is suffering. everything others do also effects someone else for good or ill.

also, one's own well-being is not the end all and be all. there are other lives besides one's own.
Aside for the fact that we have actually created life from base components! Again just last year we created an organism with a completely synthetic genome.
actually life is seen to only arise from life - big difference between creating life from base components and fiddling with the dna of an already existing life form

Suffering can be avoided easily, say as long as I have a good income and live in a stable economy I will never go hungry for example. Sure death is still guaranteed but that can be a quick and painless thing.
don't be daft - people with good income in a stable economy and a full tummy still suffer like hell - in fact they are probably the number one demographic client of psychiatrists and counsellors

What we can't measure and mess with the brain? We been able to alter and modify consciousness in accordance to theory for some time now.
if you mess with it to the point of death you can't do any more messing - that's the point

Neurons, neural networks? Are you suggesting consciousness derives from something other then the material brain, then sure you are correct that is as metaphysical as god.
I am suggesting that even if we want to run with your assumptions, you still can't approach the problem of reducing consciousness to its essential components (and instead would prefer to talk about affecting consciousness in different environments as a solution to the problem)

Urea is not alive.
neither is dna

Once again - big difference between life and the chemicals life utilizes

The ensemble that is them?
so if someone is missing a big toe or an eyebrow they have significantly less being to say hello to?

I don't need to get to to the brain chemicals, consciousness exist in our world, I can experiment on it, modify it, kill it, etc, god does not.
whatever you (imagine) you can do, you cannot invest life in something that essentially has no life (from base components or whatever)
If your saying our consciousness can exist outside our reality again sure that is metaphysical, like gods, and the only place we have proof for that concept's existence is as a concept in the mind, like gods!
once again,according to your strict definitions the mind is also a metaphysical construct so you can't even say god exists there

Sure, I don't need to know where rain comes from or how gravity works to determine that rain falls down.
the problem is you are still making a knowledge base claim (since it involves use of categories like "rain", "fall" and "down")
try again if you want (although its a futile endeavor)

When did I say something did not require knowledge?

right here

"you don't need knowledge to determine if its real of not"
the point is there are people who can't even meet their basic needs. it's not as simple as that. that is why there is suffering. everything others do also effects someone else for good or ill.

also, one's own well-being is not the end all and be all. there are other lives besides one's own.
suffering generally occurs in at least one of three categories
  1. suffering from one's own mind and body
  2. suffering from the minds or bodies of others
  3. suffering from environmental situations (floods earthquakes heat, etc)

Material abundance doesn't really do much to tip the scale in this regard (since material possession is coupled with anxiety for protecting it or further material acquisition to keep the show on the road due to attachment)
actually life is seen to only arise from life - big difference between creating life from base components and fiddling with the dna of an already existing life form

Again that is not what was done, DNA was CREATED, and entire genome in facts was printed out from a DNA synthesizing machine and inserted and booted up in a dead cell striped of its own DNA, there was no "fiddling with" existing DNA.

don't be daft - people with good income in a stable economy and a full tummy still suffer like hell - in fact they are probably the number one demographic client of psychiatrists and counsellors

Ha! two points, in poor countries they can't afford psychiatrics and I would take the need for psychiatric help any day over starving to death as a child because my parents died of AIDS. You can't argue that the amount of suffering is the same, your being dishonest in doing so.

if you mess with it to the point of death you can't do any more messing - that's the point

No I don't see the point, elaborate, are you saying that consciousness exist after death, if so then yes that concept is just like god: unprovable, immaterial.

I am suggesting that even if we want to run with your assumptions, you still can't approach the problem of reducing consciousness to its essential components (and instead would prefer to talk about affecting consciousness in different environments as a solution to the problem)

And I'm saying that is irrelevant, reducing god or consciousness or what ever to "essential components" is irrelevant, it has no baring on being able to determine the existence of the subject!

neither is dna

Once placed in a cell it becomes alive, that what was proven. The argument was not that DNA was alive, it was that life could be made from the dead, that if we assemble the components we can make life. A cell filled with only proteins, sugars and lipids is not alive, it does not reproduce, it quickly decays into nothing, but pop in a genome, even one manufacture artificially and it becomes alive, this is what was done.

so if someone is missing a big toe or an eyebrow they have significantly less being to say hello to?

Depends on how we interact, you could be a brain in a jar or a computer simulation for all I know now. As a person others know you by whom they interact with, an ensemble of physical and mental characteristic which make up you or more accurately make up your interact with them, certainly if we remove something like an eyebrow they will notice, but I don't think that would be a significant reduction in physical presents you provide, if anything it might make your physical presents more impressive through comic relief.

whatever you (imagine) you can do,

I imagine I'm eating dinosaur meat on a planet in another galaxy... how can I do that?

you cannot invest life in something that essentially has no life (from base components or whatever)

This is a cute sentence but I fail to understand its meaning, what do you mean by "invest life"? People blow thousands of dollars and years of their life in rebuilding antique cars for example so I really don't see how people can't "invest life" in something that has no life.

once again,according to your strict definitions the mind is also a metaphysical construct so you can't even say god exists there

no, a mind without material form is metaphysical.

the problem is you are still making a knowledge base claim (since it involves use of categories like "rain", "fall" and "down")
try again if you want (although its a futile endeavor)

why is that a problem?

right here

"you don't need knowledge to determine if its real of not"

Right you don't need knowledge of the thing to determine if it exists, you keep talking about defining the mind or life in some kind of claimed unknowable detail, the detail is irrelevant, you merely need to be able to detect or interact with something to know it exists, how ,what or why it exists in irrelevant, its details can remain mysterious.