God...who believes?

Do you believe a God/Gods/Higher Being exists?

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You completely agree with me. You said:

See ? They were once considered (i.e. believed to be) supernatural, and it turned out they are not.

Nothing is supernatural, everything is natural. Whether we can or can't measure or understand something has no bearing on reality at all.
Supernatural means 'above or beyond nature'. And it just so happens that nature encompasses all that exists anywhere and anytime.

A definition of supernatural means 'above and beyond nature'. Another would be something that is undefined by natural law. A definition of 'natural law' is when nature is observed and recorded to act a certain way every time, everywhere. I.e. gravity, rainbows, lighting.
If there is no human observation and discovery of the way a natural event occurs, it is 'supernatural'. When man did not understand lighting, it was a supernatural thing. we now have a law for it, but truthfully when there is no law, it is supernatural and it was not incorrect for one to believe that.
In a philosophical sense, or to God, there is no supernatural. To man the pursuit of understanding the supernatural inspires him to investigate God and/or the mechanics of nature. If man maintained the idea throughout time that there is no supernatural, there may not have been an investigation in to science as much as there has been.
Investigating the supernatural either through science or spirituality leads to understanding.
You completely agree with me. You said:

See ? They were once considered (i.e. believed to be) supernatural, and it turned out they are not.

Nothing is supernatural, everything is natural. Whether we can or can't measure or understand something has no bearing on reality at all.
Supernatural means 'above or beyond nature'. And it just so happens that nature encompasses all that exists anywhere and anytime.

Don't oversimplify. The word supernatural refers to something is not physical or material, nor subject to explanation via natural laws. As wiki puts it, pertaining to an order of existence beyond the scientifically visible universe.

Whether we can or can't measure or understand something has no bearing on reality at all.

Yes and no. There is absolute truth and then subjective truth. We can never say for certain that we know the former, so we must rely on the latter - and the very nature of subjectivity means that it is liable to change.
The essence of the supernatural is that it is unexplainable to us at the present moment. Nevertheless, we have only explored a minuscule part of our universe thus far.
I believe there probably needs to be a source in the begining. Whether that source was God or not, I am not sure.

However I also believe it is possible that our universe is just a layer and that many other layers may also exist. Our universes begining might not be the beginning! Our entire universe might just be a speck of dust in 'Gods' world, if God is real that is ;).

Strong beliefs close doors to other possible explanations. I have many doors open, but I don't believe so strongly in any one idea that I wouldn't be able to change my beliefs with new knowledge.

God is just one of many possible explanations and he has many different interpretations. But nobody KNOWS, some believe, but believing is no where near the same as knowing. Some religious versions of God appear impossible unless our science is all wrong, but those that believe in that version of 'God' don't like science very much ;).
If God started as one, he will never be whole again until everything is back into one. God would be a part of everything, but he would never be whole as long as other life exists, for he would be all things condensed into singularity. And that first singularity might be much bigger than what one tiny universe can hold. We find our universe so big and amasing we can't even comprehend how big the whole picture really is! I see it as very possible that our universe is nothing more then a layer on an expanding ball. The ball likely has many other layers that are also universes that all have their own physical properties that could be different from ours! There might also be many other balls of universes around too! It just keeps getting bigger and bigger, the more I think about it! :D

On a side note
How do I post a Poll?
I'd like to know how many believe 'God' is the only possible explanation?
I'd also like to know who or what people think God is?
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I'm really suprised at the results of the poll. But then again I think people are really putting way too much thought into the original question.
God is the most irrelevant concept to be proclaimed to our faces. No I do not believe in God. I believe there is a "God" but I do not believe in him at this moment, I do not know weather or not he exists.

Ok, that's a bit misleading. Th more detailed answer is knowledge supplants belief because it is the more significant understanding.

So if you are ignorant you can choose to believe and act like you know instead of just admitting to your ignorance.

But if you actually know then it is not necessary to merely believe...you have reasonable certainty from the knowledge and that is more telling than merely believing out of ignorance..
A definition of supernatural means 'above and beyond nature'. ...Investigating the supernatural either through science or spirituality leads to understanding.

So what's "above and beyond nature?"

How can you investigate something which isn't there, has never been there and which you can't interact with in any way?
The word supernatural refers to something is not physical or material, nor subject to explanation via natural laws.

So what's that? So far it doesn't actually seem to refer to anything. Its just some cool sounding word that don't lead anywhere.

There is absolute truth and then subjective truth.

THere is no objective truth.
There is no subjective truth.
There is no The Truth (tm).

There is only truth.
I selected 'no' since I definitely don't believe in a supernatural, omnipotent God or Gods, and I find the term 'higher being' incoherent with my beliefs. Whatever higher power or intelligence I may or may not believe in, I find no reason to personify it, humanify it; the term 'being' turns God into too much of an object to satisfy human egos than what might accurately be true. Seriously, the belief that a supernatural, omniscient, omnipotent superhero exists is weird enough without having to add that out of the billion of possible forms it could have taken, it resembled something present on a speck of the universe - self-conscious life, and that too what has been made to seem like human-like life.
Huh? Are we talking about the same issue ? "Believe=know"?

Yes, but I am illustrating how Lori's case is different.
She doesn't believe in Gods' existence, she KNOWS through experience.
But she does believe in God.

Lori, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Do you believe in God?
Depends on how you define it.
An omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, omnipresent monotheistic being? No.

An all-encompassing entity from which emanates many individual near-omnipotent, near-omniscient, omnipresent gods? Yes.
And why do you you think there is a beginning?

Nice, I love it. You just helped me open another obvious door that I overlooked. Although I do find it hard to believe that there was no begining, I like to explore all posibilities, and I have never really explored an idea that 'we just are' without a begining or an end. Thx swarm you got me thinking ;).

At the same time, I would still think a source at some point would be likely. However as I said earlier, I also see it entirely possible that our universe is so small in comparison of everything, that comprehending that begining and understanding that source would be damn near impossible at this point. Is the original source 'God' I don't know, but I could see why it'd be perceived that way.

As for 'supernatural', that is just things that may or may not exist, that we don't yet understand.