
What makes you think I have read the bible?

Where else but the bible would you get the notion of God and Creation? What would cause you to suddenly come to that conclusion?

I don't think I have been preaching, maybe you could show me where I have done so.

It was an alternative explanation to your being here as you feel you don't have to answer questions.

Do you have another reason for entering the Religion section of a Science internet forum?
Let me help you with that, you got if from a bible, just like everyone else.

What makes you think I have read the bible? I have to say, I find it really very hard to read and so although I have tried, I actually put it down after a couple of words.

I don't think I have been preaching, maybe you could show me where I have done so.


Please share why you believe at this thread:

Where else but the bible would you get the notion of God and Creation? What would cause you to suddenly come to that conclusion?

But you are assuming that the bible is the only reference to God and Creation. I think there are many references to them that have nothing to do with the bible.

It was an alternative explanation to your being here as you feel you don't have to answer questions.

Oh, ok. No, I haven't come to preach. I hope I don't end up doing so!

Do you have another reason for entering the Religion section of a Science internet forum?

I was hoping to learn more about Religion and about God and Creation and humans and about life in general.


Please share why you believe at this thread:


I will have a look at this thread tomorrow as am about to leave work for now.

Thanks for pointing it out to me.
But you are assuming that the bible is the only reference to God and Creation. I think there are many references to them that have nothing to do with the bible.

There are none that aren't religious statements of faith.

I was hoping to learn more about Religion and about God and Creation and humans and about life in general.

Exactly. That is the reason why I asked you that question, but you refused to answer. So again, why are you here?

It would appear that you have no intention of answering the question as you continue to dance around it.

In the future, you may want to reconsider making statements of faith on an internet forum if you don't plan to explain yourself or answer questions regarding your statement.

Therefore, we can conclude at this time that your statement was indeed a statement of personal faith in what you have termed, "God and Creation" and that this term is meaningless since it remains unexplained on your part.
I was hoping to learn more about Religion and about God and Creation and humans and about life in general.

You may learn here. This forum serves a better purpose than to learn. You can learn anywhere. Here, you can unlock wisdom. Not the wisdom from me, Q, or anyone else, but what is in you. We can all help you, but you have to listen, consider, and respond. When we reciprocate, I hope you find enlightenment. Welcome.
There are none that aren't religious statements of faith.

What do you mean?

Exactly. That is the reason why I asked you that question, but you refused to answer. So again, why are you here?

The answer remains the same as before: I was hoping to learn more about Religion and about God and Creation and humans and about life in general.

In the future, you may want to reconsider making statements of faith on an internet forum if you don't plan to explain yourself or answer questions regarding your statement.

Why? What will happen to me?

Therefore, we can conclude at this time that your statement was indeed a statement of personal faith in what you have termed, "God and Creation" and that this term is meaningless since it remains unexplained on your part.

I really don't mind what you conclude. That is down to you.
I really don't mind what you conclude. That is down to you.

Again, we find the believer will not answer inquiries into their claims, they will dance around it like fireflies to a flame. Of course, they will remain steadfast and adamant their claims are the absolute truth, but they know not why they believe. Indoctrination at it's finest.

Perhaps, this is what Jesus really meant when he said:

"Forgive them father, for they know not what they do"

If there is a God, and I'm wrong in my lack of belief; then certainly, in its infinite power and wisdom it couldn't possibly care about a person's sexual orientation, or their preferred way of worshiping it, should they worship at all.

Your 'posture' is inconsistent with your postulate.
Somehow words like theory and evidence etc... have flowed into the common vernacular and lost their meaning along the way.

jahina, I think your belief is a natural evolution of human society on it's way to either some sort of Buddhist like philosophy or outright philosophical atheism. A reflection of being able to live your life somewhat free of fear. I'm sure every one of us, if we lived in a constant mental state of low level fear, would probably develop superstitions to deal with that feeling. Which is why "War on Terror" is an asinine oxymoronic statement (should that simply be oxymoron statement without the -ic?)

As an aside, I wonder, has anyone ever done a study on the size of the amygdala and religiosity? Surely so. The amygdala is an older part of the brain (limic system) where we "fear" it has some fast connections directly to the forebrain where we think about why we're fearful. Interestingly, when people live life without a lot of fear, their Gods tend to reflect this in being less badass thug and more intellectual and nice :)