
Fraggle Rocker

Staff member
This week's Washington Post word contest (the Style Invitational) is about Googlenopes. Apparently this word was already in existence, for those of you who have been following the thread on "How Are New Words Added to English?"

A Googlenope is a phrase which yields no Google hits when entered with quotation marks. Until now of course. They're on the Post's website and ours.

Some of the winners:
  • "All the girls loved my Camry"
  • "Museum of Suburban Culture"
  • "Fox News is more accurate than"
  • "The weapons system came in under budget"
  • "Three-star Scottish cuisine"
  • "Cheney's crisis of conscience"
  • "Once again, my husband was right and I was wrong"
  • "That controversial Gilligan's Island episode"
  • "Utah's biggest party school"
  • "President Bush carefully considered"
  • "Poems about hirudiniasis"
  • "Darfur condo rentals"
  • "One sexy imam"
  • "Honest electable Democrat"
  • "Honest electable Republican"
Don't they automatically destroy themselves as soon as they are recognized on a site like this? I already found a hit for "All the girls loved my Camry".
I found one for "The weapons system came in under budget".
But it was very new.
Hehe, good stuff. Thanks for sharing, Fraggle. :)

I particularly like "Darfur condo rentals". :D
"philosophical implications of rap "
"meaning and purpose in rap lyrics"
"the thesaurus and the rap lyric"

"wisdom in the bureaucratic approach "

It started to get too easy. Along the way, though, I chanced on something maybe more of a challenge: a phrase that returns exactly one hit.
Two that did:

"advantages of federal administration"
"the Tao of rap"
What's the point of these? It's not like they're special, I get tonnes of these that have no results.
They're supposed to be entertaining. Of the thousands that were submitted to the Washington Post weekly word contest, I found the winning entries were fairly amusing and listed a few in the opening post. I.e., the idea that no one has every found the Toyota Camry to be a babe magnet, or that Dick Cheney has never had a crisis of conscience. We're not all quite that creative.
They're supposed to be entertaining. Of the thousands that were submitted to the Washington Post weekly word contest, I found the winning entries were fairly amusing and listed a few in the opening post. I.e., the idea that no one has every found the Toyota Camry to be a babe magnet, or that Dick Cheney has never had a crisis of conscience. We're not all quite that creative.

Haha, okay, so the whole idea that no one else has thought it before?
Haha, okay, so the whole idea that no one else has thought it before?
No, not just that. It has to be funny. The idea that a boy would even assume that buying a Camry would attract girls is sad humor because he is so clueless. The idea that Cheney could have a crisis of conscience is dark humor because he was born without a conscience.
No, not just that. It has to be funny. The idea that a boy would even assume that buying a Camry would attract girls is sad humor because he is so clueless. The idea that Cheney could have a crisis of conscience is dark humor because he was born without a conscience.

XD I see....
New site for Googlenopers!

In the Sunday,8/5/2007,Washington Post Magazine, Gene Weingarten had a follow-up column to his original Googlenopes column. He mentions a new website, at googlenope.com, which is a reader contest on these. It's pretty clever; definitely worth checking out.
Here are some more Googlenopes I managed to come up with

Here are some more great Googlenopes I happened to come up with:

1. world's sexiest leper
2. whale snot recipes
3. the supremely macho Barry Manilow
4. nuclear winter snow angels
5. Socrates vs. Megalon
6. The Church of Gabby Hayes
7. oral sex with rattlesnakes
8. Al Qaeda gift baskets
9. Versace burkha
10. Iron Maiden polka music

There were also a couple of disturbing Googleyups:

1. nuclear-powered prostate
2. household uses for phlegm
3. diamond testicles
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