One can, and indeed, many people have, produce models of spacetime where there is no mass or energy. Please take a look at any textbook on the history of GR or of cosmology.And now you have got stuck with this...the curvature of spacetime in absence of mass and energy....So, Mr. GR Expert will you please tell 'us' after t = 0 (BB onwards) which portion of space or spacetime which you can find and which you can term ' in absence of mass and Energy' ? This will help you understand the practical aspect of GR in much better perspective than your so called formal education in GR, which does not reflect from your posts so far.
You are the person here confusing the Newtonian prediction of deflection with the non-deflection where there is no mass or energy.
But, please, let's see you prove that there are no straight lines in GR, like you have been saying.