Yes, yes, one can only smile at your dishonesty. You cannot fool anyone by making such comments after your utter ignorance is exposed. Anyway the idea was not to expose already established dishonest liar like you, but nonetheless it further proves yours and origin's ignorant stand.
I'll let our peers on this forum, your peers and mine, be the best judge of who is ignorant and who is lying and who has a history of dishonesty.
I'm not going to comment on all your dummy spitting misinterpreted tirade, but there is some conclusive remarks I will make.....
Most here are interested in science, the scientific method, and proper peer review of any claim......You fail all three.
My take which is based on mainstream papers only is that Gravitational Lensing proves bending of light (light is weighty as claimed by Eddington), it does not conclusively establish curved spacetime.....That was the point of this thread.
Gravitational lensing certainly proves that light follows geodesics, and it follows that this infers curved/warped spacetime.
And as most here also know, the bending/warping/twisting of spacetime in the presence of mass has also been evidenced many times.
Your tirade is no more than a cop out.
The path of the light from the emitter to the observer, is dictated by curved spacetime or geodesics.
The eye interprets that curved geodesic path as a straight line and gives an apparent position different from the true position.
I am saddened by the abusive participation from Origin, Paddoboy and Physbang. These guys from the seat of ignorance (as confirmed by their insistence on 0.85 arcseconds deflection as part of curved spacetime) tried their level best to push the thread to pseudoscience...
Not really...You are actually seething in anger at anyone that dares oppose your usual fabricated crazy views of mainstream science, which you have had threads shifted for in the past. The revelations that you also have a religious agenda, and your apparent past handle that expressed similar crazy notions.
Rest assured though, that your continued pseudoscience rants will be refuted in all circumstances.
And you should also realize that threads don't get pushed to the fringes because some disagreement occurs between participants...they are shifted because the thread initiator is making untrue, unevidenced, pseudoscientific claims about accepted scientific theories.
Your thread/s have been shifted because you yourself are making anti scientific claims, apparently driven by your recent exposed religious agenda.
We have two excellent tutorials on this forum concerning BH's and Cosmology in general. They cover accepted theoretical claims and aspects of BH's and the Universe that you could well improve yourself by reading and taking notice of.
As usual, eventually cranks start lying about people. I have never said anything about any particular amount of deflection. I merely asked that this lying crank give us some definition of the very terms he was using. As usual, the cranks could not do this and immediately started dodging the question and attacking a direct relevant question as some sort of abuse.
Congratulations, crank.
Our friend "the god" sees himself as a resurrection or likeness of his handle.
He very rarely will give any reference or link supporting his nonsense, and suffers from extreme case of delusions of grandeur, in believing that those participating and watching his antics, believes anything he says.
He also continually refuses to reveal his credentials, although evidence points to him being an Electrician or possibly an Electrical engineer.
He has made many many many false claims on this forum, a couple with reference to myself, claiming I am sweetpea and claiming I "fixed"and/or altered an E-Mail from a Professor Hamilton. Both presumably as revenge tactics against his own exposure and a previous handle.