Photons move at the speed of light, with the speed of light, not reference dependent. Photons also have the characteristics of wavelength and frequency, which are reference dependent. The photon flowing into the blackhole, move at a given speed, with wavelength getting smaller and smaller. Maybe a better analogy is a striker,moving at C, hitting quantum chimes, starting with large chimes, and getting smaller and smaller; quantum steps.
Space-time does not expand nor does it contract all by itself. We do not see zones of pure space-time expanding and contracting all by itself, apart from matter/energy or dark matter/energy. Space-time is a dependent variable. In GR, space-time is dependent on mass geometry. What this means is time dilation, via GR, is connected to mass, at an even more fundamental level than the dependent variable space-time.
My theory is long lived matter; behind chemistry, like protons and electrons have built in sub particle time dilation. This is inferred from collider data. If we smash protons, for example, the sub particles, once released, only last a very short time. As a proton, these same sub particles last for billions of years. If we assume both are the same sub particles, and that the proton doesn't have different sub-particles, in situ, the life expectancy difference can be explain with the sub particles of the protons having build time dilation; potential in time, that was induced early in creation. When we collide near C, we disrupt this.
That being said, since mass underlies the contraction of space-time in GR, it seems reasonable that the built in time dilation within long lived matter, begins to concentrate time, within spacetime, adds extra time potential; contact high.
Say we begin with a proton that has internal time dilation within its sub particles. As the bulk proton enters a black hole, and begins to time dilate, it now has two layers of time dilation. We have the bulk proton; contact high with the black hole, and the internal sub-particles of the proton, with time dilation from original creation.
This dual time dilation, cannot exceed a speed of light equivalent. What that means is the inside and outside of the proton can't stay independent and additive; series circuit, but rather it will need to merge; parallel circuit. This essentially causes the sub-particles to exist outside the protons, while gaining parallel time dilation; proton polymers.
Space-time does not expand nor does it contract all by itself. We do not see zones of pure space-time expanding and contracting all by itself, apart from matter/energy or dark matter/energy. Space-time is a dependent variable. In GR, space-time is dependent on mass geometry. What this means is time dilation, via GR, is connected to mass, at an even more fundamental level than the dependent variable space-time.
My theory is long lived matter; behind chemistry, like protons and electrons have built in sub particle time dilation. This is inferred from collider data. If we smash protons, for example, the sub particles, once released, only last a very short time. As a proton, these same sub particles last for billions of years. If we assume both are the same sub particles, and that the proton doesn't have different sub-particles, in situ, the life expectancy difference can be explain with the sub particles of the protons having build time dilation; potential in time, that was induced early in creation. When we collide near C, we disrupt this.
That being said, since mass underlies the contraction of space-time in GR, it seems reasonable that the built in time dilation within long lived matter, begins to concentrate time, within spacetime, adds extra time potential; contact high.
Say we begin with a proton that has internal time dilation within its sub particles. As the bulk proton enters a black hole, and begins to time dilate, it now has two layers of time dilation. We have the bulk proton; contact high with the black hole, and the internal sub-particles of the proton, with time dilation from original creation.
This dual time dilation, cannot exceed a speed of light equivalent. What that means is the inside and outside of the proton can't stay independent and additive; series circuit, but rather it will need to merge; parallel circuit. This essentially causes the sub-particles to exist outside the protons, while gaining parallel time dilation; proton polymers.