Without relativity, our pennies don't even possess two states, and without time and time's arrow, there is no preferred direction for the propagation of unbound energy.
But realitivity is perspective.
For bound energy that is matter, there isn't a preferred direction of propagation, nor is there a preferred inertial reference frame. And even though, as far as we know, there is no conservation of angular momentum that applies directly to quantum spin as it does to gyroscopes, evidently spinning at the speed of light does follow certain other rules, such as the fact that there does not seem to be a preferred physical direction that corresponds one to one with a preferred direction of propagation of unbound energy for a spinning body on our scale of things.
Time and its arrow derives of quantum spin. If you prefer to concentrate on probabilities instead of time, you leave loose ends that manifest as differences in descriptions of nature between time based GR and the probability based descriptions of the SM
We live in a universe composed of energy transfer events. If your description of nature is different from that conceptual paradigm, maybe it shouldn't be.
We do