Greatest I Am's anti-religion thread

We only need accept Gods Grace, forgiveness, and his calling us back to Him through Christs death to be able to pass into heaven.

So much for free will.

The fact that you seem to think you endured some "great trial" that makes you an equal to Jesus is... well, quite laughable.

So you deny that last quote of the O.P. Right?

Test all things of Man...

Now you add to scriptures and scriptures forbid that.

But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, “Why have you made me like this?”

You just put above that God created you as a sinner in the womb.

If you are a leaky pot who knows God does not like leaky pots, why would you not ask God why he made you with a leaky hole?

I have done much that is evil... I have judged, I have lied, I have inflicted injury without cause or purpose... I am flawed. I realize that

And you think that those little sins are worthy of a sentence of death after a suitable eon or two in hell.

You say you have judged but your judgements are obviously not sound so God is punishing you for not being intelligent enough to judge that a genocidal son murdering God is not worthy of you.

What sin?

What is original sin?
Original sin is an Augustine Christian doctrine that says that everyone is born sinful. This means that they are born with a built-in urge to do bad things and to disobey God. It is an important doctrine within the Roman Catholic Church. The concept of Original Sin was explained in depth by St Augustine and formalised as part of Roman Catholic doctrine by the Councils of Trent in the 16th Century.

Original sin is not just this inherited spiritual disease or defect in human nature; it's also the 'condemnation' that goes with that fault.

An explanation for the evils of the world
Some Christians believe that original sin explains why there is so much wrong in a world created by a perfect God, and why people need to have their souls 'saved' by God.

A condition you're in, not something you do
Original sin is a condition, not something that people do: It's the normal spiritual and psychological condition of human beings, not their bad thoughts and actions. Even a newborn baby who hasn't done anything at all is damaged by original sin.

The sin of Adam
In traditional Christian teaching, original sin is the result of Adam and Eve's disobedience to God when they ate a forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.

Effects of original sin
Original sin affects individuals by separating them from God, and bringing dissatisfaction and guilt into their lives.

On a world scale, original sin explains such things as genocide, war, cruelty, exploitation and abuse, and the "presence and universality of sin in human history".

How to cure original sin
Some Christians believe that human beings can't cure themselves of original sin. The only way they can be saved from its consequences is by the grace of God.

The only way people can receive God's grace is by accepting his love and forgiveness, believing that Jesus Christ died on the cross to redeem their sins, and getting baptised.

I find it difficult to believe you are actually unaware of this if you have read any version of a bible from virtually any Catholic or Christian branch...

Only the unworthy garbage ones.


In other words, you are here purely to preach and proselytize... or perhaps trolling. Both are rules violations you have been warned about repeatedly in the past... so what is it then? Are you going to partake in honest and rational discussion, or just continue to blather?
So much for free will.
How do you interpret that to mean "so much for free will" - we are free to make our own choices and mistakes, we are not programmed or forced to do one specific thing. That is, by definition, free will...

So you deny that last quote of the O.P. Right?
I actually deny that you know the slightest thing about Religion at all, so in a way I guess yes, I do.

Now you add to scriptures and scriptures forbid that.
Please quote where I added anything to scripture - I merely pointed out your misunderstanding that stemmed from your cherry picking of quotes.

You just put above that God created you as a sinner in the womb.
Once again you demonstrate your ignorance.

If you are a leaky pot who knows God does not like leaky pots, why would you not ask God why he made you with a leaky hole?
No, I would strive to better myself on whatever path He set for me.

And you think that those little sins are worthy of a sentence of death after a suitable eon or two in hell.
Again, you demonstrate your great ignorance...

You say you have judged but your judgements are obviously not sound so God is punishing you for not being intelligent enough to judge that a genocidal son murdering God is not worthy of you.


*laughs hysterically* You know for a fact that God is punishing me, hm? Interesting...

I've come to a conclusion, based on what you have said -

at absolute best, you are a pale attempt at the Anti-Christ.
What have you done that is so evil that you deserve to be condemned by God?

Going back to a video I saw during my nurse training from the Moody Institute

The one unforgivable sin is rejection of the offer of salvation

If you reject salvation it is not going to be forced on you

The ultimate expression of free will

In the video it was likened to someone on the way to the electric chair and refusing a pardon

Not sure if god condemens people who in effect condemn themselves

If you are a leaky pot who knows God does not like leaky pots, why would you not ask God why he made you with a leaky hole?

lmao. oh, i think he probably does. the thing is when perfection or better happens it's superseding on it's own or learning beyond god's design. this is mitigated by the war of good and evil where good is called evil and evil is called good, where right is called wrong and wrong is called right, where inferior is called superior and superior is called inferior. his leaky pots will try to attack/rob or mimic which is not a leaky pot.

that's one out of many possible analogies or directions but a kind of sinister analogy that god has an ego but is inferior/corrupt in his design and questioning that is not welcomed.
Going back to a video I saw during my nurse training from the Moody Institute

The one unforgivable sin is rejection of the offer of salvation

If you reject salvation it is not going to be forced on you

The ultimate expression of free will

In the video it was likened to someone on the way to the electric chair and refusing a pardon

Not sure if god condemens people who in effect condemn themselves


salvation is a free pass card. it has no other purpose. in essence, if there is no merit to enter heaven but just belief, then heaven will be ruined by the sinfulness just as here.

this is why you have religionists who even gratuituously and wantonly do evil and abuse the fact they are 'saved' anyways.
Do you not believe in a perfect God who gets all his souls into heaven?


Tell us, when you were born, were you evil enough to condemn or were you made that way from contact with those around you who reared you?


:) I piled heaps of Cowpat on EVERYBODY

Answer that and you will note that for justice to be done, God would have to punish a lot of people along with you. Now transpose that scenario to all of us and note how we should all end in hell as we all contribute to whatever exists in this world

I'll go with that

:) If I'm going down I'm taking everybody with me

salvation is a free pass card. it has no other purpose. in essence, if there is no merit to enter heaven but just belief, then heaven will be ruined by the sinfulness just as here.

this is why you have religionists who even gratuituously and wantonly do evil and abuse the fact they are 'saved' anyways.

Not sure you followed what I said which came from the Moody video

The person who rejects salvation are NOT saved

Free will

They go to hell by their own rejection of salvation

Of course this is all only academic discussion since none of the characters exist

But it is such discussions which keep electrical impulses flowing through my 3 neurone brain and stimulate the chemical reactions with the pleasant effect of the heart beating

On the plus side, this discussion has quite effectively pointed out those who talk big about religion without ever having picked up The Book :)
Apotheosis and learning where you are right and where you are wrong in your thinking gives both pleasure and pain. Self-chastisement for errors gave me more pain than the pleasure received in my right thinking.
My bold.
Are you saying it just comes down to your own interpretations of Bible text?

Who decides what is right or wrong in your thinking, You? Or, do you just decide to go along with some other person's interpretation because it fits in with your other interpretations of things?

Jesus, or the sage hat put these word into scriptures might be referring to this concept.
Hebrews 5:8
Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;
That may be one interpretation.

Can you give an example of something where your thinking was wrong and so led you to this '' Self-chastisement''? What do you tell your self then?
Let me add to the question.

If there is only one begotten son, who are the sons of God spoken of in the O.T.?

Who mothered them?


One wonders how it has lasted this long as a viable book to discuss.


To quote a rather powerful statement:

The bible was inscribed over a period of 2000 years
In times of war and in days of peace
By kings, physicians, tax collectors, farmers
Fishermen, singers and shepherds.

The marvel is that a library so perfectly cohesive
Could have been produced by such a diverse crowd
Over a period of time which staggers the imagination.
Jesus is its grand subject, our good its design
And the Glory of God is its end.

It has lasted because, despite everything you and your type have done, it has persisted, it has outlasted, and it has withstood the tests of time.

*shakes head* Ah, I don't expect you to understand GIA... after all, you have no want or wish to actually understand how this all works. You only want to capture it and use it to your own ends... hardly an innovative or unique goal, mind you, but one that you will ultimately fail at.

Blessed be...