Guinea pigs and Research volunteers


Keeper of "good" ideas.
Valued Senior Member
Okay before I mention any more I'm going to mention this to Porfiry,

I thought creating a thread with a few links to places that require Guinea pigs and Research Volunteers would be a novel idea. If you feel that this conflicts with your sites rules (because you might class this as advertising) I appologise, and I'm sure no one would be offended if you decided to remove this thread. (I'll edit this if necessary)

I'm going to have a little trail around the internet looking for "Research opportunities", where anyone could possibly get involved. (This is the "Physical go to a lab" rather than a "download a program")

All listed are on the subject of Psychology and the study of the Mind!


MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit of Cambridge University (UK only)
(Click "PANEL" to be taken to the relevant section)

Apparently they are looking for volunteers to assist them with their research into "The human mind". The difference with their volunteers and other volunteers is you can get PAID.
More information available through their website.


Speech Research Group, Department of Psychology University College London (UK only)

again volunteers are required, but they have to listen to sounds.
More information available through their website.

The Memory Lab University of Toronto (Canada/US only)
Apparently the entire page points out that they would love volunteers (Again PAID!) who are wither adults or even their own students.


Department of Psychology Vanderbilt University Nashville TN
(US only)

Again more research, this time from Nashville, again needing volunteers (PAID!) more information available from the link.


Psychology, University of Dundee Scotland (UK only)

Again need for volunteers, some experiments involve being paid. (But you might need to be a student from another university yourself to participate)
More information available from the link


Brain Imaging and Analysis Center (BIAC), Duke UNC (US only)

Ever wanted a brain scan??? :D Again you can get paid for participating in their studies. (Female volunteers have to take a pregnancy test :eek: )
Again more information at the above link


I'm sure there are many others worldwide, if I find anymore I'll add them and if anyone would like to add any feel free.
A novel way of getting paid and possibly being involved in some discovery... I just wouldn't get involved if your suppose to be anonymous. :D