Proposal: Hate Speech needs to be protected

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Re-read the thread and see if you get it.

It seems more to me that you do not understand what I am saying.
Im sorry that youre afraid, but your emotions are not my responsibility. You gave an hypothetical example, and I gave you a hypothetical answer.
It seems more to me that you do not understand what I am saying.
Im sorry that youre afraid, but your emotions are not my responsibility. You gave an hypothetical example, and I gave you a hypothetical answer.

I wasn't afraid. I explained I was using a hypothetical scenario. Your answer was not hypothetical. If you meant it to be you need to work on your grammar.
go to target or any electronics store buy a video camera. have a friend tape you go up to a cop and say. "in my opinion your a fucking douschbag, instead of sitting there trying to catch people speeding do something useful. there are tons of murders robberies and rape going on and your sitting here.

after that when your friend posts bail for your then post the video on here..

OHH on top of that tell someone that tell someone as a joke you want to murder the president you will be in jail before ent gets out of your mouth. yet we still have free speech right?

I agree with you.
But thats more on the topic of hierarchys in our government. We still do have a slight amount of free speech in America.
I didnt say YOU were afraid.

Yes you did;

Im quite sorry youre afraid

You didn't say;

"I'm sorry you would feel afraid under such circumstances" which would acknowledge the hypothetical.

Resorting to personal attacks, good argument :)

It's an observation, not an attack. Let's take the first quote;

I'm quite sorry you're afraid

Two mistakes in one small sentence.
I agree with you.
But thats more on the topic of hierarchys in our government. We still do have a slight amount of free speech in America.

aside from that though. yes it is quite amazing what people can get away with and use FREE SPEECH!! as a front

funny as hell

altho with the children thats soooo sad..

i have family in the military and if these mother fuckers showd up at his funeral i would go ballistic and probably end up in jail. it would be knockout contest who could knock out the most of these motherfuckers before you got arrested...

and hiding behind the "god wants us to do this" sickning

bless these bikers tho glad someone is doing something about thoes religious people with there head on wrong
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Yes you did;

You didn't say;

"I'm sorry you would feel afraid under such circumstances" which would acknowledge the hypothetical.

It's an observation, not an attack. Let's take the first quote;

Two mistakes in one small sentence.

Let me explain something to you,

you said this---->
And in public? Is it your right. under freedom of speech, to follow someone down the street, using racial slurs against them? For five people to do that to one person?
Which does not include YOU in any way

Then this ------>
So threats of violence are OK in your mind, as long as it doesn't escalate to violence?

How does the person being abused, know it isn't going to escalate, and not to be fearful? Especially if outnumbered?
Which does not include YOU in any way

I responded this ------>
To be blunt, yes.
Emoutions of one person is not the primary concern of another. Im quite sorry youre afraid, but thers nothing I can do about that
Which was the answer to that scenario that did not include YOU in any way.
You have a right to freedom of speech. You don't have a right to use your speech to violate the rights of others (slander, death threats, etc.). Your rights end when another person's rights begins.

Yeah, effectively the limitation is fraud. Fraud about a matter of fact or action must be illegal. If someone threatens to kill me, then either they are defrauding me (and don't actually intend to), or they're really going to do it, and the police ought to arrest them to prevent them from doing so. Either possibility is an illegal act.

If the threat is in lieu of some act or material wealth, the charge would be extortion.

And in public? Is it your right. under freedom of speech, to follow someone down the street, using racial slurs against them? For five people to do that to one person?

Following someone down the street would be illegal, if its apparent that you're deliberately stalking them.

Nobody should have to live in fear, with threats of violence, and intimidation, to uphold some abstract concept of freedom.

Yeah. That goes to the right to be secure in your home.

We need to try and draw a clear line between threats of violence and simple hate speech. If you actually hate people just because they're a different skin tone or religion or nationality than you, that doesn't necessarily mean you intend to hurt them.

What if all you want to do is boycott their businesses?
I responded this ------>

"Im quite sorry youre afraid, but thers nothing I can do about that"

Which was the answer to that scenario that did not include YOU in any way.

Jesus kid, you said 'youre' (sic). That's me. You said you were sorry I was afraid. That's a reference to me. Do you not understand what you write?
Following someone down the street would be illegal, if its apparent that you're deliberately stalking them.

Stalking is a different matter no? Implying more than one instance. Repeatedly, and deliberately being in the vicinity of another?

We need to try and draw a clear line between threats of violence and simple hate speech.

OK, so let's get down to specifics, what words or phrases do you think it's OK/Not OK to say to people?

If you actually hate people just because they're a different skin tone or religion or nationality than you, that doesn't necessarily mean you intend to hurt them.

But you do understand that shouting and swearing at people, and using derogatory terminology could intimidate people and make them fearful? How do those being berated know it's not going to escalate into violence?

What if all you want to do is boycott their businesses?

What has that got to do with 'hate speech'? A boycott is an absence of action, 'hate speech' is most definitely an action.
jesus kid, you said 'youre' (sic). That's me. You said you were sorry i was afraid. That's a reference to me. Do you not understand what you write?

when i said "youre" i was talking about the person in your secnario. Must i spell it out for you
Stalking is a different matter no? Implying more than one instance. Repeatedly, and deliberately being in the vicinity of another?

No. If you deliberately follow someone down the street, and they start changing their course in order to avoid you, but you keep following, you would definitely be committing a crime.

That would be true even if you kept your mouth shut and didn't say a word.

OK, so let's get down to specifics, what words or phrases do you think it's OK/Not OK to say to people?

Any word or phrase that an extortionist would employ if they were attempting to forcibly extort money from you. Only difference is that, with unprotected threatening speech, they don't ask for money.

But you do understand that shouting and swearing at people, and using derogatory terminology could intimidate people and make them fearful?

So could looking at them funny. Do you also want to make it illegal to look at people funny?

How do those being berated know it's not going to escalate into violence?

Ask a simple question: Is that an insult or a threat? I think we've already established that threats of violence don't need to be protected.

If it's an insult, then feel free to insult them back. Get in a flaming war. The right to assault someone for insulting you is certainly not a protected right, so they'd be guilty of assault if they tried anything.

What has that got to do with 'hate speech'? A boycott is an absence of action, 'hate speech' is most definitely an action.

A skin head advocating a boycott of Jewish businesses is exactly what I think should be protected. But most people would categorize that as "hate speech", despite the fact it's not violent.
No. If you deliberately follow someone down the street, and they start changing their course in order to avoid you, but you keep following, you would definitely be committing a crime.

I don't believe that, else the paparazzi could just simply be arrested for following celebrities.

So could looking at them funny. Do you also want to make it illegal to look at people funny?

Gestures can be used to intimidate people too. Pulling faces might not intimidate, but miming shooting someone might, so again, you're not being specific about what constitutes a crime.

Ask a simple question: Is that an insult or a threat? I think we've already established that threats of violence don't need to be protected.

Someone runs up to you, waving their arms around, and shouts at you 'FUCKING {racial epithet}'. Where's the line between threat and insult? You may feel threatened, even if they do no promise violence, that is the crux.

If it's an insult, then feel free to insult them back. Get in a flaming war. The right to assault someone for insulting you is certainly not a protected right, so they'd be guilty of assault if they tried anything.

Great, so they knock you down, and kick the shit out of you because you inflamed the situation, but afterwards, you can try and find them, and have them arrested. It's a bit late then, isn't it?

A skin head advocating a boycott of Jewish businesses is exactly what I think should be protected. But most people would categorize that as "hate speech", despite the fact it's not violent.

Boycotting, and advocating a boycott for reasons of simple bigotry are different things. And it is hate speech, and has no place in a civilised society.
No. If you deliberately follow someone down the street, and they start changing their course in order to avoid you, but you keep following, you would definitely be committing a crime.

I don't believe that, else the paparazzi could just simply be arrested for following celebrities.

So could looking at them funny. Do you also want to make it illegal to look at people funny?

Gestures can be used to intimidate people too. Pulling faces might not intimidate, but miming shooting someone might, so again, you're not being specific about what constitutes a crime.

Ask a simple question: Is that an insult or a threat? I think we've already established that threats of violence don't need to be protected.

Someone runs up to you, waving their arms around, and shouts at you 'FUCKING {racial epithet}'. Where's the line between threat and insult? You may feel threatened, even if they do no promise violence, that is the crux.

If it's an insult, then feel free to insult them back. Get in a flaming war. The right to assault someone for insulting you is certainly not a protected right, so they'd be guilty of assault if they tried anything.

Great, so they knock you down, and kick the shit out of you because you inflamed the situation, but afterwards, you can try and find them, and have them arrested. It's a bit late then, isn't it?

A skin head advocating a boycott of Jewish businesses is exactly what I think should be protected. But most people would categorize that as "hate speech", despite the fact it's not violent.

Boycotting, and advocating a boycott for reasons of simple bigotry are different things. And it is hate speech, and has no place in a civilised society.
Then it should have been "they're".

You used 'youre' (sic) implying me.

Learn some grammar, please.

Youre a real matter of fact kinda guy arent you? You don understand poetry or art do you?
"My love for you is like a red red rose" (That not directed to you btw)
Im sure you look at this and go, "Your love is a red, goodsmelling, flower with thorns? Love is an emoution idiot. Learn some grammer!"
Time out, everyone.

Stop with the rude/inflammatory posts, and stop debating the subject. This is not the place to be debating the topic. The proposal threads are supposed to establish the ground rules for the debate, if the debate ever occurs.
Time out, everyone.

Stop with the rude/inflammatory posts, and stop debating the subject. This is not the place to be debating the topic. The proposal threads are supposed to establish the ground rules for the debate, if the debate ever occurs.

Agreed and thank you for stepping in. I didnt read this post before I posted my last one in which you can remove if you wish.

Can we get back to the debate now people?
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