have you ever got that feeling....

While not entirely on the subject, occasionally I get ticks. Or whatever you would call them. An eye lid that spasms for a moment or to. Or literally, a knee jerk. Never paid it no mind as it is an once in a great while thing.

As for sleeping, when I was a teenager I found that sometimes my mind was so active that I had difficulity in getting to sleep. I eventually learned a bit of muscle relaxation that took my mind off of its activity and focused it elsewhere. There where times when I felt to be floating and totally relaxed. (autohypnosis) At times it is a nice state to be in. No worries, no cares, just relaxed to the nines.

If you have never experienced it then you should try it. No drugs involved. At first most people will not experience it but practice makes perfect and after a time you can reach this state with in a few minutes. It is both a method to get to sleep and a method to relax from the trials of the day. I highly recommend it...
thanx for the advice, wet1.
I shall try it smtime...
but for now it's so damned hot out here, that thee can be no talk of falling asleep...yesterday there was a highest ever recorded temperature in Latvia (can't remember exactly..smth over 32C)...and it seems not to start falling.
You can do it deliberately if you try Agent. It happened to me a few times, accidently at first. I thought it was pretty cool, so I tried to figure out how to do it. I can, but only sometimes, and i have to be in a certain frame of mind. I can't really explain "how"... but i sort of concentrate on what i remembered it was like... then sort of "detach". Best way i can describe it.

Havent tried that in years.. wonder if i still can.