He was busy... doing nothing.

Most if not all theists belief God always was.
If that were true what did he do for kicks the eternity before he created the heavens and earth and all that ?? :confused:

Not trying to bash religion here, im just curious as to what believers make of this.
he has an eternal abode

BG 4.9: One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the body, take his birth again in this material world, but attains My eternal abode, O Arjuna.

with eternal associates

CC Madhya 21.48: "Innumerable Vaikuṇṭha planets, which are just like different rooms of a treasure-house, are all there, filled with all opulences. Those unlimited planets house the Lord's eternal associates, who are also enriched with the six opulences.

and eternal pastimes

CC Madhya 11.135-136: Advaita Ācārya Prabhu replied, "This is a natural characteristic of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Although He is personally complete and full in all opulences, He takes transcendental pleasure in the association of His devotees, with whom He has a variety of eternal pastimes."
Most if not all theists belief God always was.
If that were true what did he do for kicks the eternity before he created the heavens and earth and all that ?? :confused:

Not trying to bash religion here, im just curious as to what believers make of this.

Not only do we believe He has always existed we believe that He will always exist. We also believe that we will always exist. So why don't you ask the question what will God be doing into the Eternal future for kicks??

But your question comes from thinking that God is like you. Needing kicks..

But God is God so what could possibly cause Him excitement any way?

Your question is just flawed from the very start.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
...But your question comes from thinking that God is like you. Needing kicks....

God created man to glorify himself. Is that not vanity, a human condition? He created man in his own image, again vanity. He has shown himself to be an angry and jealous god.

Yeah...he's JUST like us. I think he got bored so he created. He got lonely, he created. He got drunk, and he created the platypus.
Not only do we believe He has always existed we believe that He will always exist. We also believe that we will always exist. So why don't you ask the question what will God be doing into the Eternal future for kicks??

But your question comes from thinking that God is like you. Needing kicks..

But God is God so what could possibly cause Him excitement any way?

Your question is just flawed from the very start.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I also think my question is flawed from the very start, but lets not go into that.
How do YOU know that God isnt like us ??
The way you and other theists are explaining God he sounds less and less like a being and more like a universal force.

Orleander said:
God created man to glorify himself. Is that not vanity, a human condition? He created man in his own image, again vanity. He has shown himself to be an angry and jealous god.

Yeah...he's JUST like us. I think he got bored so he created. He got lonely, he created. He got drunk, and he created the platypus.

Seems about right to me, especially that last bit :D
Forces do not reason with human beings. Forces are simply the effects created by the universe. God however is an Intelligence a personality a being. Seeing God as a force is a “new age” delusion

But to try to figure him out by tagging human emotions and desires upon him is a waste of time.

Also trying to understand eternity is beyond human capacity. Who knows eternity might be an eternal present.

All Praise The Ancient OF Days
God created man to glorify himself. Is that not vanity, a human condition?
no, its our constitutional position
if we don't glorify god, we glorify ourselves (and moan and groan eternally because no one wants to participate in our plans on how to run the universe)

He created man in his own image, again vanity.
he created the human form of life in his image - the reason is that the human form of life awards the possibility of understanding god, and attaining the state of liberation from the material clutches - still, if alternatives are what you are after there are another 8 000 000 species of life

He has shown himself to be an angry and jealous god.
regarding the angry - is it possible for anyone to wield any form of power or authority and not have recourse to anger (wouldn't being a walking punching bag make the task of installing order impossible?)

regarding the jealousy - if god is truly the unique cause of all causes, omnimax etc, and, in our infinite wisdom, we disagree, he doesn't have the right to say "Thou shalt have no other God before Me"

Yeah...he's JUST like us.
except in the sense that he is the lord of everything as opposed to being conditioned by everything

I think he got bored so he created.
you think he is conditioned like you?

He got lonely, he created. He got drunk, and he created the platypus.
just because you may get drunk when you feel lonely doesn't mean god gets lonely, what to speak of getting drunk.

if its not possible to draw up precise descriptions of the activities of other mortals by scraping the limits of your introspection, why do you try and bridge such a distance to god's activities by the same means?
Forces do not reason with human beings. Forces are simply the effects created by the universe. God however is an Intelligence a personality a being. Seeing God as a force is a “new age” delusion

But to try to figure him out by tagging human emotions and desires upon him is a waste of time.

Also trying to understand eternity is beyond human capacity. Who knows eternity might be an eternal present.

All Praise The Ancient OF Days

And reasoning with God isnt a delusion ?
no, its our constitutional position
if we don't glorify god, we glorify ourselves (and moan and groan eternally because no one wants to participate in our plans on how to run the universe)

he created the human form of life in his image - the reason is that the human form of life awards the possibility of understanding god, and attaining the state of liberation from the material clutches - still, if alternatives are what you are after there are another 8 000 000 species of life

regarding the angry - is it possible for anyone to wield any form of power or authority and not have recourse to anger (wouldn't being a walking punching bag make the task of installing order impossible?)

regarding the jealousy - if god is truly the unique cause of all causes, omnimax etc, and, in our infinite wisdom, we disagree, he doesn't have the right to say "Thou shalt have no other God before Me"

except in the sense that he is the lord of everything as opposed to being conditioned by everything

you think he is conditioned like you?

just because you may get drunk when you feel lonely doesn't mean god gets lonely, what to speak of getting drunk.

if its not possible to draw up precise descriptions of the activities of other mortals by scraping the limits of your introspection, why do you try and bridge such a distance to god's activities by the same means?

If God does exist isnt he indeed a walking punchbag right now... ?
Because atheists are taking swings at him, well rather at the concept of him. And God doesnt exactly do anything about it...

More like, his god is being thrashed into oblivion, shelved along with the other pixies and fairies as make-believe, crushed under the heels of reason and rationale and slam-dunked into the historic dustbin of myth and superstition.

More like, his god is being thrashed into oblivion, shelved along with the other pixies and fairies as make-believe, crushed under the heels of reason and rationale and slam-dunked into the historic dustbin of myth and superstition.


He is? Where?:confused:
lightgigantic said:
regarding the angry - is it possible for anyone to wield any form of power or authority and not have recourse to anger (wouldn't being a walking punching bag make the task of installing order impossible?)

I was responding to quote above..
He is a punchbag because i can call him anything i want and there wouldnt be any punishment. So therefore, according to you, God is inadequate at his job?
Right in front of your very eyes, can't you see?

All I see is this:


and this:

