And that's putting it nicely. Good clear and concise post.
Lately I've been of the opinion that the irrational mind simply can't hear logic like this no matter how well you predigest it into pap for them and stick it down their empty crowing gullets. I'm more of the opinion that they need to be repeatedly reminded that they are not positing a hypothetical. They're parroting dead superstitious lore. The difference is, the hypothesis has its crucial connection to physical reality - usually stemming from some physical observation.
But Dead Superstitious Lore (DSL)

just sneaks onto the university green and tries to homestead there, as if legitimacy is something that can be occupied - like a squatter's claim to a deed.
Most of all I'm intrigued by the elaborate dishonesty in perpetuating all the convolutions that tie religion into its Gordian knot. The machinations that it takes to weave all of the elaborate hoaxes, only to arrive at a theory for right and honest behavior, is one towering monument to irony.
That is wrong approach, you have faith in science, so you're religious like it or not, everything whatever has to do with faith is form of religion, so is science. Scientists believe in that science and technology will solve everything, that's blind fate, until people change themselves they won't be able solve anything, it's the problem with our mentality, not with science and technology. watch documentary Surviving progress, the human ability to ask why is double-edge sword, because it has enabled us to grow in progress with science and technology, but that same question "why", economic, scientific and technological progress has also negative impact on our species.
We're stuck in in believing that more complex science and technology will solve all the questions we ask but deeper we dig, the more complex problems and questions that are solved raise a dozen new even more complex problems and questions, soon this will not be possible, because science and technology will become too complex to understand to continue this scientific, technological, economic progress. We're very close to that upper limit.
You have to be objective and also be critical to science and technology itself that are present now, otherwise there is nothing to improve in science and technology, but scientists are not like this, they like their system, and if anything doesn't agree with the present science/technology, it's wrong, because it's that's the way what they say and it cannot be changed, if something is against scientists learned all science that they have learned to this will fall apart, and that's the main reason why they don't want to change this behavior. Also, science is a big business, so it's those who have profit force use who don't have much profit to buy their stuff, because it's "better", it's not better in any way, they simply want to sell it whatever they want, and we have no right to refuse it.
Scientists and high-tech freaks use us as lab rats and use marketing this is good for you but is it really, more complex it becomes the less good it is, that's a fact. They should have invented simpler things not more complex so that we can all live in simpler world, not more complex. Because of this ever-increasing complexity of life, science and technology we have today, this civilization will eventually fall apart.
Scientists are all blind believers in science and technology, I'm not, as much as I'm not believer in religion.
You claim that religion is evil but you're evil you attack those who have different opinions and those who believe in irrational and invisible things, beings and etc.
And why would you ban them to believe in something irrational, you have absolutely no right to do that.
It means I should ban all of you to believe in science.
You're no different than church in the Dark ages was, just because something is right it doesn't mean you can ban the wrong, if people feel better with the approach you disagree with.
It's people's choice not yours.
Who are you to call yourselves rational beings, if you actually don't know anything beyond measurement and detection and mathematical equation? People's lives do not follow rules like physics and math do.
Deal with it.
Science has become dogma-like religion, because only if you agree with the system, you're ok, if you don't you're garbage. Everything what does not go alone with mathematical equations and cannot be proven experimentally is wrong, no it's not because you cannot definitely disprove something, that's the biggest weakness science has, it's limited, so who you're to push alternative explanations, if you can't prove anything scientifically 100%...
Shame on you.
You say I attack you, but it is you who started first I'm just defending myself.
You're looking for evidences, some things cannot be proven that they exist but yet they do work.
This is why the big bang hypothesis will never be proven and I noticed that astrophysicists are stuck with this like with faith. the other hypothesis is string hypothesis for example.
You always blame religion and not science, science is faaar worse than religion because it has the potential to wipe out the entire human race, while religion can't.
You talk about pedophiles in churches and etc in religion, but yet forget the key difference:
Religion and science are abstract concepts, ideas, economical and political systems and etc.. and therefore cannot be either good, bad or evil. People are the factors who use either religion, science, politics, economics and etc. in a good, bad or evil way.
Also, who say there are no pedophiles among scientists, you are implying that scientists are good, sure so were dr. Josef Mengele, so were the scientists who helped to win various wars, scientists in wars are indirectly responsible for so many deaths, they didn't go to war themselves to fight the enemy, but they have created superior science and technology to help soldiers to kill more people to win the war, that's the same as being religious and go into war against any other religion or anyone else who thinks otherwise.
You can't blame those abstract systems for something that people misuse, it's people's fault not religion.
People are simply evil majority of them especially politicians, bankers, Wall street but you also have evil scientists and popes, it all depends on humans who misuse those ideas, systems, concepts, you're totally wrong because it is not the philosophy, abstract concept, idea and etc. themselves that are good, bad or evil, it's humans who use it how they want to, either is it good, bad or evil.