Help, My Friend Turned Christian

yeah, I plan to talk to her about it. I was just looking for things that might pull her back out, or at least plant the seeds of secularity. moreover, don't worry people, I am not trying to brain wash her. after she told me I had nothing to say for about 5 minutes (usually I have all kinds of things to talk to her about), then I just told her that, as a friend, I will support her decision, but I don't like it.
cato: I believe she's on a wind up, she just telling you things she knows you'll react too.
anyway it seems more of a problem for you than her, if you ignore it the novelty will wear off, just let her grow out of it, she will, if she's that intelligent.
anyway, I still think it's a wind up.
no, she does not do things to get to me. moreover, I guess she has been going to church for a couple of weeks.
Water said: Also, why exactly do you think it is bad that she became a Christian?

Woody says: If she practices her belief, she won't be sleeping around. tisk tisk.

so what should I do?
Encourage her.

If she is as logical and analytical as you imply then she is highly likely to quickly reject Christianity. The best way to understand something is to experience it directly. The primary exception to this is suicide, but there are many who don't quite see that limitation.

Christianity cannot withstand logical scrutiny before it crumbles completely. So encourage her to analyse what she discovers and allow her to reach her own conclusions. You should not attempt to pursuade her of your perspective, she must discover her own for herself. Let reason do its thing if she is capable of reasoned thought.
calling all defenders of logic! (Atheists)


I have a friend, she is the smartest person I have ever met,

she's a nice person.

and she turned to the dark side (became a Christian).

oh my god.

she is a whiz at math and gave me a run for my money in physics [somehow ending up with a better grade even though we studied together].

it doesn't matter.

what should I do?


she knows I am adamantly apposed to christanity,

i see.

I have told her all of my arguments against religion,

i doubt it.

but she still turned.

good for her.

she even agrees that some things don't make sense.

of course, me too.

moreover, she has told me that she has a hard time believing in it, but she wants to.


so what should I do?

well, the most reasonable advice I have gotten is to encourage her, but I don't think I can do that. its like watching a friend start smoking crack, you don't want to stand and watch. maybe I should go to church with her (she invited me), it has been about 8-9 years since I have been to church. perhaps jumping in the water is the only way to save her from drowning.
snakelord - My own Medicine?? I've never cramed shit down your throat!!! What are you talking about?

And neither have I crammed shit down your throat. It was an open 'you', don't panic. Kind of exactly the same as the 'you' in your post.
It's easy. Just slip her some atheist doctrine while she's not looking. Make sure it's suttle so she doesn't notice. Then impose your ideas little by little. If you really want to convert her to atheism, you can always tell her that logic doesn't matter until she becomes a completely insane and irrational delusional mutant. She'll surely turn into an atheist then.

Of course, you can follow the following advice from the "I Hate Christians" thread:
stretched said:
Hi water,

You’ve come a long way. Nothing wrong with expressing your feelings. But if you love and accept yourself enough, you need never hate anybody else. Discarding organised religion is the first step in self-acceptance and self-love.

Or how about the following from Medicine Woman in the same thread:
"It takes time for a Christian to see the error of his ways (also called believing in the lies), so they will understand the fruitlessness of believing in a dying demigod savior. No atheist ever forces a Christian to believe anything. It just doesn't work that way."
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You are being so unfair towards her. So unfair.

Her becoming Christian is *your* problem here, not hers. That is the tragic irony of this all.

And you are rationalizing it away into this fancy "why religion makes no sense and is a sign of mental disorder" argument. You just don't accept her as she is, and your love for her is conditional on what *she* is.

I would understand your concern if she had started taking drugs or mutilating herself. This is something a friend definitely should not let a friend do.

But now, you are making it look as if becoming Christian is a sign of some mental disorder. Alright, but if you want to keep this up, you have to make a convincing argument what mental *order* is. Otherwise, you are just arguing opinions.

And how can you "support" her decision, if you so fundamentally oppose it?!

You are not worried about *her* being "pulled in" further into Christianity.
You are afraid of losing a friend.
Well to the (above) thread question, there is only one answer to your problem, take a 12 gauge auto loader, barrel to the forehead, and squeeze th trigger, (obviously praying for forgiveness whilst donig so... :D
cato said:
calling all defenders of logic! (Atheists)

I have a friend, she is the smartest person I have ever met, and she turned to the dark side (became a Christian). she is a whiz at math and gave me a run for my money in physics [somehow ending up with a better grade even though we studied together]. what should I do? she knows I am adamantly apposed to christanity, I have told her all of my arguments against religion, but she still turned. she even agrees that some things don't make sense. moreover, she has told me that she has a hard time believing in it, but she wants to.

so what should I do?
Support her of course! What kind of friend are you otherwise??

If you argue against it you put yourself over her, like if you know better. It was her choice, face it. There are no winners.

Be honest, say that you don't believe in that kind of things if you feel that way. Don't try to argue against her, everybody has the right for their own belief. Of course, if she asked you something then you have to reflect your own view or if she argued against being atheist.

Though try to be supportive, it's not allways easy to believe. Be happy for her, she found her way!
Leave her alone. If Christianity brings her happiness then thats all that matters. (I am not a christian BTW)
I have told her all of my arguments against religion, but she still turned.
Shocking! :eek: what should I do?...
...then I [just]? told her that, as a friend, I will support her decision, but I don't like it... ...I was just looking for things that might pull her back out, or at least plant the seeds of secularity...
So you just told her that huh? Nothin' to it right? I would hope she would stumble upon this site and discover your sincerity.

You[r actions] disgust me to the core of my being. :(
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