Helpful info. for Sciforums betterment.!!!

WTF are you talking about?

Do you really believe people want to converse with retards?

WTF are you talking about, Beer w/Straw?!

Most of the people I talk with regularly in my personal life, could take 30 or 40 Points off of their I.Q. scores and remain in Triple Digits.

None of those people , nor myself, would ever be able to be part of the local "Good Old Boy(or Girl?) Network", currently in place on SciForums.

BTW, one of the sweetest, nicest and most caring Ladies that I was lucky enough to enjoy a true friendship with, recently(November, 2013) passed on at the age of 64 - she was born and lived with the ravages of Severe Down Syndrome for all of those 64 years!

Mary was a great person, and I had countless very enjoyable conversations with her!!!

Beer w/Straw, it would be nice if you could find it within yourself to go easy on using the "R" word - there is a good chance that other Posters on this sight might be as "tolerant" to the "R" word as my discipline is allowing myself to be.
Anyway, how so I get somebody to deal with one-sided "moderation" that gives free rein to abuse, but won't let you answer back? Anybody?

I don't have answers for that.

There will always be small minded people who gain some small amount of authority in their pathetic lives. Abuse of that authority is as natural for them as is masturbation.
I don't have answers for that.

There will always be small minded people who gain some small amount of authority in their pathetic lives. Abuse of that authority is as natural for them as is masturbation.

Do you even know?

R U the same as on TheScienceForum?


Why did you even reply?
Or you could lie about a whole bunch of stuff.

No, I could not, Beer w/Straw, I was raised better than that - and so was Mary.

Regardless of what you choose to believe...I believe that the use of the "R" word is disrespectful on many levels.

Beer w/Straw, I humbly request that you refrain from using it in such a derisive manner or connotation.
Do you even know?

R U the same as on TheScienceForum?


Why did you even reply?

yes, I suspect that I do have the training to "know"

I always use the same user name, "sculptor"
on science forums, sculpture forums, art forums, ecology forums, etc....

I replied because 'Farsight' seemed upset by actions over which he had no control.

Human nature and behavior has always fascinated me. As a species, we seem to have a need to chose sides, and fight "the other". (goyim)---peer group identification--nationalism---etc...
People have fought and died for simple divergent viewpoints of the Eucharist.
Debate often seems preferred to discussion. Some simple scientific inquires seem to elicit emotional over rational responses, and often lead to displays of mental illness.
We are a darned curious species.
Much as you inherit personality traits from your parents and ancestors, I suspect that much of our psyche is inherent to the species. We seem to have evolved our cultures in detectable patterns. Favoring one direction/pattern/path of development while avoiding other potentials.

May we all have
the courage to change that which we can change
the patience to accept what we cannot change
and the wisdom to know the difference
8. Do not engage in flame wars with other members. The argument that ‘He insulted me first’ is unlikely to help you if a moderator has to step in.

18. Trolling is the posting of inflammatory posts with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional (often angry) response. Trolls aim to disrupt normal on-topic discussion, often by raising tangential or irrelevant hot-button issues. Trolling posts are intended to incite controversy or conflict and/or to cause annoyance or offence.

Warning: Do not feed the trolls! Do not reply to inflammatory posts or threads and do not reply to insults. Hit the ‘report’ button on the relevant post(s) and let the moderators deal with the matter.
8. Do not engage in flame wars with other members. The argument that ‘He insulted me first’ is unlikely to help you if a moderator has to step in.

18. Trolling is the posting of inflammatory posts with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional (often angry) response. Trolls aim to disrupt normal on-topic discussion, often by raising tangential or irrelevant hot-button issues. Trolling posts are intended to incite controversy or conflict and/or to cause annoyance or offence.

Warning: Do not feed the trolls! Do not reply to inflammatory posts or threads and do not reply to insults. Hit the ‘report’ button on the relevant post(s) and let the moderators deal with the matter.

So...Trippy, could I possibly get your opinion of Post #33 and #34 in the following Thread? :!!!/page2 your opinion, does the aforementioned Post #34 fit the definition of your Point # 18 ?! :
18. Trolling is the posting of inflammatory posts with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional (often angry) response. Trolls aim to disrupt normal on-topic discussion, often by raising tangential or irrelevant hot-button issues. Trolling posts are intended to incite controversy or conflict and/or to cause annoyance or offence.

Just asking.
Last edited:
Just asking.

Quite surprising is it not, that both posts you refer to as breaking rules are mine.
Quite a few people so far have noted your seemingly obsession with me. Neither of those posts make reference to anyone in particular.
At times, being human, I fail and answer back. But as is the case with near all your posts that refer to me, there really is very little to go on.
Of course I'm biased with that opinion, do you think you may be biased with your opinions of my posts somewhat too?

Compare for instance this post of your's for instance, with my posts you seem to have taken exception to.......

paddoboy, this "twisting" you refer it similar to the "twisting" of Reality, Science, Logic, Intelligence and just plain Common Sense that seems to Persistently Permeate the Preponderance of paddoboy's Puerile Posts?

Just asking?

P.S. since you mentioned your "nose" and "personalities"!
Question : Do you know the difference between a "Butt Kisser" and a "Brown Noser"?
Answer : Depth Perception!

or this.......

Originally Posted by paddoboy View Post
YEC's are an extreme bunch and yes, are dangerous as such, but no more dangerous than some of the fool pseudo quackery pushers we have here...

...7 hours, 31 minutes after Posting :

Originally Posted by paddoboy View Post
What am I saying?
Tolerance on both sides of the equation perhaps.

I could go on with much more......

I'm asking you here dmoe, to rethink your obsession with me.
We are supposedly both adults. Why not act like adults.
I'm not paranoid. Others including mods have also noted your attention to detail in all I do....
I'm doing my best to not interact, considering your feelings, but I also will answer all posts with references to me.

You have picked me up on a couple of errors...great, I accept that, my spelling mistakes is laziness, and we all make typographical errors from time to time.
I'll make many more, as you and others will also.
But there is far more to it then that.
Are you playing that game concerning throwing enough mud and some will stick?
I could also do that, but I have better things to do with my time.

I've said it many times now....I'll let the mods judge as to the conduct between you and I, and who the aggressor is, but again, I'm asking you to rethink what you are doing.
Quite surprising is it not, that both posts you refer to as breaking rules are mine.

1.) - I referred to neither of your Posts "as breaking rules"!

2.) - I referred to Posts #33 and #34, to establish "Context".

3.) - I merely asked(quoting myself??) : " your opinion, does the aforementioned Post #34 fit the definition of your Point # 18 ?!"

4.) - RE-Read item 1.)!

Quite a few people so far have noted your seemingly obsession with me. Neither of those posts make reference to anyone in particular.
At times, being human, I fail and answer back. But as is the case with near all your posts that refer to me, there really is very little to go on.
Of course I'm biased with that opinion, do you think you may be biased with your opinions of my posts somewhat too?

Compare for instance this post of your's for instance, with my posts you seem to have taken exception to.......

or this.......

I could go on with much more......

I'm asking you here dmoe, to rethink your obsession with me.
We are supposedly both adults. Why not act like adults.
I'm not paranoid. Others including mods have also noted your attention to detail in all I do....
I'm doing my best to not interact, considering your feelings, but I also will answer all posts with references to me.

You have picked me up on a couple of errors...great, I accept that, my spelling mistakes is laziness, and we all make typographical errors from time to time.
I'll make many more, as you and others will also.
But there is far more to it then that.
Are you playing that game concerning throwing enough mud and some will stick?
I could also do that, but I have better things to do with my time.

I've said it many times now....I'll let the mods judge as to the conduct between you and I, and who the aggressor is, but again, I'm asking you to rethink what you are doing.

paddoboy, the only proper way for me to respond to the remaining content of your Post #132, is by referring you to the last item in Trippy's Post #130 :

8. Do not engage in flame wars with other members. The argument that ‘He insulted me first’ is unlikely to help you if a moderator has to step in.

18. Trolling is the posting of inflammatory posts with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional (often angry) response. Trolls aim to disrupt normal on-topic discussion, often by raising tangential or irrelevant hot-button issues. Trolling posts are intended to incite controversy or conflict and/or to cause annoyance or offence.

Warning: Do not feed the trolls! Do not reply to inflammatory posts or threads and do not reply to insults. Hit the ‘report’ button on the relevant post(s) and let the moderators deal with the matter.

Goodbye, paddoboy.
Okay, this is like watching two angry pre-teen girls shout at one another on the schoolyard playground... seriously, what is with you two?
So...Trippy, could I possibly get your opinion of Post #33 and #34 in the following Thread? :!!!/page2 your opinion, does the aforementioned Post #34 fit the definition of your Point # 18 ?! :

Just asking.

I'm not interested in the religion subforum.

I didn't sign up to a science forum to discuss religion.

I have no interest in discussing the moderation of the religion subforum with you at this time in public or in private.

If you have an issue with a specific post in the religion subforum, I suggest you take it up with the moderator of that subforum.

You're 'just asking', and I've just given you an answer.
I'm not interested in the religion subforum.

I didn't sign up to a science forum to discuss religion.

I have no interest in discussing the moderation of the religion subforum with you at this time in public or in private.

If you have an issue with a specific post in the religion subforum, I suggest you take it up with the moderator of that subforum.

You're 'just asking', and I've just given you an answer.

I had only asked because of your Post #130.

Thank you for replying, Trippy.
As the religion moderator, here is my two cents:

Grow up, both of you.
Stop this whole "tit for tat" thing... if you can't say something on topic with some sort of supporting reasoning, then don't reply to the topic, period.

As it is, I have refrained from any sort of moderator action because, honestly, you are both going at each other in about equal amounts... so any sort of moderation action I take would be applied equally and generously to both of you... and I doubt that is the desired outcome for either of you.