Actually there is a distinction between the gayatri meter and the gayatri mantra
Regardless of the numerous gayatris given by vedic authority, the central one, common to all schools is the brahma gayatri
BG 10.35: Of the hymns in the Sāma Veda I am the Bṛhat-sāma, and of poetry I am the Gāyatrī. Of months I am Mārgaśīrṣa [November-December], and of seasons I am flower-bearing spring.
Like the gayatri meter there are 16 108 different meters (according to the Chandas anyway - presently only a handful remain) - I read on Wikipedia (don't know if its true) that the theme song for battle star galactica is an abbreviated form of the gayatri meter ......
The gayatri mantra is a specific mantra - it is chanted by lots of different people, sometimes even school kids in morning parade in India, (even a few indian influenced western musicians bring out some versions of the gayatri mantra from time to time) - but according to the vedas it is a silent meditation performed by those that have undergone brahminical initiation at the three junctions of the day (one hour before sunrise, at midday and twilight)
The problem is that the gayatri is meant for spiritually advanced persons and thus it is not advocated as a general means for the conditioned soul to come to the platform of spiritual emancipation - in other words understanding what the gayatri mantra "means" is not so straight forward as reading a translation or someone's commentary on it or even studying sanskrit. Its kind of like having access to a compressed file but not being able to decompress it, because the (brahma) gayatri mantra is completely non-different from god, and unlike the maha-mantra it doesn't bestow benedictions without considerations of qualifications
There are prayers in glorification of Mother Gayatri on
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