Hmm... What religion is this, if any?


Christianity is simply one individual's highly subjective personal preferences as to what he/she/it/they should be like, compunded upon another individual's highly... ad infinitum.

Without first-hand experience with God, Christianity is no or more less likely true, accurate or valid than this one individual's idea.

Besides, as was pointed out, this individual's ideals align with that of Deepak Chopra (recall the opening post?).
Deepak Chopra's ideas are based, as was also pointed out, on the Vedas.
The Vedas, as you may be aware, predate the New Testament by quite some time (they arguably predate the Old Testament as well).
Deepak Chopra did not simply wake up from a dream, and decide, "This is the way it is!"
His knowledge was based upon millenia of individuals building upon each other's ideas with roots in a series of ancient books... That sounds familiar, doesn't it?

So, based on the "logic" you unfurled above, this idea, since is it older than Christianity and has been through many, many more people, is more likely to be correct.
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Christianity is simply one individual's highly subjective personal preferences as to what he/she/it/they should be like, compunded upon another individual's highly... ad infinitum.

Without first-hand experience with God, Christianity is no or more less likely true, accurate or valid than this one individual's idea.

Besides, as was pointed out, this individual's ideals align with that of Deepak Chopra (recall the opening post?).
Deepak Chopra's ideas are based, as was also pointed out, on the Vedas.
The Vedas, as you may be aware, predate the New Testament by quite some time (they arguably predate the Old Testament as well).
Deepak Chopra did not simply wake up from a dream, and decide, "This is the way it is!"
His knowledge was based upon millenia of individuals building upon each other's ideas with roots in a series of ancient books... That sounds familiar, doesn't it?

So, based on the "logic" you unfurled above, this idea, since is it older than Christianity and has been through many, many more people, is more likely to be correct.

But there still remains some similar issues - for instance in the vedas god (bhagavan) is referred to in the masculine (purusa) and his energy (which includes not only the phenomenal world, but also the living entities subject to illusion/enlightenment are called prakrti (feminine).
The distinction on gender is based on what is the energetic and what is the energy or what is the enjoyer and what is the enjoyed- interesting to note is that the living entity in the material world, regardless of whether they have the body of a male or female, is referred to also as purusa - the principle is that illusory life is composed of the notion of imitating god's activities (being the center of enjoyment as opposed to a co-operator in god's enjoyment).

Therefore in the vedas, god is referred to as a "he", but the material standards of gender and their inter-relationship doesn't necessarily tally
Recently, I saw Deepak Chopra on the Colbert Report, in which he described my exact thoughts about the afterlife. Basically, what you think happens when you die, DOES happen.
Reminds me of a Dilbert TV Episode where he dies, and the afterlife turns out to be an office cubicle. He is revived, and later finds a group of people who (due toi a bizarre accident) believe that when you die you spend eternity with Wally. He then gets bashed over the head and ends up in altenate afterlife, where there are two cubicles and Wally is in the other one.