Hollywood Star Castigated For Attacking Muslims


You missed the point entirely, If the same were to happen in a Euro country, the whole continent would be in an uproar. In Latin America, whoever tried this would be crucified. Muslims appear as if they do not really care because they are not doing anything about it, at least show displease damn it!.
this is why Euros and Muslism dont see eye to eye. When have the muslim peoples in or outside of muslim countries expressed displease or anger with what is practiced in Saudi Arabia, Nigeria or elsewhere?, Did Pakistanis and Syrians condenm the stonings in Nigeria?. i guess we should just let the Euros and Americans worry about Muslim plight

Muslims appear as if they do not really care because they are not doing anything about it, at least show displease damn it!.
how would you know what muslims may or may not appear to be doing/thinking/feeling? Do you have any knowledge or contact with muslims at grass roots level? I think not.

Did Pakistanis and Syrians condenm the stonings in Nigeria?.
did they? How would you know? how many pak/syr muslims do you socialise with huh?
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pot bloody head:

whether Islam advocates this or not is irrelevant to the discussion.
the point is that these immigrants come to Europe with these values, and many others that are in contradiction to the western ones. and moreover, they look DOWN on these western values as "corrupt" and "inferior"

listen up jabotinsky, I swear to god if you don't stop acting like a baffoon, I'm going to come to israel or wherever the hell it is you are, find you out and pop a cap in yo ass.... :D

whether Islam advocates this or not is irrelevant to the discussion
since the discussion is about islam I would have thought it was highly relevent, in fact crucial. Dickhead.

many others that are in contradiction to the western ones
so your placing higher validity on those set of values than that those that muslims may hold?
furthermore the fact that there maybe difference of opinion regarding "values" this shouldnt mitigate basic human rights to freedom of living a normal life, as long as the laws of the land are adhered to then there is no problem.
give examples of these great high and mighty western values that are being contradicted?

and moreover, they look DOWN on these western values as "corrupt" and "inferior"
and the western shitkickers regard the others' opinions as backwards.
you have done nothing but to highlight differences based on ignorance, and not put forward a valid case for anything.
I read often in posts written by Muslims that when one criticizes Islam one doesn’t understand Islam and if one studies Islam one can be converted to Islam. That’s the same arguments Jehovah’s Witness have for anyone not a JW. They refuse to accept any criticism unless you study their bible for a while, even after you study their bible and refuse to join them then they say you know the truth but you reject it out of pure stubbornness or ignorance. I do not follow my religion or anybody else’s religion, I believe that all religions especially the Judeo/Christian/Islam are false and at most pipe dreams.

What are dangerous in our times are the Muslim fundamentalist’s movements such as al Quida that’s not only going after the US but all who stand in defiance of their beliefs, bombing and executing Muslim men, women, intellectuals, writers and just people. Al Quida and other Islamists fundamental groups have declared war on US and all its citizens. They have declared war on ME.

What makes the rest of the Muslim population suspect is the fact that they haven’t come out and condemn these terrorists groups. After the trade center bombings there was wide spread celebration throughout the Muslim kingdoms. Huge masses of Muslims happy at the thought that American citizens were being blown up. I’m sorry, But as far as I am concerned unless you all come out and condemn this criminal,Osama you are all suspect in my mind.
Greco - just because a religion looks like a unified front from outside doesn't mean anything to the people inside. Look at "Christianity", for instance... the Irish Catholics and Protestants killed each other for years, and they're both Christian.

The fact that a "respected Muslim leader" says that he hates the USA and wants them to explode doesn't mean that this is what Muslims think. Patrick Buchanan is a "respected Christian leader" who advocated nuclear weapon solutions to everyday problem for years - he still runs for president whenever he can.

Furthermore, if the Muslim world is not crying about the WTC bombings, that's probably because it's not a big deal to them. After all, an attack that kills 3000 people is bad news, but it doesn't measure up to something like the <a href="http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m0907/5_57/98753140/p1/article.jhtml">Union Carbide disaster</a>, which is still largely blamed on the leniency of safety inspection in US foreign business practice.

Many people in other countries (who view the USA as a unified front, even though it too is not) suffer from US business practices. (I sometimes also mention the Kader Toy incident, although the present line on that "accident" is that Kader is a Hong Kong-based company and that they (the Chinese, presumably) were doing it to themselves.) Given that US business practice usually does not consider the welfare of foreigners to be worth much, it's not totally unreasonable for people in foreign countries to hate the Americans as much as the Americans now hate other groups of people.

You should consider that if the terrorists were trying to destroy symbols of American Freedom they could have aimed at better ones, like the White House, the House of Representatives, or the Statue of Liberty. Instead, they aimed at the WTC, which is the symbol of American COMMERCE.

The only "celebration" I recall from the WTC bombings was supposed to have been a clip of people cheering from Palestine; recent allegations on Sciforums have been made to the effect that the clip was archival "cheering" footage from some other event that was being used to incite anger in the US.

However, even if the Palestinians were cheering because the WTC blew up, you have to bear in mind that (last I checked) the US gives some $10 billion worth of support to Israel every year. The Palestinians may feel that the US sides with Israel... and so it should not be a surprise that they hate the US as well.

EDIT for clarity... my wording was a little poor.
Proud_Muslim said:
And who give a SHIT about you or the Euros ??


Yes, so why should Euros care about Muslims in Europe?, tell them to leave if they dont want to follow French law if thats your attitude.

btw, I dont think Argentina is a blood thirsty nation. Matter of fact, we have had a number of terrorist attacks in Argentina as well (by derranged fundamentalist). Also, this mindset you have that some people are sub-human and others are not, now i see why Muslim women get treated like shyt in some muslim countries.

Proud_Muslim said:
The one who hears the above BS would think that the muslim world is EVIL place filled with terrorists and criminals ??

This ESO have not even left his own small town all his life, he does not know how life looks like in other countries ?

why should me, SYRIAN, condemn the stoning in Nigeria ? it is the NIGERIANS WISHES and you should respect it...they want SHARIA LAW and it is not your business to tell them this is barbaric, because they think you are barbaric, and guess what ? they are right.

Why should i respect barbaric acts?, why should anyone?. I am no moral/cultural absolutist, but i know barbaric acts when i see it and they should always be met by disdain, specially people or countries are closely tied by religious dogma... More reason why Euros and Muslim dont see eye to eye.
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BigBlueHead said:
BigBlueHead:Greco - just because a religion looks like a unified front from outside doesn't mean anything to the people inside. Look at "Christianity", for instance... the Irish Catholics and Protestants killed each other for years, and they're both Christian.

Greco: Agree

BigBlueHead: The fact that a "respected Muslim leader" says that he hates the USA and wants them to explode doesn't mean that this is what Muslims think. Patrick Buchanan is a "respected Christian leader" who advocated nuclear weapon solutions to everyday problem for years - he still runs for president whenever he can.

Greco: Agree

BigBlueHead: Furthermore, if the Muslim world is not crying about the WTC bombings, that's probably because it's not a big deal to them. After all, an attack that kills 3000 people is bad news, but it doesn't measure up to something like the Union Carbide disaster, which is still largely blamed on the leniency of safety inspection in US foreign business practice.

Greco: Highly disagree. Comparing a cold blooded terrorist act to an industrial accident is comparing apples to oranges. The former was a plan years in the planning, a plan on maximizing a body count. It could have a lot worse if the towers were fully manned and had collapsed earlier. The latter was an accident, granted safety measures weren’t up to snuff, it could have been bad management, bad training, irresponsible worker conduct but it wasn’t a premeditated act.

BigBlueHead: Many people in other countries (who view the USA as a unified front, even though it too is not) suffer from US business practices. (I sometimes also mention the Kader Toy incident, although the present line on that "accident" is that Kader is a Hong Kong-based company and that they (the Chinese, presumably) were doing it to themselves.) Given that US business practice usually does not consider the welfare of foreigners to be worth much, it's not totally unreasonable for people in foreign countries to hate the Americans as much as the Americans now hate other groups of people

Greco: Highly disagree. US business practices in foreign countries are governed under the rules of that country. It is that countries responsibility to protect the rights of their workers. If other nationalities hate America for poor business practices they are blaming the wrong people.

BigBlueHead: You should consider that if the terrorists were trying to destroy symbols of American Freedom they could have aimed at better ones, like the White House, the House of Representatives, or the Statue of Liberty. Instead, they aimed at the WTC, which is the symbol of American COMMERCE.

Greco: Highly disagree. The terrorists are aiming at American commerce because that’s Americas life line. Kill our commerce and you kill America. Commerce is the jugular vein of America.

BigBlueHead: The only "celebration" I recall from the WTC bombings was supposed to have been a clip of people cheering from Palestine; recent allegations on Sciforums have been made to the effect that the clip was archival "cheering" footage from some other event that was being used to incite anger in the US.

Greco: Highly disagree. There was wide spread celebration and elation in several Muslim countries. At last the great Satan, America had been hurt. America after all can bleed just like every one. Secret joy in all Muslims heart for the destruction of the infidels.

BigBlueHead: However, even if the Palestinians were cheering because the WTC blew up, you have to bear in mind that (last I checked) the US gives some $10 billion worth of support to Israel every year. The Palestinians may feel that the US sides with Israel... and so it should not be a surprise that they hate the US as well.

Greco: Highly disagree. I’ve been following the Jewish/Palestinian story for years. The Palestinians will not rest until Israel is defeated. It’s the Palestinians that perpetuate the cycle of violence, financed by outside sources.
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Greco said:
US business practices in foreign countries are governed under the rules of that country. It is that countries responsibility to protect the rights of their workers. If other nationalities hate America for poor business practices they are blaming the wrong people.

It was Stalin's responsibility to protect the rights of the Soviet; he did not. Many of the countries involved in these sorts of business deal are poor and are willing to overlook mistreatment of their citizens for money. Are US businesses justified in (effectively) bribing a country to be permitted to abuse its citizens? If the US government does not feel like noticing, does that make it all right? If the US is such a great country, there should be some accountability somewhere, hopefully in the government.

Businesses are out to make money, and they will do whatever they can, I understand that. The reason why you should be concerned is that, as part of the Unified Front of the United States, you are considered personally responsible for the abuses performed by American businesses in the same way that "Muslims" are considered responsible for terrorism.

I’ve been following the Jewish/Palestinian story for years. The Palestinians will not rest until Israel is defeated. It’s the Palestinians that perpetuate the cycle of violence, financed by outside sources.

I don't really care whose fault it is... I explained why the Palestinians might cheer, i.e. the US supports their enemies. Since the Israel/Palestine conflict isa particularly thorny issue, I'd prefer if it didn't become part of this discussion.
ScrollMaker said:
I don't understand why Proud_Muslim calls Jews, Nazis.

After seeing these pictures, you will understand why I call the JEWS who support Israel as NAZIS:


The Israelis are not the one instigating the violence between the cultures. They are not "rewarded" by killing as many people as possible. I do believe that Israelis and the Palestinians should share the land of Israel equally,

Share the land of Israel ?? since when israel has any land ????

but it was the Palestinians' own choice not to live side by side with the Jews.

The palestineans ALLOWED the jews to live with them side by side for centuries, but certainly we will not allow JEWISH SQUATTERS WHO CAME FROM RUSSIA,POLAND, GERMANY AND EASTERN EUROPE TO LIVE WITH US, WE WILL PACK THEM AND SEND THEM TO WHERE THEY CAME FROM.


I would like to know what horrible atrocities the Israelis' are doing to the Palestinians that you are speaking of.

I dont blame you, you watch so much FOX JEWS and the CNN, here is SMALL TINY EXAMPLES OF THE ATROCITIES those NAZI jews are committing:




I assure you, it is not the Israelis who keep breaking the peace process. Proud_Muslim, people will take you more seriously if you keep your caps lock under control.

And who is building ILLEGAL JEWISH SETTLEMENTS on our land ??

Who is building this ILLEGAL APARTHEID WALL on our land ??




PS: It's funny how topics like these branch off from a Welsh star to Israel and Palestine.

You have to ask this NAZI JEW who came to this thread defending this welsh nut views, i am wondering how his reaction will be if this welsh nut said the same thing about JEWS ???????? I am sure the HELL WILL BREAK LOSE.

otheadp said:
and equating those 2 points within the context of .

wow we have a a jewbee here and he is trying to act that he is a peaceful perrson. Now this is the joke of the century. lol
Greco said:
I read often in posts written by Muslims that when one criticizes Islam one doesn’t understand Islam and if one studies Islam one can be converted to Islam.

In Which posts do you read such stuff ?? some examples ??

I do not follow my religion or anybody else’s religion, I believe that all religions especially the Judeo/Christian/Islam are false and at most pipe dreams.

Me too, I believe you have big pipe in your brain, no ?

What are dangerous in our times are the Muslim fundamentalist’s movements such as al Quida that’s not only going after the US but all who stand in defiance of their beliefs, bombing and executing Muslim men, women, intellectuals, writers and just people. Al Quida and other Islamists fundamental groups have declared war on US and all its citizens. They have declared war on ME.

Be careful, if there was ever life on mars, there must be some AL QAEDA OPERATIVES THERE WHO ARE AFTER YOU TO GET YOU !! :D

I heard that Nasa lost contact with its robot on Mars, when will we hear about CONNECTIONS between this and ALQAEDA ?? :D

What makes the rest of the Muslim population suspect is the fact that they haven’t come out and condemn these terrorists groups.

Muslims dont like FOX JEWS and the CNN, you know ! :D


Muslims all over the world condemnd terrorism, even our scholars issued FATWAS condeming terrorism, here you have some examples:

-Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi Condemns Attacks Against Civilians: Forbidden in Islam


-BBC NEWS : Saudi clerics condemn terrorism


-Islamic scholars condemn terrorism in USA:


-A Message from the Council on American-Islamic Relations:


-Muslim Americans Condemn Attack :


-Bin Laden's idea of 'jihad' is out of bounds, scholars say:


-British Muslims condemn the terrorist attacks:


-Canadian Muslims condemn terrorist attacks:


- BBC: Islamic world deplores US losses:


-Muslim Reactions to September 11th:

http://www.crescentlife.com/heal ..._to_sept_11.htm



In the name of Islamic solidarity, we, the Foreign Ministers of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), have gathered in Kuala Lumpur to state our collective resolve to combat terrorism and to respond to developments affecting Muslims and Islamic countries in the aftermath of the 11th September attacks...


-Muslim World Condemns Attacks on U.S:


- NATIONAL GEOGRAPHY:Koran a Book of Peace, Not War, Scholars Say:

-BBC: UK Muslims condemn 'lunatic fringe':


-Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has strongly condemned the suicide terrorist attacks in New York and Washington:


And many more examples.....

The problem is the zionist-controled HYPOCRITICAL western media that wants to show Islam and muslims always as barbarians and terrorists, they dont give us the chance to speak and show you the 'OTHER' side of tolerant peaceful compassionate Islam, the REAL ISLAM.

After the trade center bombings there was wide spread celebration throughout the Muslim kingdoms.

I thought it was THE ISRAELIS who were caught celebrating:


Huge masses of Muslims happy at the thought that American citizens were being blown up. I’m sorry, But as far as I am concerned unless you all come out and condemn this criminal,Osama you are all suspect in my mind.

big f*ckin deal. political leaders condemn these things.
"hey AmeriKa! look at us! we're condemning this! now u have to give us aid and stop aiding the evil zionists!"

nobody cares about leaders and their political agendas for such empty declarations.
what needs to happen is "power of the people" sort of things.
something that happened in Turkey after the bombings there.

there were 1 or 2 demonstrations BY THE PEOPLE, AGAINST such attacks. thousands and thousands of demonstrators took the streets.

do me a favour, proud monkey, find me a link to something similar in any other Muslim country.
As I said, since the Israel/Palestine conflict is a rather thorny issue, I would prefer not to discuss it in this thread.
Proud Muslim you shouldnt be so proud. I checked all the links you recommended to see how the Muslim world condemns terrorism. Well half of those links are dead the rest quote some Muslim Muckity muck saying they are against terrorism.

Here is the problem PMS none of them have condenmed Osama Bin Ladin by name. Nobody has said that he is a criminal.

Something else, the Muslims may not consider what Osama did as terrorism just like the Palestinians. Palestinians dont consider themselves as terrorists they consider themselves freedom fighters so essentialy not under the definion of terrorism. So when those Imams condemn terrorism they dont consider Osama or the Palestinians terrorists.

The Saudis have come out to condemn terrorism and in secret provide funds for the terrorists to do their work. There's a lot of hypocracy going around PMS.

You ridicule the fact Osama is after me, well he doesnt care who he blows up so ANY of us is a possible target.

I'm still not convinced that Muslims arent secretly rejoicing the pain of US. I havent seen any concerted effort from the Muslim world to condemn Osama and go after him. Why arent Muslim goverments send armies to get Osama?
Esoteric said:
Yes, so why should Euros care about Muslims in Europe?, tell them to leave if they dont want to follow French law if thats your attitude.

Leave ?? they are EUROPEANS dude, many of them are native French converts to Islam.....where they should leave to ???? PATHETIC.

btw, I dont think Argentina is a blood thirsty nation. Matter of fact, we have had a number of terrorist attacks in Argentina as well (by derranged fundamentalist). Also, this mindset you have that some people are sub-human and others are not, now i see why Muslim women get treated like shyt in some muslim countries.


Why should i respect barbaric acts?,

Why should I listen to 'uncircumcized animals' ??

why should anyone?. I am no moral/cultural absolutist, but i know barbaric acts when i see it and they should always be met by disdain, specially people or countries are closely tied by religious dogma... More reason why Euros and Muslim dont see eye to eye.

Did you get your visa to spain yet ??? :rolleyes:
Greco said:
Proud Muslim you shouldnt be so proud. I checked all the links you recommended to see how the Muslim world condemns terrorism. Well half of those links are dead the rest quote some Muslim Muckity muck saying they are against terrorism.

The last time I checked these links before I posted them, they were fine...mmm :confused:

What do you want from us ?? to put microphone from our balconies screaming day and night that we are against terrorism ??? GET A LIFE.

Here is the problem PMS none of them have condenmed Osama Bin Ladin by name. Nobody has said that he is a criminal.

because they dont believe he was after 9/11 specially after you see these pictures:


Something else, the Muslims may not consider what Osama did as terrorism

9/11 was horrible terrorist act, every muslim agree on that apart from some nuts which you find in every religion.

just like the Palestinians. Palestinians dont consider themselves as terrorists they consider themselves freedom fighters

Indeed, the Palestineans are FREEDOM FIGHTERS, they are NOT terrorists, we all support them and we are PROUD of it.

so essentialy not under the definion of terrorism.

And who define terrorism ??? you ???

The UN so far failed to get a conseus on the defenition of terrorism and now you want to tell me what is terrorism ????

So when those Imams condemn terrorism they dont consider Osama or the Palestinians terrorists.

If Osama did 9/11 then he is terrorist, the PALESTINEANS are NOT terrorists, they are fighting for FREEDOM and SELF-DETERMINATION.

Do you call George Washington who faught the british a TERRORIST ????

The Saudis have come out to condemn terrorism and in secret provide funds for the terrorists to do their work. There's a lot of hypocracy going around PMS.

And where did you get that from ?? Ah I see, FOX JEWS at it again ! :rolleyes:

You ridicule the fact Osama is after me, well he doesnt care who he blows up so ANY of us is a possible target.

Including me because for him and his henchmen, moderate muslims like me are sell out muslims.

I'm still not convinced that Muslims arent secretly rejoicing the pain of US.


I havent seen any concerted effort from the Muslim world to condemn Osama and go after him. Why arent Muslim goverments send armies to get Osama?

ok there proud monkey.
blowing up children eating pizza, on purpose, is not terrorism
and osama is not responsible for 9/11... there's no Muhammad Atta... infact, these planes just fell outta the sky. no, they were shut down by the Mossad
and it is the west who are the terrorists.. terrorizing those poor fundies in Afghanistan
PMS: What do you want from us ?? to put microphone from our balconies screaming day and night that we are against terrorism ??? GET A LIFE.

Greco: Yes, and even more, go after those SOB’s

PMS: because they don’t believe he was after 9/11 especially after you see these pictures:


Greco: You got to be shitting me PMS, I thought I you were a bit smarter than that. If that jet dint crash into the Pentagon then where is it? Where are its passengers? If this is some sort of conspiracy then the entire FAA control system is in on it including the airlines. Do you understand PMS that every aircraft in the sky is controlled from the moment it lives the gate to the moment it lands. Do you know that there’s radar information that is recorded for all flights? If it was a conspiracy then all the airlines personnel are in it, the air traffic controllers on the control tower were in on it, the TRACON (radar control air traffic) were in on it, all relatives of the passengers were in on it. You got to get a better source for you facts then idiots from France.

PMS: Indeed, the Palestinians are FREEDOM FIGHTERS, they are NOT terrorists, we all support them and we are PROUD of it.

Greco: You have a twisted sense of justice. Blowing up innocent children and women are the stuff that cowards are made off. If a Palestinian wants to show me courage then let him fight the Israeli military, my heart will be with him, but not killing innocent children that’s a vile and abhorrent act.

PMS: And who define terrorism ??? you ???

Greco: Terrorism is like pornography I know when I see it.

PMS: If Osama did 9/11 then he is terrorist, the PALESTINEANS are NOT terrorists, they are fighting for FREEDOM and SELF-DETERMINATION.

Greco: Osama himself has taken credit what other proof do you want?

PMS: Do you call George Washington who faught the british a TERRORIST ????

Greco: There you go again. If you can not distinguish between freedom fighting and terrorism then this conversation is hopeless.


Greco: I expect them to make an effort. Condemn Osama as a criminal and do everything to catch him. Where’s the co-operation PMS?
Greco said:
PMS: What do you want from us ?? to put microphone from our balconies screaming day and night that we are against terrorism ??? GET A LIFE.

Greco: Yes, and even more, go after those SOB’s

Get a life you moron.

Greco: You got to be shitting me PMS,

I am indeed.

I thought I you were a bit smarter than that. If that jet dint crash into the Pentagon then where is it?

You have to ask those who FABRICATED IT in the first place.

Where are its passengers?

Ask the CIA.

If this is some sort of conspiracy then the entire FAA control system is in on it including the airlines.

Not necessiarly, hijacking plane and hinding it does not need the entire FAA control system..


WHERE IS THE BLACK BOX ??????????????

PMS: Indeed, the Palestinians are FREEDOM FIGHTERS, they are NOT terrorists, we all support them and we are PROUD of it.

Greco: You have a twisted sense of justice. Blowing up innocent children and women are the stuff that cowards are made off.

I agree, and that is what the NAZI ISRAELIS are doing, here is SOME PICTURES:


If a Palestinian wants to show me courage then let him fight the Israeli military, my heart will be with him, but not killing innocent children that’s a vile and abhorrent act.

Fair enough, then send the palestineans what you send the NAZI ISRAELIS and you will find the palestineans fighting the Israeli military.

you give Israel about 9 BILLION dollar every year, while you give SHIT to the palestinean........here is some illustrations:


The U.S. gives $15,139,178 per day to the Israeli
government and military and $568,744 to Palestinian NGO's


PMS: And who define terrorism ??? you ???

Greco: Terrorism is like pornography I know when I see it.

Or terrorism is like beauty IN THE EYES OF THE BEHOLDER !

PMS: If Osama did 9/11 then he is terrorist, the PALESTINEANS are NOT terrorists, they are fighting for FREEDOM and SELF-DETERMINATION.

Greco: Osama himself has taken credit what other proof do you want?

Where ? he never said I DID IT, did he ??

PMS: Do you call George Washington who faught the british a TERRORIST ????

Greco: There you go again. If you can not distinguish between freedom fighting and terrorism then this conversation is hopeless.

Dont play ASS here, your country was occupied by the British, PALESTINE is occupied by the nazi israelis...George washington and the americans fought for your freedom, the palestineans are doing the same,...why the hypocrisy ?


Greco: I expect them to make an effort. Condemn Osama as a criminal and do everything to catch him. Where’s the co-operation PMS?

You did not hear about the hundreds of Pakistanis killed so far in brining those criminals to account, did you ??? Oh I see, FOX JEWS at it again

Proud_Muslim said:

He is a big reason why we are in the hole were in. Violence, bigotry and mass idiocy seem to follow your kind around.

Proud_Muslim said:
Why should I listen to 'uncircumcized animals' ??
Did you get your visa to spain yet ??? :rolleyes:

Funny how Argentina and most of Latin America has been screwed over by America since the Monroe Doctrine(while they have basically fatten your leaders pockets) yet our fundamentalist arent blowing up embassies or crashing planes into buildings. You could learn something from us animals.
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