
Being bisexual won't get you killed or bashed either, unless you're in Saudi Arabia or something. Or does that crap still happen?

I have a very good freind who is bi, and his b/f was beat to death last year by a bunch of guys that knew him. so yes, people do get killed over it.:mad:
edit: and no, this was not in detroit either, it was in a normal little town like all the rest.
Im from Louisville and there are tons of bi/gay people here. Asguard if you just found out that your bi and then told her that you know for sure that your bi then you should of told her that you were thinking about it.
I'm amazed that such crap still happens. I thought maybe people were starting to get over it.
today i decided to stop hiding the fact that i am bi from everyone and i decided to tell her thinking it wouldnt even matter
But Asguard. I dont think that makes u bisexual. Isnt the word bisexual?? Isnt it about the sex? like someone said, if u fancy other guys then yeah, u fancy other guys. There isnt a label for everything.So u fancy other guys but ur with her right!? Well if u were with her and u fancied other girls would it make any difference? In fact im sure u did but u didnt mention it. I dont think u should have mentioned it if like u said u werent going to cheat on her. Maybe if things changed and there was a guy who you really had strong feelings for then maybe you could have talked about it with her. Dont mean to put you down.Just my view.
i finally talked to her again


i HATE religiouse nuts and i dont just mean people who belive in some form of god (i am agnostic)

well read it urself

Rebecca: it takes forever 4 u to answer
Asguard90: i was in the shower
Rebecca: oh sry
Rebecca: well im sry if i hurt
Rebecca: u
Rebecca: i just hope u can forgive me one day
Asguard90: it doesnt change anything
Rebecca: friends forever
Asguard90: i would rather one girl who wanted ME than a million friends
Asguard90: friends just rub salt in the wound
Rebecca: no thats so not true
Rebecca: if u need me 4 anything im always here
Rebecca: k
Asguard90: really?
tell me how i feel when u tell me about how good ur BF is
and then emma does
Asguard90: and lorraine
Asguard90: and ash winges about hers
Asguard90: and kira
Asguard90: and bernadette and lori
Asguard90: and i am alone
Asguard90: how does that feel?
Rebecca: omg i am sos ry
Rebecca: i didnt tell u my b/f was good
Rebecca: i was telling u how i was mad at him
Rebecca: and i know it doesnt feel good
Rebecca: hey well i felt bad when my friends were like haing guys
Rebecca: and i had noone
Rebecca: and now my friends have guys who are close to them
Rebecca: and mine isnt
Asguard90: but were they people U wanted and they were rubing it in ur face?
Rebecca: no they were girls lol
Rebecca: and no they werent
Rebecca: but im sry if im rubbing it in ur face'
Asguard90: whatever
Asguard90: what do u want me to say?
Asguard90: how about that i would have done ANYTHING for u just to get u to hold me
Asguard90: how about that i would have happly given up a country i love so i could be with u
Asguard90: that sound like someone who doesnt care?
Rebecca: that sounds like someone who is in love with me
Asguard90: yea
i am
Rebecca: and i feel special b/c u think of me that way
Rebecca: but when u told me that u were bi like u got me thinking
Rebecca: and i can not deal with soemthing like that
Rebecca: i just couldnt handle it
Rebecca: i didnt now what to say or do
Rebecca: and i thankyou that u feel that way about me
Rebecca: i really do
Asguard90: what couldn't u handle?
that i might perve at a guy as well as u doing it?
Asguard90: i dont think ur that nieve to say u would never look at another guy except ur BF
Asguard90: whatever
i would have been the best BF u could ever have

but no
u couldnt see past one little thing that i cant help
Rebecca: but see u can help it
Rebecca: u dont have to be bi if u dont WANT TO
Rebecca: and if u say u were born this way thats a lie
Rebecca: cause noone is born gay
Rebecca: or bi
Rebecca: or lesibian
Asguard90: ur wrong about that
Rebecca: u decide to become that way
Rebecca: no im right
Rebecca: God did not make people to be gay
Asguard90: no
ur sexual preferances r decided before ur 5
Rebecca: he made them to be in his image
Rebecca: and is god bi?
Rebecca: or gay
Rebecca: no!
Asguard90: thats a SCIENTIFIC fact
Rebecca: um not really
Asguard90: maybe ur right
maybe it wouldnt have worked
as i am no religiose nut
Asguard90: i try to look at stuff rationally
Asguard90: god created science so anything science finds IS his plan
Asguard90: like the fact that its not just humans who have homosexual tendancys
Asguard90: and there is a reason why girls r more likly to have a 3som than guys
its so the speacies sevives
Asguard90: one guy to how ever many girls and the bi ness the girls display will bind them all closer
Asguard90: do u know how farmers know when a cow is on heat?
Asguard90: she will mount other cows

tell me how i am surpose to deal with that?:(
does that mean that a virgin is asexual?
Had the same thought myself nightfall.
tell me how i am surpose to deal with that?
eeeeeeeeeeerrrrm. *shrugs* Well thats quite a conversation you had. If i were u id go round there and stab her to death. Its what she deserves. :D stab her in the eye till she dies.and then bum her :D
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Angels are supposed to be Hermaphrodites, just a useless peice of info

Asguard90: and ash winges about hers
lol she does!!!

Pete: That was a bit insensitive of you. Where's your heart?

Rebecca: but see u can help it
Rebecca: u dont have to be bi if u dont WANT TO
Rebecca: and if u say u were born this way thats a lie
Rebecca: cause noone is born gay
Rebecca: or bi
Rebecca: or lesibian
Asguard90: ur wrong about that
Rebecca: u decide to become that way
Rebecca: no im right
Rebecca: God did not make people to be gay
This is what stood out to me. Ant, you can't help feeling what you feel. She doesn't seem to have her priorities in the right order. And she isn't right. Anyone who says different doesn't understand the concept of free will!!

I'm still angry at what she did to you Ant :mad:
It was a very immature thing for her to do!!

Rock On
Originally posted by Asguard
tell me how i am surpose to deal with that?
I think your being too hard on her Asguard, she doesn't sound that bad to me. It's not like she's shunning you, she just doesn't feel comfortable dating someone whose bi. Alot people hesitate about dating a person who is bi because they feel the person may be confused sexually, or they don't fit into the image that attracted them anymore. Also, there is a difference in how bi women are viewed as compared to bi men. I don't know many guys who would care if their girlfriend was into women, hell, most would see it as a plus.:D But most women I've heard, view bi guys as gay. Its a hard sell for a guy to sleep with another guy and say he isn't gay. Not saying its right, but it's a hard thing for people to comprehend.

They'll be other chicks who will come along, no sense in losing a friend over this. I would accept her apology and move on, a good freind is a lot harder to find than a good girlfriend.
i still think u should go round there and kill her asguard.Smash her face in with a glass. Try to put the glass actually through her face.
I'd have to disagree with you, she totally over-reacted and I sympathise with Ant totally

She did overreact, but she also apologized to Asguard for doing it. If she's not into bi guys, that's her choice. I just don't think this is worth losing a friendship over.
Just move on. Shes not worth wasting ur time over.Im sure you could have your pick of girls when uve got her out of your head. You sound like a sensible, clever, funny, well-rounded indivual. Forget about her!
If she's not into bi guys
That's her problem, not Ant's!!

Its obvious you don't fully comprehend what Ant has been through lately, this latest incident is like kicking someone when they're down!!

But Ant, thats no reason to be discouraged. You should have some extra confidence from your new job. Its always a rocky road to happiness

Rock On

That's her problem, not Ant's!!
I agree Thor, I'm not saying that Asguard's wrong in this matter. I just don't think this is worth throwing away a friendship, especially when there's many other fish in the sea.
Novody has to like everything. If she isn't attracted to bisexual guys, that's her choice. What, you think you should say "You should be attracted to bi guys", and she should rpetend she is and go out with you? Screw that. Her choice. People have preferences, and now you know hers. You kept youre preferences from her; and amazingly, when you finally told her the truth about your preferences, she told you of hers.
Hang on Asguard... You say it's a proven scientific fact that sexual preference is determined before 5 years of age? I was under the impression it is determined in early adolescence. But tat's beside the point. You are saying "It's not my fault, it's biology!" How is that supposed to change her sexual prefence to include bisexual guys? Are you trying to change her sexual preference to something you approve of?

Basically, on the one hand you are saying that your sexual preference is based on biology, using that as a defence against what she says; then you say she should change her sexual preferences. That's unfair and very contradictory.