Hotdog ethics

Speaking of hotdogs. When my mom came from Germany and got a job here in Canada, she worked in a meat packaging plant. She told me that the stores would return the hotdogs and they would wash all the green mold off them, before they repackaged them and sent them out again! :eek:

so now that we know the hotdogs have molds on them...the issue at stake here becomes even more prevalent and disgustingly obvious. Crunchy Cat now knows that these hot dogs dont just add fat into unsuspecting innocent bums but also add toxins from fungi...

the horror
I had some vegan friends who would feed the homeless, it was healthy stuff but they would probably prefer burgers and beer.
actually the most healthiest food is baby food and nutritional powder, so giving this to the bums would be muc more beneficial for them.
you see if you give home to a bum than it really isn't a bum anymore and thus giving home to a bum is irrational as it creates a totally new entity that is bumless
Last night I had an opportunity to expand my bum euthanizing ways. I am now including McDonalds food as a good wholesome source of crap and I fed it to some black woman who's sole purpose in life was to eat it.
There is a 7-11 semi-near my place that I walk to in the evening sometimes to get some exercise and get a couple of items. Most times, some black person approaches me and asks for change so they can get food. I offer to buy them food and 100% take me up on it and its usually hot dogs that I am feeding them.
Dude, you're in a frelling 7-Eleven! They sell bread there. They sell peanut butter there. You don't have to buy these people hot dogs just because that's what they ask for. It's YOUR money. Spend it any way you like!
Dude, you're in a frelling 7-Eleven! They sell bread there. They sell peanut butter there. You don't have to buy these people hot dogs just because that's what they ask for. It's YOUR money. Spend it any way you like!
I think you are missing the point. He is claiming he wishes them ill health. He is culling.