How do we KNOW that it was JESUS??? theres nothing in your life that you are willing to die for.....?
Hapsburg said:
You realize that if Jesus did exist, he most likely DID NOT look like a white dude with blue eyes?
He was historically middle-eastern, which means he would've looked middle eastern, not like a white dude.

Most pictures of him and descriptions, including the shroud, suggest that he lookedlike that. Besides, not all middle-easterners look the same...what are you...racist?
M*W: Please don't post that image again. You're embarassing yourself. Further, you're right when you asked why we still discourse with you. I agree it's a one-way street, so don't feel like you need to answer this or any other post of mine.
Lapdog: Most pictures of him and descriptions, including the shroud, suggest that he lookedlike that. Besides, not all middle-easterners look the same...what are you...racist?
M*W: There are absolutely NO EYEWITNESS DESCRIPTIONS of Jesus. The Shroud is NOT, once again, an image of Jesus. It's been carbon dated to the 1400s. Recent Shroud archeologists have concluded it is the work of Leonardo da Vinci and is quite possibly Leonardo's own image. Leonardo was a clever jokester in his art.

Racism has nothing to do with it, either. Jesus was said to be a Semite Jew, so he allegedly had Semitic features, and blue-eyes weren't one of them. This image is Caucasian, because they were made in the image White people desired. Blacks usually have the image of a Black Jesus. In India, he is depicted as being Indian.

The joke's on you, Lapdog, because Jesus didn't exist, so why should his skin color matter?
Perhaps I am embarassing you, when you have to look at Him whom you are betraying...

The 1400s dating has been found to have been inaccurate
because of carbon from a fire that occured around that year.
You should know that.

Jesus' skin color doesnt matter to me (may I honour you with the title of WITCH?)
after all, some else has a prob;lem with it. Why dont you let him answer?

Havent you ever seen St. Luke's painting which was preserved
in a monastery in Turkey?

PS: Contrary to Satan's doctrine, its never too late to turn back to HIM,
like St. Peter did.
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Here we are on sciforums debating, "I'm right and you're wrong." over and over. It is a good place to figure things out for oneself.

But, there is a lot of thick headed people who need to get past their own beliefs long enough to listen to the other side because not one of us can be right.

There are no absolutes with science. It is personal opinion that takes a fact and judges if it is true or false, regardless of if it is scientifically accurate.

With that said, science HAS disproven God, can we get past this and move on already?

I still believe in God, because science is not precise enough for my trust. There are too many unknowns, too many random chances. Observing consistent behavior is not enough for me to say that something is fact because most of the time it behaves a certain way. If I said I dealt drugs only on Saturdays, what does that make me? What would science label me as? What if I was responsible for also finding the cure for cancer, but still deal drugs on Saturday? What does science and logic say I am?

Doctors are wrong too often. Meteorologists are wrong too often. Psychologists are wrong too often. Every scientist is wrong too often for me to have faith that what they say is true. There may come a time when science knows all, but until then, I do not trust science. The natural order of things is too chaotic for me to classify that anything is what we think it is, just because 99.9% of the time something behaves a certain way.

The day that a weatherman can tell me the weather for next week with 99% precision, I will have faith in science. Hey, I might even accept 60%!

Now, I am willing to take a chance that a doctor will save my life with a heart bypass because the odds are very good. But a liar told me that Jesus will condemn me if I don't live for him. Was he a liar? Odds are very good that he was, but this is eternity we might be talking about. I need 100% precision from science to make that call.

1 Corinthians 11:14 Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him.

No wonder nobody listened to him but just had him killed instead. Perhaps he should read his own book and get a crew cut.
The hebrew hair was cut only after the time of Christ, because men deemed it wrong to take on his look, since He was God and had his own look and we are unworthy to look like that. Thats why Corinthians says that, because Paul wanted the new Jews (Christians) to cut their hair.

Thou serpent, GET THEE GONE!!!!
since He was God and had his own look and we are unworthy to look like that.

So.. only jesus is allowed to look like a woman or a man who can't afford scissors? I'm happy to be 'unworthy' personally.

Thou serpent, GET THEE GONE!!!!

Thou idiot, GET A BRAIN!!!1!!one!
Instead of offering low-browed counter insults, I offer this article from a reputable science source concerning the validity of the SHROUD dating.
M*W: It is impossible to discourse with Lapdog. He's still living in the Dark Ages. As I've mentioned in earlier posts, the Shroud is now believed to be a creation of Leonardo da Vinci as a joke against the Church. He was quite clever at doing that! Leonardo also studied corpses for their anatomy, and he would collect and sneak up into his secluded studio. I think the Shroud was made with the body and blood of one of Leo's corpses.
MW the Shroud is now believed to be a creation of Leonardo da Vinci as a joke against the Church

I cant believe you think that theory is credible. i suppose you read the DaVinci Code trash as well.
Lapdog: "MW the Shroud is now believed to be a creation of Leonardo da Vinci as a joke against the Church."

I cant believe you think that theory is credible. i suppose you read the DaVinci Code trash as well.
M*W: That theory was deduced by legitimate scientists, archeologists, ancient fiber specialists, art history researchers, and the like. Sure, other opportunists write books and articles about its authenticity as the burial shroud of Jesus, and those books and articles sell.

I read a lot of biblical history and archeology books and journals but no novels. The DaVinci Code is just a novel not well-researched by the novelist Dan Brown. I consider it bubble gum for the mind.

You should do some research on da Vinci's works.
Lawdog said:

Most pictures of him and descriptions, including the shroud, suggest that he lookedlike that.
The shroud suggested he was white with blue eyes? There's a colour version of the shroud now?

And there are no descriptions, religious or otherwise, that describe what Jesus looked like. Those so called religious descriptions came from Europeans who assumed that he was white and blue eyes like themselves.

The hebrew hair was cut only after the time of Christ, because men deemed it wrong to take on his look, since He was God and had his own look and we are unworthy to look like that. Thats why Corinthians says that, because Paul wanted the new Jews (Christians) to cut their hair.
So before Jesus, hebrew men had hair so long it trailed along the ground since they didn't cut it before Jesus? "Take his look"? I never knew Jesus was such a fashion bunny.

Instead of offering low-browed counter insults, I offer this article from a reputable science source concerning the validity of the SHROUD dating.
Hah! Err Lawdog, you were the one who started this thread on the premise that carbon dating had dated the shroud as being from Jesus' era. You seemed quite gleeful that science had proven your beliefs. When we pointed out to you that the report you had originally sited was saying the complete opposite and it was clear to all that you had failed to even read the report, you quickly changed sides and said that carbon dating was wrong. So as far as you are concerned, carbon dating is only correct if it proves your beliefs.

So now you post a link to a Christian site debating carbon dating? And you expect us to take it seriously? And you even go so far as to call it a "reputable science source"?
Lawdog said:

Most pictures of him and descriptions, including the shroud, suggest that he lookedlike that. Besides, not all middle-easterners look the same...what are you...racist?
If anything, lapdog, you are the racist one. It's a simple fact that people in the middle east didn't look like nords. Saying that jesus was a nord is a blatant insult to the middle-eastern peoples, who have contributed much more to culture than your nazistic cult presumes.
Lawdog said:
Indeed. Consider the Harry Potter books.
:bugeye: :rolleyes:
Those are FICTIONAL, you fucking retard. For fuck's sake, man, do you not understand the simple concept of "fictional story"?
Oh, wait, you believe that the bible is a real account of things, of course you don't understand the word "fictional". :rolleyes: