How should we dispose of the dead?

You don't have to "bemoan" their deaths, just a place to have a quiet time to spend with them. But , again, it is different for a parent than for a friend. For the friend do go to a bar and have a beer, but for the parent something a little more respectfull maybe.

Of course you are free to your opinion, but I disagree.
I have never visited the gravesites of any of my grandparents or anone else I was close to.
I spend time with them all the time.
I don't understand how spending time with a headstone 6 feet above a corpse in a box equates to spending time with them, any more than sitting on my grandmother's porch thinking about when we used to sit there and talk.
I spend time with loved ones who died every time I think about them.
I don't need a cemetery for that.

(and I know some very quiet parks, by the way)
yeah, i still stick with my idea of a company. "give us your dead, we give you fertilizer". the energy goes back in the ground, and they dirt and crap can be boiled to get rid of disease, if necessary. any ideas to continue this one?
The bodies should be thrown in tar or mud pits. That way they would fossilize, and our great great great great descendants will be able to analyze these remains and piece together what humanity was like in the 21st century. :)
The bodies should be thrown in tar or mud pits. That way they would fossilize, and our great great great great descendants will be able to analyze these remains and piece together what humanity was like in the 21st century. :)

100 from every race. a museum.
fertilizer for the people of now!!!!
very interesting. sort of grotesque at first. after analyzing my thoughts ive decided that it's only unattractive because i have never seen anything like it before. it is an extremely interesting idea to have a corpse for a coat rack. what a good title for a book! it could be a guy who has a plastinated corpse for a coat rack, and the plot could be a dialogue between the guy (alive) and what he thinks the plastinated guy is telling him. it could be so if there was a twist at the end to reveal this. very interesting. thanks a mega kilo! (bigger than a ton?)