How to Get to Heaven (According to Jesus !)

How can you know for sure you are saved when Jesus himself
made statements declaring you are headed for Hell ?

For Example :

" But I say to you that every one who is angry with his
brother shall be liable to judgment; whoever insults his
brother shall be liable to the council, and whoever says,
'You fool!' shall be liable to the hell of fire . " Matthew

Surely most of you have said bad words now and then ,
therefore according to Jesus , most of you will taste the
Fires of Hell and are not Free from punishment according to
Jesus .

Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
Pathetic uncircumcized animal,, when you quote what I write, quote the WHOLE sentence, this is what I wrote:

''Islam ,unlike christianity, is a realistic religion, if you hit me and insulted me as a muslim, then I will hit you back, this is what my great religion told me to do, ISLAM TAUGHT US NOT TO REWARD AGGRESSORS AND KILLERS, ISLAM TAUGHT US TO CRUSH THEM SO THAT PEACE CAN PREVAIL ON EARTH.''

I was talking about killers and it Mr. ass ?

So its nothing to do with the qur'an telling you to kill all unbelievers.

Funny how so many muslims qoute this to be true yet you deny it, are you special or something, a bit of a messiah are you??
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
How can you know for sure you are saved when Jesus himself
made statements declaring you are headed for Hell ?

For Example :

" But I say to you that every one who is angry with his
brother shall be liable to judgment; whoever insults his
brother shall be liable to the council, and whoever says,
'You fool!' shall be liable to the hell of fire . " Matthew

Surely most of you have said bad words now and then ,
therefore according to Jesus , most of you will taste the
Fires of Hell and are not Free from punishment according to
Jesus .

My angry words were not aimed at any brother, they were aimed at evil and the devil.
Originally posted by Vienna
So its nothing to do with the qur'an telling you to kill all unbelievers.

Funny how so many muslims qoute this to be true yet you deny it, are you special or something, a bit of a messiah are you??

Vienna, first of all, you complain that "arrogant people are shoving Muslim stuff down your throat", but it is you that goes around asking for it. You post so many misconceptions and stuff that we sit and clarify it for you. If you don't want to know anything about Islam, please do avoid all further Islam topics and posts.

The Quran makes it clear repeatedly that Jihad is to be done only when you are suffering from religious persecution and are fighting in self-defence, the classic example being the Crusades.
You are reminding me just exactly how perverse your religion is.

It is spreading like cancer in this world, and it will kill it.
Originally posted by Vienna
So its nothing to do with the qur'an telling you to kill all unbelievers.

Funny how so many muslims qoute this to be true yet you deny it, are you special or something, a bit of a messiah are you??

You are really so confused, you dont know what the hell I wrote, I advice you to go and cicrumcize your self, it will help.

Originally posted by Vienna
You are reminding me just exactly how perverse your religion is.

It is spreading like cancer in this world, and it will kill it.

and soon, one of your own childern will convert to islam.....days are between us.
There is a world between us, and my children will never stoop so low as to even think about Islam. I would rather them be atheist than follow a religion of retards.
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
re: Neh:

Get a life, I have no time for self-appointed victims like you !


How does my statement that I will not tolerate your threats of violence against my fellow countrymen make me a "self-appointed victim"? Or is it my probing into the meaning of your threats that makes me such?

You wrote to Vienna:
Pathetic uncircumcized animal,, when you quote what I write, quote the WHOLE sentence, this is what I wrote:

''Islam ,unlike christianity, is a realistic religion, if you hit me and insulted me as a muslim, then I will hit you back, this is what my great religion told me to do, ISLAM TAUGHT US NOT TO REWARD AGGRESSORS AND KILLERS, ISLAM TAUGHT US TO CRUSH THEM SO THAT PEACE CAN PREVAIL ON EARTH.''

I was talking about killers and it Mr. ass ?
But your earlier explanation to me had been this:
I am not threatning anyone, what I meant by my answer is that those CHRISTIAN LOSERS better not to mess with MUSLIMS or Islam, because i will open my files and expose their LOVELY christian LORD.
Can you see the inconsistency in these two statements, PS?
Originally posted by Nehushta
You wrote to Vienna:

But your earlier explanation to me had been this:

Can you see the inconsistency in these two statements, PS? [/B]

what have you been smoking ?

I asked to the LOSER vienna to quote my WHOLE statement, and I explained to you that what you senses as a threat is nothing more than exposing the christian false doctrine.


Originally posted by Vienna
There is a world between us, and my children will never stoop so low as to even think about Islam. I would rather them be atheist than follow a religion of retards.

Hopefully, your children might be less ignorant of the facts.
Originally posted by Pakman
Hopefully, your children might be less ignorant of the facts.
I will defend my children with my life against all evils of this world for as long as I can. Don't dare mention my children again.
You are on ignore you retard
Originally posted by Vienna
I will defend my children with my life against all evils of this world for as long as I can. Don't dare mention my children again.
You are on ignore you retard

May Allah bless your childern and protect them and guide them...Ameen.
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
May Allah bless your childern and protect them and guide them...Ameen.
You are really pushing your luck Alladin.

Maybe I should just ignore all muslims on these boards because they only confirm how arrogant, ignorant and peverse their religion really is. What do you do to convert others, put a gun to their heads??

You're on ignore too!
All I can say about this thread is:

It takes one to know one.

Hey, is there a moderator in the house?
Originally posted by Vienna
You are really pushing your luck Alladin.

Maybe I should just ignore all muslims on these boards because they only confirm how arrogant, ignorant and peverse their religion really is. What do you do to convert others, put a gun to their heads??

You're on ignore too!

I dont think all these westerners converting by force, but 'insha allah' your childern will be good great british muslims one day.
And I pray that all of Islam may know the truth about our Lord Jesus Christ before it is too late. That you all may know that He is the Son of God, sent by our Father to die for our sins so that we may have eternal life. I pray for you Proud Syrian, and your family.
Originally posted by guthrie
All I can say about this thread is:

It takes one to know one.

Hey, is there a moderator in the house?
What is it with you, we were all having a slagging match when you pop up from nowhere begging for a moderator.

Myself and the people involved know when to cool down, it has got a trifle heated so I'm shutting up for now. We certainly don't need upstarts like you to call the shots and ask for moderators help.

Take a hike pal.
Originally posted by Vienna
I will defend my children with my life against all evils of this world for as long as I can. Don't dare mention my children again.
You are on ignore you retard

Defend you children ?? How so? Who is attacking them? who is shoving whos religion on you throat?? At least I didn't ask you to become muslim. First thing to revert to Islam, you have to have understand the concept of God. Which you do not. Please show me where I ask you to convert to Islam. Do you always fabricate facts? Do you totally ignore all other posts and start imagining things?? When was the last time a muslims came to your door and ask you to convert, unlike you christians who try to shove their religion to the whole world and are so called and self claimed messiahs to save the human race. Very ignorant of you very sad.