Hypothetical Question


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1) Well, if you are saved, there are times when feelings come over you, you know god is there. I would think that such a feeling would come over me. In the bible, I believe there is a story of a man who upon seeing jesus knew it was him.

Just what my sick and dellusional friend Chris thinks, what a crock of shit.

2) part a: I would not believe this other deity, it would be like a magician (a really good one) telling me he was god because of all the things he could do, that I couldn't explain.

Isn't that what a god is?

2) part b: That's something I can't really imagine very well i'm afraid. I want to affirm here though, that I don't support the institution of religion. I support personal convictions

Weird :shrug:

3) If so, I suppose I would change my mind. However, in the bible, the emphasis is on feelings and emotions, such as personal convictions. The miracles Jesus did were not an overwhelmign part of the bible.

Are you kidding? That's all he got credit for, nobody would've given 1 damn about the f'er otherwise.

4) I would, because my life is not only going to get better when I die, but it got better the moment I was saved. It has continued to be good this whole time, and I wont give it up just because there is no Heaven, I am reaping rewards (and consequences) right now.

What lies, you're as psycho as my friend Chris and his whore wife.

I appreciate your responses M*W you don't ask questions meant to trap people like me. I enjoy your desire for a fair discussion, and this is something relatively rare here, especially when people get impassioned.Plus, your points make me think.:)

I ask questions to trap, then interrogate!
So nothing at all could possibly ever convince you?
Do you not see that is at least as closed-minded as a theist who believes without "proof"?

If you aren't saying that nothing at all could ever possibly convince you, then asnwer your own question. What would it take?

Nothing will convince me, there is always a scientific reason for an effect, thus Jesus himself follows certain laws of the universe which cannot be ignored, thus he is no god but a slave just like the rest of us, die Christians!
Well there is a difference between a man and a god, even if the man has incredible abilities. The real problem with this thread is it asks atheists a question that focuses more on Christianity rather than theism.

Christians are evil so that's why :p
Nothing will convince me, there is always a scientific reason for an effect, thus Jesus himself follows certain laws of the universe which cannot be ignored, thus he is no god but a slave just like the rest of us, die Christians!

None of that proves he wasn't the anointed son of God.
Where does the Bible say he broke "the laws of the universe"?
Why does it necessarily mean that of he didn't "break the laws of the universe", he can't be who he said he was?
Leaving the silly parlor ticks aside (which were likely latter additions by the early church fathers, anway), by saying that there is no way for you to ever be convinced that Jesus was/is the anointed and holy son of God (regardless of what evidence you may be offered) then you are no different at all than believing Christinas who you think are so blind and closed-minded.
Oh dear DarksidZz, I didn't expect you to respond in such a hostile way....Or to respond at all....I havent even attacked you and you attack me with guns blazing. All you have done for me is affirm your ignorance. What one raven said was right. By closing your mind arent you just lowering yourself to the level of the institutionalist christian?

It seems to me you have an issue with this "Chris" Character that you have unfairly unleashed upon me. You just keep throwing your angry emotions out rather than trying to conrol them, We'll see when you collapse into a state of self despair and depression. Seen your case so many times before.

respond angrily and watch yourself. Watch yourself feel no better than you have. Know this, I will not yeild and give you any satisfaction.
Oh dear DarksidZz, I didn't expect you to respond in such a hostile way....Or to respond at all....I havent even attacked you and you attack me with guns blazing. All you have done for me is affirm your ignorance. What one raven said was right. By closing your mind arent you just lowering yourself to the level of the institutionalist christian?

It seems to me you have an issue with this "Chris" Character that you have unfairly unleashed upon me. You just keep throwing your angry emotions out rather than trying to conrol them, We'll see when you collapse into a state of self despair and depression. Seen your case so many times before.

respond angrily and watch yourself. Watch yourself feel no better than you have. Know this, I will not yeild and give you any satisfaction.

This is precisely what I'd expect from someone the believes in Christ.
I suppose, but at least I dont maul people when they disagree with me. I dont care what you think, but when you attack me for what I do, then it becomes my problem.
then i apologize for getting your err, previous language as an attack but when you insult my god, I take it as an insult.
Well, if you are saved, there are times when feelings come over you, you know god is there. I would think that such a feeling would come over me. In the bible, I believe there is a story of a man who upon seeing jesus knew it was him

I get this distinct "feeling" that I am going to win the lottery this weekend. I also get the distinct feeling that the girl over there by the bar really does fancy me and wants to take me home and gimme good nookie.

Of what worth exactly are "feelings" to reality?

None of that proves he wasn't the anointed son of God.

But it can be shown clearly that jesus isn't god and thus should not be worshipped in such manner.
Greetings James R, Absane, etc...

This is a unique question and one I've been considering for a long time now. It goes beyond current ideas you may have and enters a new area.

If you're not currently religious then I'd like to ask you guys, since you don't believe in god what would it take to change your mind?

Let's say you are in a crowd that claims god has returned, that Jesus is back from the dead and living here & now. You go see this man and he performs miracles, you can hardly believe.. later he does some really weird stuff like floating, glowing, etc... this is real and nothing is imagined.

The question I have is this, if he claims to be Jesus and is demonstrating qualities similar to those found in the bibilical stories... do you believe him? Do you honestly change your mind and say "this is Jesus, he's real!"

I ask because I think alot of you would say it was Jesus, but I on the other hand would say it's BS still. Just because someone has special powers and is able to do amazing things doesn't make the bible true, and if a person appears telling me that I'm wrong + demonstrating things that seem impossible, well.. I still won't believe them.

You see that's what it means to know god is fake, do you have that kind of understanding? For me I would say it was wrong, that something was very out of place and even though Jesus claimed he was the son of god I would say "there is no son of god, you're lying."

Tell me a little about what you'd say or do, how can you guess your behavior when faced with an amazing thing like that? He can heal, hurt, etc.. anything he likes... do you still believe science or cast it away?
Miracles do not demonstrate divinity itself....this would only prove that supernatural things really do exist....what determines if the guy is Jesus or an incarnation of God would be if he has full knowledge of the truth....like other advanced beings (Jesus, Buddha)...

Also, you are clear example of what it means to have pure blind atheistic faith...."I won't believe in God or the Bible or anything no matter what"
what determines if the guy is Jesus or an incarnation of God would be if he has full knowledge of the truth

And how, with you not having "full knowledge of the truth", would you determine that what he says is the full truth? How would you establish that this man indeed has full knowledge of the truth, whatever that might be?

To work out that jesus can't be god, one simply needs to read his words.
If you're not currently religious then I'd like to ask you guys, since you don't believe in god what would it take to change your mind?
What makes you presume that anything could change my mind? I'm a man of reason. Science is a belief system based on reason, so on that basis I categorize myself as a scientist. Religion is a belief system based on faith. I am not a man of faith. To ask me what it would take to make me religious is to ask what it would take to convert me from reason to faith. I suppose the answer would be senility or some other mental illness.
Let's say you are in a crowd that claims god has returned, that Jesus is back from the dead and living here & now. You go see this man and he performs miracles, you can hardly believe.. later he does some really weird stuff like floating, glowing, etc... this is real and nothing is imagined.
It looks like this scenario has already been beaten to death. Our failure to understand something does not automatically "prove" that it is supernatural. All it "proves" is that we're not as smart as we think we are.

You need to read up on the "Cargo Cult," a phenomenon of the Stone Age tribes of New Guinea who were exposed to 20th century technology during World War II. They found all these crashed airplanes full of what appeared to be magical commodities. Their representatives were taken on an exhaustive tour of the mines, smelters, factories, and other plants where these artifacts were created, and they still went home believing that it was all done by "gods."
You see that's what it means to know god is fake, do you have that kind of understanding?
We don't "know" that god is fake. That is going beyond science into pure arrogance. We don't "know" something is wrong until it is disproven, and religious belief systems are crafted so as not to be disprovable. That makes them kind of lame, but lame isn't the same as fake.
Christians are evil so that's why
You got yourself in hot water with this one and you deserved it. You need to improve the way you express yourself.

I have said something similar to this in many threads without getting flamed for it. The point I make is that monotheism is an impotent model of the human spirit because by definition it is one-dimensional: everything falls somewhere on a linear scale between good and evil. Whereas the human spirit has something like 23 dimensions, according to everyone from the ancient polytheists to Shakespeare to Jung to a TV soap operas. Compressing those 23 dimensions into one in essence suppresses a good part of every Christian's spirit. This forces many instincts and desires down into what Jung calls "the Shadow" where they rot and fester. When this happens to one person you get a little antisocial behavior and you get over it. When this happens to an entire community of hundreds of millions of people you get war, genocide, and the obliteration of entire civilizations. (Egypt, Aztec and Inca were all destroyed by the armies of monotheistic civilizations.)

Now this is what I call evil and nobody tries to deny it. But I'm not calling individual Christians evil. It's the way in which their religion has evolved that is evil. Perhaps they will yet find a way to fix it. If not, they seem ready to fight it out with the Muslims, who have the same problem with their own monotheistic religion. War being what it is, if this happens it's very likely that the winner will be the more evil of the two.

This is an idea worth discussing. What you're doing is nothing more than flaming, and you're getting flamed back for it.
Also, you are clear example of what it means to have pure blind atheistic faith...."I won't believe in God or the Bible or anything no matter what"
This is not atheistic faith. This is science.

To believe in something that has been proven is mathematics.

To believe in something for which there is a huge weight of evidence, but which could be disproven, is science.

To believe in something just because you think it's nice... that is faith. I have no objection to people building their lives on faith, but I do have an objection to people attempting to convince me that I should share their faith when faith is a purely personal matter.

I won't believe in a god until someone presents a huge weight of evidence for the existence of a god. So far there is virtually none. Gods show themselves to one person or a small group of people at a time, and even these highly suspicious phenomena conveniently stopped happening about the same time man invented recording technology. Most of the things that are attributed to divine intervention nowadays are pathetically simple stage magic. Those that have not yet been explained do not compel me to say "Oh wow, I guess there really is a god." That's the fallacy of the Cargo Cult. As I said, you guys should all read up on it.
You need to read up on the "Cargo Cult," a phenomenon of the Stone Age tribes of New Guinea who were exposed to 20th century technology during World War II. They found all these crashed airplanes full of what appeared to be magical commodities. Their representatives were taken on an exhaustive tour of the mines, smelters, factories, and other plants where these artifacts were created, and they still went home believing that it was all done by "gods.
Wow that's amazing.

Interesting observation on the human psyche.

I see similar examples here on Sciforums....
Yes and that's entirely my point, however I believe many of the members lack this insight and would believe this Jesus person, they'd think he was real and give in to the superstition and ludiriousy of the bible. I suspect it would truly make those who don't believe change their minds.. I however would think "this is somewhat odd, I can't believe this is because of a supernatural thing or entity, this guys lying." I can go on but you have made the best point overall.... so who would fall for this farce of Christs? Not me :p

You really havent been exposed to much.

Many people in modern times have come and gone claiming to be Christ (find a list yourself), and other biblical figures, none that i know of have been believed.

Believing in Christ is one thing, saying you know for sure that there is no other entity w\ far superior intellect, you can call 'it' GOD or somehting else, is an impossible claim and more people think it IS possible\probable than do not.

IN some way's the term God is more significant than the actual concept. Modern science lacks tha ability to answer too many question's and get's far too many thing completely wrong.

Recently a thread was made on IVF, we are living in time when population control should be important yet science has brought us this technique that is kind of primitive if you think about it long enough. And what about the birthing of six and eight babies at a time? Is that normal? You dont see this happening in nature do you?

And the thread was on a serious defect, if some kid was born with three balls they would call it evolution.

The main question to ask is how do you get the universe and the planets from NOTHING, just does'nt seem likely.
Let me tell Ya about the real miracle GOD is supposed to do.

When James R closes my thread i will say i hope James R goes to hell for that evil did.

But thats the rule fo GODs world, in a better world if James R is wrongfully locks up threads then he should suffer just on doing that act and GOD should restore the thread after punishing James R.

But in this fucking gods world the innocent people suffer while the evil enjoy for their life times.

Let GOD change this and i promise i will pray that fucker :worship: .
^he he he....

In the bible, I believe there is a story of a man who upon seeing jesus knew it was him.

From what i can tell thats true.

DarkskidZZ:What lies, you're as psycho as my friend Chris and his hot wife.

but he has a wife, edit:nevermind, pushing my luck.....
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