I am afraid to die

that is religion defining what/who god is..that does not mean that is who god is..

But that's the point, there are infinite combinations of what a god may be, and you can only pick one, whether defined by you or others you still have to hope it's the one you picked, or at the least compatible with it, because you can't know it's right at the time of choosing. ;)
But that's the point, there are infinite combinations of what a god may be, and you can only pick one, whether defined by you or others you still have to hope it's the one you picked, or at the least compatible with it, because you can't know it's right at the time of choosing. ;)

this is where the line between religion and God gets crossed..

religion says 'this is who God is, follow us or go to Hell..'
God says 'follow me, not them'
If I could live a million life times and remember each one and retain all the knowledge and experience gained, I would still be awed at life and this universe. I do not know what lies after death but no matter there is now, and still so much to learn before I sleep.:itold:
this is where the line between religion and God gets crossed..

religion says 'this is who God is, follow us or go to Hell..'
God says 'follow me, not them'

But how do you know there even is an afterlife of some kind without the extra set of beliefs that comes with a god?(usually in the form of religion). Is it possible your belief in god is in fact irrelavent as god doesn't provide an afterlife?
I don't fear death the slightest bit...It's the whole dying process that worries me.
But how do you know there even is an afterlife of some kind without the extra set of beliefs that comes with a god?(usually in the form of religion). Is it possible your belief in god is in fact irrelavent as god doesn't provide an afterlife?

i really don't see the point of speculating or worrying about something that you can't possibly know about until you get there.
i'm with you. i freak out when i stub my toe for crying out loud.

I hear ya...I slammed my big toe in to the dining room table earlier this morning....I wanted to die..LOL

I am in no way in a hurry to die...But, I do sometimes think about what happens after we pass.... Of course, it could be nothing... I guess we have to wait and see.
Both my parents told me in the months before they died that they didn't fear death. They said they feared "lingering" and "being a burden".
This place is not real. It's an illusion.

Leaving here is no more, or less, than waking from a dream you had last night.
I am also. I wondered what comes after death. Perhaps you can face your fear and find some resolution by questioning such things. Good luck. :)
i really don't see the point of speculating or worrying about something that you can't possibly know about until you get there.

I agree, but that doesn't stop many people from living their lives differently on the basis of their belief in god, and many things they cannot know will happen after they die.
I agree, but that doesn't stop many people from living their lives differently on the basis of their belief in god, and many things they cannot know will happen after they die.

yes, but the motivation of a belief in god is not the same as the fear of death.
I've had some pretty shitty conditions, and I still wish for hell over non-existence.

i seriously doubt that you've suffered to an "extreme" extent though you may deny it. your statement indicates to me that you are using shallow reasoning and you know not what you speak of or know yourself. it's also in some way an insult to those who have actually suffered real hell or are suffering real hell. it also indicates you really are not lucid about what hell is. what you really mean is that you are counting on the suffering or shitty conditions to be temporary. no one in their right mind would wish for "hell" over non-existence. you say easily because you are ignorant as well as not in that predicament so anyone can make any type of claim.

for example, i know for a FACT that if you were a serious third degree burn victim that you would NOT reject a chemically-induced coma and would rather suffer in severe pain. the pain would be so excruciating that you would wish for death or at least to be unconscious. this is not an opinion, it's a fact. there are also people who were born in war-torn situations and watched their familes be tortured and killed or die of starvation and disease and lost everyone of their family members. there are those who have been so traumatized they end up in mental institutions reliving the horrors over and over again in their mind, have literally gone insane and need to be medicated. no one in their right mind would choose that over non-existence.

you perhaps may be one of those people who have low standards when it comes to life but plenty of people have proven they disagree with you as suicide has proven.
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The way I see it is we were okay before we were concieved as far as I know, a state synonomous with being dead. We have this brief interlude we call life, then return to a state of pure potential, whatever that may be. Nothing created can be entirely un-created as its potential to be continues to exist, and a things potential is not an easy thing to erase. Given infinity, only existence seems certain!
I've had some pretty shitty conditions, and I still wish for hell over non-existence

Hmmm, I 'dealt' with non-existence for about 14 billion years and that doesn't concern me a whole lot, so I don't expect non-existence in the future to be any different.:shrug:
I am not worried, I am Scared, Frightened.
I dont want to die, I want to live forever. But this is not possible. I will die and become nothing, very scary.

Brother dont be afraid,

You were dead and was given life, you will return to death and be raised again. The truth is with the most high, dont let wicked ways or grumbers and gentiles drag you down into a pessimistic mindset.

One knows nothing and one assumes he will become nothing due to his spiritual negetivity. You were created to marvel and enjoy what has been created and to worship and praise the most high. Do you think that all of existence and this magnificent universe is here due to chaotic random chance which is in itself a paradox of stupidity and cyclical thinking. The truth lies within that which is eternal do you not see?, everything else is just a dog chasing after it's tail.

0+0=0 and will always remain the truth because something cannot come from nothing, He will not die and he was never born, time does not exist you must understand this simple fact before understanding the truth of existence.

Pur your faith in the unseen and study all of his creations to better understand he who has created. You will hear many groans of grumblers who will repeat the same refutes but just be polite to them and try to let them see the truth also. Once you have been guides by the most high you will never see darkness so you must seek the creator and if you are honourable in righteousness he will answer you brother.

Peace be with you.
To everyone else,

Please try your best not to enhance a persons fear when they come to you for council, this truly is not righteous. If you are un-able to help somebody seeking your help and you do not have the ability to teach the truth then it is wise to keep silent.