I got a new plot for supernatural

You should contact the show runners with your plot idea. Maybe they'll pay you for your efforts.
You should contact the show runners with your plot idea. Maybe they'll pay you for your efforts.
Dean and Dean’s son hunt monsters together and meet vampire dogs that feed off the blood in regular dog food.

there are vampire hell hounds in purgatory. Case and dean set out to investigate. Both have been transformed into angels. Sam keeps an eye on dean and dean jr…
Dean and Dean’s son hunt monsters together and meet vampire dogs that feed off the blood in regular dog food.

there are vampire hell hounds in purgatory. Case and dean set out to investigate. Both have been transformed into angels. Sam keeps an eye on dean and dean jr…

Story ideas can be filed in the Submissions Depository established for the 2035 reboot. Shows with retro settings are more costly to produce, so don't worry about "The Winchesters" also running for 15 years and that throwing off the former's projected debut date.