I guess JamesR didn't read all the rules

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Secular Sanity
Valued Senior Member
Hmm…I guess JamesR didn’t read all the rules.


14. Private messages, whether from other members or from moderators, are private and should not be posted to the public forums without the express permission of the authors.

JamesR said:
Moderators and administrators of sciforums are, by and large, unpaid volunteers. Moderators are free to post in their capacity as ordinary forum members, as well as in their capacity as moderators. When moderators express opinions on matters that are not related to their moderating duties, it is to be understood that such opinions are the opinions of the individual posting them and not the official opinions of sciforums or its administration.

False allegations with respect to Trooper

Ah, but when the moderators are using their position and tools to alter the discussion and passing out infractions, I’d say that’s when it starts to get a little tricky for sciforums and the administration.

An ad hominem is when someone employs irrelevant facts about the author. A libel is a false and malicious defamation of another.

I would like to be able to openly discuss controversial and sensitive issues. Strong views and beliefs complicate controversial issues, and can arouse personal feeling, but discourse is beneficial. By posting, one is voluntarily entering into the discussion about the controversy and inviting responses. It opens one up to criticisms that are related to the controversy being discussed, but not to ad hominem attacks or slander.

The White House has renewed its efforts to prevent and control rape by launching a new campaign making rape a hot topic for many articles.

I would like to explore this topic further by discussing why rape is unique and should be a distinct crime from battery. I would like to explore sexual autonomy, the difference between female and male sexuality, and how they may view sex differently. I would like to understand how it damages a woman’s self-image, identity, and dignity. Also, the impact that cultural views may have on self-image, the stigma, the antiquated goal of protecting a chaste woman’s virtue, the intimacy, the cost, etc. How rape is treated under the criminal law can have significant effects on our status. Therefore, current and unbiased views will allow everyone to make informed decisions and take considered action on these controversial issues.

I started a topic “Why rape is unique and why it should be a distinct crime from battery?” Hopefully, it will receive fair and unbiased moderation.

Thank you,

Secular Sanity
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Hm... so you feel you were mistreated (after verbally abusing other members), then you feel you were wrongfully accused (after being called basically the only thing that your statements seemed to indicate)... you whined to the administration, and don't like their reply... so now you're trying to attack the administration as well.

First and foremost, for it to be libel/slander, the statement in question would have to be a falsehood being passed off as a truth... trying to decry a statement made on the basis of your own words as "libel" isn't going to make people see you as the victim... if you don't like having those kinds of statements made about you, perhaps you should address the root cause (what you say and how you act) rather than the symptom (people seeing what you say/do and coming to a conclusion based on it)

Trooper, if you don't like it here so much, then a simple solution seems to be "don't let the door hit you on the way out". Delete the bookmark, don't come back. If you are worried people will talk about you behind your back... well, honestly, you aren't that important here... nobody will talk about you if you were to leave, behind your back or otherwise.

*shrugs* Truth hurts Trooper... all I can say.

Actually, I lie - there is something else to say...

Is there a point/request to this thread, or does it exist merely to complain that you did not get your own way?
Ah, excuse me, Kittamaru: she's complaining in this thread that a PM was posted out on the forum, not that the initial attacks were slanderous and/or libelous, which they probably were. If you're going to wander into a discussion, check its contents.

Further to that: remember way back when, when Bells was pressing for you to become a moderator? What was that she said about you? That you wouldn't overmoderate, that you wouldn't needlessly inject yourself into discussions that didn't concern you?

So how's that working out for you? Thanks for stopping by, Captain Weathervane.
Mod Note

GeoffP - Please do not use my name and make claims about me. And please do not call people names.

Trooper - I believe James R made his reasons clear as to why he was breaching protocol and posting some of the contents of your PM to him in the public forum. If you object to his having done so, then it may be better for you to send him a PM and advise him of this.
Mod Note
If you object to his having done so, then it may be better for you to send him a PM and advise him of this.

Member Note

Been there, done that.

Thank you, though.
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Trooper - I believe James R made his reasons clear as to why he was breaching protocol and posting some of the contents of your PM to him in the public forum.

@ Trooper
In his defence... i thank they often do it as a courtesy... but i dont beleive that James R or other mods are required to abide by the forum rules.!!!
Ah, excuse me, Kittamaru: she's complaining in this thread that a PM was posted out on the forum, not that the initial attacks were slanderous and/or libelous, which they probably were. If you're going to wander into a discussion, check its contents.

Further to that: remember way back when, when Bells was pressing for you to become a moderator? What was that she said about you? That you wouldn't overmoderate, that you wouldn't needlessly inject yourself into discussions that didn't concern you?

So how's that working out for you? Thanks for stopping by, Captain Weathervane.

*shrugs* It worked pretty well when I gave a damn what the likes of your ilk thought. Now that I don't, I'm not going to hold myself back for your account - I'll do what I feel is right, what my gut tells me is right, to protect anyone with a desire for ACTUAL conversation, for ACTUAL pursuits of the mind, from people who would attack them... no matter where that comes from.


I was fully aware when I posted the thread "False allegations with respect to Trooper" that I was including some details of your complaint that you have sent to me in a private message.

In this instance, I was informed by you that you wished the matter to be dealt with because it was "time sensitive". I repeatedly asked you for a statement that you wished me to post on your behalf regarding the allegations that you were complaining about. When no reply was forthcoming, I decided that the best course of action would be to post some of your own words. I took that decision so that I could not be accused of putting words in your mouth or of presuming to speak on your behalf. You wanted a public announcement posted (as a second option to deleting all the posts that offended you). Any such announcement would necessarily have to refer to the allegations that were made, so by posting extracts from your personal messages to me I have not publicised anything that wouldn't have been made public anyway.

Trooper said:
Ah, but when the moderators are using their position and tools to alter the discussion and passing out infractions, I’d say that’s when it starts to get a little tricky for sciforums and the administration.

As far as I can tell, the discussions of which you have complained have not been edited by any moderator. One thread was removed from public view, but that was after the thread that forms the subject of your allegations was closed.

I would like to be able to openly discuss controversial and sensitive issues. Strong views and beliefs complicate controversial issues, and can arouse personal feeling, but discourse is beneficial. By posting, one is voluntarily entering into the discussion about the controversy and inviting responses. It opens one up to criticisms that are related to the controversy being discussed, but not to ad hominem attacks or slander.

Controversial and sensitive issues are often discussed on sciforums, and you are free to participate in them as you wish, being fully aware that you might come in for criticism. Ad hominem attacks, although undesirable, are almost to be expected in some controversial threads. Our site rules do not explicitly rule out all ad hominems. Rather, they warn against personal insults, stereotyping and flaming.

The White House has renewed its efforts to prevent and control rape by launching a new campaign making rape a hot topic for many articles.

I would like to explore this topic further by discussing why rape is unique and should be a distinct crime from battery. ... [snip]

I started a topic “Why rape is unique and why it should be a distinct crime from battery?” Hopefully, it will receive fair and unbiased moderation.

I fear that your thread is an attempt to continue where you left off after the other thread was closed. I trust that you are going into the new thread with eyes wide open as to the possible reception you might get if you continue to argue in the same vein as you did in the other thread discussing rape.

You are not entitled to special protection of moderators/administrators to post as you wish and to have comments that you don't like deleted or to have members who make them banned. I am sure you are aware that if you plan to argue that victims are responsible for their own rape, that rapists should be treated the same as those who commit assault or battery, and similar, that your views will likely be controversial and will meet with some stiff resistance from some other posters.

Good luck.
I asked you to either defend the defamatory statements of misogyny and rape apology that were made against several members by your staff or to address the fact that there was insufficient evidence supporting the accusations. A concluding statement from you would have been sufficient. I was very clear and precise.
I asked you to either defend the defamatory statements of misogyny and rape apology that were made against several members by your staff or to address the fact that there was insufficient evidence supporting the accusations. A concluding statement from you would have been sufficient. I was very clear and precise.

The opinions of members posting on sciforums are not the opinions of the administration. I was very clear and precise about that, I thought. I have no need to defend statements that I did not make or endorse.

I thought that you wanted to make a concluding statement.

I haven't even read the threads you complained about in their entirety. I'm certainly not about to make pronouncements from on high about who did and who did not have sufficient evidence for their side of the argument. Who's to say that I would be any kind of authority to decide such a question?
And who's to say that you'd be any kind of authority to decide when to lock a thread?

Now, would you be kind enough to lock this thread?

Good day to you, JamesR.
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