I know that force is made



This pure strength around the planet and is made of universe. The entire universe is a force that is built with the existence of a particle and what was in that particle surrounds it to become one major force.
The waves are also pure forces, so it can grow that way.
I know that it is difficult to accept to investigate what the force is made but I found the answer.
The force is made of universe or infinite black mass.
An object in space creates a layer or field in your around, this layer or sphere is made of what was in the object, i.e., universe and now becomes field or force.
Disappears when the object disappears also the force or field and becomes universe again.
Therefore, everything that exists in the universe has a field or force.
The particles also creates a force and call it field, but this force is what was occupying the place of the particle.
Everything is attracted because the force is attracted by the nucleus of another force, the protons and neutrons are a vacuum.
Atmospheric pressure is a force and dealt to the empty mass. It makes the strength of particles, force is what is called atmospheric pressure.
All planets opened a gap in space and what was in that space becomes in force around the planet to create a force towards the planet. The largest space gap will attract the smaller hole.
Einstein was right, the particles open holes in space and creates a force on his around is made of universe.
So simple, if si existe there is something in the space will be a force and when it ceases to exist that force will disappear and will become a universe.
The force is attracted by gaps in space.
I believe that when we froze the water, we also froze the force of the water particles and why the water changes color. I believe that force is white.
I also believe that the glaciers are frozen forces.
This is my study of force: the force is made up of universe.
Why a ferry goes up 2 two million kilograms, because force coming from the shuttle is pushed with the external force as a ladder.
Very affectionately,
Víctor Elias Espinoza Guedez
Discoverer of that force is made.
I believe that when we froze the water, we also froze the force of the water particles and why the water changes color. I believe that force is white.
I also believe that the glaciers are frozen forces.

Is there a word, other than insane, which adequately describes this?
Just practice extending the force you carry within your own body...

Don't tell anyone until you can explain "how" to someone like.
This pure strength around the planet and is made of universe. The entire universe is a force that is built with the existence of a particle and what was in that particle surrounds it to become one major force.
The waves are also pure forces, so it can grow that way.
I know that it is difficult to accept to investigate what the force is made but I found the answer.
The force is made of universe or infinite black mass.
An object in space creates a layer or field in your around, this layer or sphere is made of what was in the object, i.e., universe and now becomes field or force.
Disappears when the object disappears also the force or field and becomes universe again.
Therefore, everything that exists in the universe has a field or force.
The particles also creates a force and call it field, but this force is what was occupying the place of the particle.
Everything is attracted because the force is attracted by the nucleus of another force, the protons and neutrons are a vacuum.
Atmospheric pressure is a force and dealt to the empty mass. It makes the strength of particles, force is what is called atmospheric pressure.
All planets opened a gap in space and what was in that space becomes in force around the planet to create a force towards the planet. The largest space gap will attract the smaller hole.
Einstein was right, the particles open holes in space and creates a force on his around is made of universe.
So simple, if si existe there is something in the space will be a force and when it ceases to exist that force will disappear and will become a universe.
The force is attracted by gaps in space.
I believe that when we froze the water, we also froze the force of the water particles and why the water changes color. I believe that force is white.
I also believe that the glaciers are frozen forces.
This is my study of force: the force is made up of universe.
Why a ferry goes up 2 two million kilograms, because force coming from the shuttle is pushed with the external force as a ladder.
Very affectionately,
Víctor Elias Espinoza Guedez
Discoverer of that force is made.
I think there is something there that you are trying to express but can't get past the language barrier... keep trying and maybe one day it will aaalllllll make sense.
Please note I wrote "maybe"
en español

Sé de que está hecha la Fuerza

La fuerza pura esta rodeando al planeta y está hecha de universo. Todo el universo es una fuerza que se construye con la existencia de una partícula y lo que estaba en esa partícula lo rodea para convertirse en una fuerza mayor.
También las ondas son fuerzas puras, por eso puede crecer de esa manera.
Sé que es difícil aceptar investigar de qué está hecha la Fuerza, pero le encontré la respuesta.
La Fuerza está hecha de Universo o masa negra infinita.
Un objeto en el espacio crea una capa o campo en su alrededor, ésta capa o esfera está hecha de lo que estaba en el objeto, es decir, Universo y ahora pasa a ser campo o fuerza.
Cuando desaparece éste objeto también desaparece la fuerza o campo y se convierte en universo otra vez.
Por tanto, todo lo que existe en el universo tiene un campo o fuerza.
En las partículas también se crea una fuerza y la llaman campo, pero esta fuerza es lo que estaba ocupando el lugar de la partícula.
Todo se atrae porque la fuerza es atraída por el núcleo de otra fuerza, los protones y neutrones son un vacío.
La presión atmosférica es una fuerza y se ocupa de llevar masa al vacío. Lo mismo hace la fuerza de las partículas, por que la fuerza es lo que llaman presión atmosférica.
Todos los planetas abren un hueco en el espacio y lo que estaba en ese espacio se convierte en fuerza rodeando al planeta para crear una fuerza hacia el planeta. El hueco más grande en el espacio atraerá al hueco más pequeño.
Einstein tenía razón, las partículas abren huecos en el espacio y crea una fuerza en su alrededor que está hecha de universo.
Así de simple, si existe algo en el espacio tendrá una fuerza y cuando deje de existir esa fuerza desaparecerá y se volverá a convertir en Universo.
La fuerza es atraída por huecos en el espacio.
Creo que cuando congelamos el agua, también congelamos la fuerza de las partículas del agua y por eso el agua cambia de color. Creo que la fuerza es de color blanco.
También creo que los glaciares son fuerzas congeladas.
Esto es mi estudio de la Fuerza: La Fuerza está hecha de universo.
Por eso un transbordador sube 2 dos millones de kilogramos, porque la fuerza que sale del transbordador se empuja con la fuerza externa como una escalera.
Muy afectuosamente,
Victor Elias Espinoza Guedez
Descubridor de que está hecha la Fuerza.
@ OP,
Force is NEVER made. Energy cannot be created or Destroyed

Einstein was right, the particles open holes in space and creates a force on his around is made of universe.


creates a force on his around is made of universe.

Does this remotely make any sense to you?

It seems like Gibberish.

Your entire post seemed like it should be called "Observations from inside an Insane Asylum".

There is no overall point. If it is that force is created then we already know that is false.

Much of what you say is ridiculous. One example is ice. You say "The Force" (Okay Obi-Wan Kenobi) is what turns ice white. In actuality (The real world) ice can be quite clear with maybe a blue tinge to it. The white you see is air trapped inside creating reflective surfaces that permeate ice frozen under certain conditions. So the idea you pose sounds insane to anybody with a grade 3 or above education.

Your postings embarrass you, your parents, and any teacher you ever had

I am the first person who will defend original thinking, but you need a hobby besides science. Why not start collecting sparkly/shiny things?

I am going to go out on a limb here and suggest that you are likely not taking all of your medication.
en español

Sé de que está hecha la Fuerza

La fuerza pura esta rodeando al planeta y está hecha de universo. Todo el universo es una fuerza que se construye con la existencia de una partícula y lo que estaba en esa partícula lo rodea para convertirse en una fuerza mayor.
También las ondas son fuerzas puras, por eso puede crecer de esa manera.
Sé que es difícil aceptar investigar de qué está hecha la Fuerza, pero le encontré la respuesta.
La Fuerza está hecha de Universo o masa negra infinita.
Un objeto en el espacio crea una capa o campo en su alrededor, ésta capa o esfera está hecha de lo que estaba en el objeto, es decir, Universo y ahora pasa a ser campo o fuerza.
Cuando desaparece éste objeto también desaparece la fuerza o campo y se convierte en universo otra vez.
Por tanto, todo lo que existe en el universo tiene un campo o fuerza.
En las partículas también se crea una fuerza y la llaman campo, pero esta fuerza es lo que estaba ocupando el lugar de la partícula.
Todo se atrae porque la fuerza es atraída por el núcleo de otra fuerza, los protones y neutrones son un vacío.
La presión atmosférica es una fuerza y se ocupa de llevar masa al vacío. Lo mismo hace la fuerza de las partículas, por que la fuerza es lo que llaman presión atmosférica.
Todos los planetas abren un hueco en el espacio y lo que estaba en ese espacio se convierte en fuerza rodeando al planeta para crear una fuerza hacia el planeta. El hueco más grande en el espacio atraerá al hueco más pequeño.
Einstein tenía razón, las partículas abren huecos en el espacio y crea una fuerza en su alrededor que está hecha de universo.
Así de simple, si existe algo en el espacio tendrá una fuerza y cuando deje de existir esa fuerza desaparecerá y se volverá a convertir en Universo.
La fuerza es atraída por huecos en el espacio.
Creo que cuando congelamos el agua, también congelamos la fuerza de las partículas del agua y por eso el agua cambia de color. Creo que la fuerza es de color blanco.
También creo que los glaciares son fuerzas congeladas.
Esto es mi estudio de la Fuerza: La Fuerza está hecha de universo.
Por eso un transbordador sube 2 dos millones de kilogramos, porque la fuerza que sale del transbordador se empuja con la fuerza externa como una escalera.
Muy afectuosamente,
Victor Elias Espinoza Guedez
Descubridor de que está hecha la Fuerza.
Sorry but that is not what I meant by language. To discuss topics with others you need to be able to communicate in a common language. If you wish to talk science then you need to at least use the words in a way that others have a chance of understanding the definition of.
Example: Start by defining the word "Force" as used by conventional science and then compare it with what you are using it as. Then define all the other key words such as particle, field, protons neutrons, vacuum. take nothing for or as granted.
Seriously I believe you have at some time had a strong inner revelation about the workings of this universe and you are simply struggling not only with how to communicate it but how to contain the "ego " inflating nature of it.
Typically to bring it out in a way that serves you, you will need to learn how to communicate that revelation in a way that makes sense to those you wish to inform. Otherwise it remains nothing more than nonsensical ramblings and gibberish.
@ QQ,
This persons "inner revelations" seem to be backed by lack of the simplest education. It seems apparent he does not even understand concepts like freezing water.

when we froze the water, we also froze the force of the water particles and why the water changes color. I believe that force is white.

When we know very well water turns white because of trappaed air and increased reflective surfaces.

This is not science. This "member" has had discoveries like those of a infant seeing the world for the first time and It seems doubtful he ever finished grade school imo.

This person has other nonsense threads that show lack of basic understandings, and I am surprised he is not tellling us the world is flat or we would topple off.

I am not trying to be rude, but anyone finding his ramblings in a google search would need to waste their time.

Inner revelations are great as long as they are in line with some semblance of reality.
@ QQ,
This persons "inner revelations" seem to be backed by lack of the simplest education. It seems apparent he does not even understand concepts like freezing water.

When we know very well water turns white because of trappaed air and increased reflective surfaces.

This is not science. This "member" has had discoveries like those of a infant seeing the world for the first time and It seems doubtful he ever finished grade school imo.

This person has other nonsense threads that show lack of basic understandings, and I am surprised he is not tellling us the world is flat or we would topple off.

I am not trying to be rude, but anyone finding his ramblings in a google search would need to waste their time.

Inner revelations are great as long as they are in line with some semblance of reality.


Yo dije CREO.
@ victorespinoza,

Conseguir una educación y sus creencias se asemejan a la realidad. Alguna vez fuiste a la escuela?

El niño promedio en mi país sabe más que tú.
@ victorespinoza,

Conseguir una educación y sus creencias se asemejan a la realidad. Alguna vez fuiste a la escuela?

El niño promedio en mi país sabe más que tú.

I'm not competing for wisdom.
When I first read the OP, my first reaction was to post: "may the force be with you". Then I realized that the thread can be changed by replacing in the title and in the OP the word "force" by the word "schwarz" so that it can be replied by: "may the schwarz be with you"
When I first read the OP, my first reaction was to post: "may the force be with you". Then I realized that the thread can be changed by replacing in the title and in the OP the word "force" by the word "schwarz" so that it can be replied by: "may the schwarz be with you"

Thank you Mel Brooks.