I resign as a moderator

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I like you too.

I like Leopold too. Despite that we had our fallouts. But he is a normal person. So am I. Things can be forgiven between normal people. That makes us special (not gay).

so why was she banned?

bearing in mind my earlier comments which demonstrate others doing far worse, you fancy her or something? Did she reject you or what?
One instance of a personal link is tolerated, however TOR posted multiple instances in multiple subforums. She deserved a Ban considering others have in the past been banned for exactly the same action, it would actually be unfair not to ban her.

For the record I don't think her posting in the HIV/AIDs thread had actually anything to do with it.

It's also stated that she did post a private PM and edit a Mod Edit. If she didn't like what had been edited, she could of resolved it with the moderator in question rather than attempting to go over their head by publicly washing her linen in the forums.
One instance of a personal link is tolerated, however TOR posted multiple instances in multiple subforums. She deserved a Ban considering others have in the past been banned for exactly the same action, it would actually be unfair not to ban her.

For the record I don't think her posting in the HIV/AIDs thread had actually anything to do with it.

It's also stated that she did post a private PM and edit a Mod Edit. If she didn't like what had been edited, she could of resolved it with the moderator in question rather than attempting to go over their head by publicly washing her linen in the forums.

I have seen the pm Plasmos sent her, he said it was ok. He said it was NOT spam as she was not selling anything. Seems clear enough to me. Perhaps we need wikipedia re word 'spam'?

"E-mail spam is a subset of spam that involves sending nearly identical messages to numerous recipients by e-mail.

Most definitions of spam are based on the e-mail being Unsolicted Bulk E-mail (UBE). That is, spam is e-mail that is both unsolicited by the recipients and there are many substantively similar e-mails being sent. Spam is usually also unwanted, commercial and sent by automated means and some definitions include those aspects"

yep blog link is not spam.

This is not the reason for the ban fella's and you know it.

Oh and three links is hardly multiple instances lol

re resolving problems with the moderator in question, that good. you should take up comedy proffessionally ;)

lol, this is getting better and better

has anyone got a valid reason for this ban?
Wiki isn't really much of a resource when it comes to a source, you can hardly use it to define "Spam" considering the nature of "Spam" was just a users definition of the word (Which in turn was based on the advertising prowess of the tinned Spam that got renound everywhere)

Spam in regards to links is Unsolicited Bulk Advertisement for a webpage.

Also do try to remember that having Sock Puppets can be a offense worthy of a ban.

I'd suggest that perhaps TOR should just wait for the Temp ban to expire rather than trying to get a permanent one, after all if you want that all you have to do is ask, you don't have to fight anyone for it.
Sorry to hear Spurious, tis better to have been a mod, then not at all.
Wiki isn't really much of a resource when it comes to a source, you can hardly use it to define "Spam" considering the nature of "Spam" was just a users definition of the word (Which in turn was based on the advertising prowess of the tinned Spam that got renound everywhere)

Spam in regards to links is Unsolicited Bulk Advertisement for a webpage.

Also do try to remember that having Sock Puppets can be a offense worthy of a ban.

I'd suggest that perhaps TOR should just wait for the Temp ban to expire rather than trying to get a permanent one, after all if you want that all you have to do is ask, you don't have to fight anyone for it.

I doubt ToR cares much about bans, she's already said as much on her blog.
Meanwhile, plasmos defined her link as not spam so? A two week ban for not spam? ooh a poet.
I doubt ToR cares much about bans, she's already said as much on her blog.
Meanwhile, plasmos defined her link as not spam so? A two week ban for not spam? ooh a poet.

Reading back, there seems to be some sort of relationship between plasmos, and Tor, so can't his word be considered biased?
Having read the dialogue now between these two, I'm confused.

Why was Theory banned?

Says in ban list: insults, flames and spamming

Dialogue seems to start in Metakrons thread.
Metakron was a naughty boy there!

YET Metakron recieved no infractions from Spuriousmonkey despite bad insults to Spuriousmonkey etc
and ToR's blog suggests Plasmo said she could use her link and would not be banned for it.

YET after just one post in biology forum which contained no insults or flames, she recieved an offical warning via pm (she published yes) for no reason other than she referred to an objection about the other thread closing.

The warnings and post deletions continued, I watched that one live, now you see it now you don't! The posts deleted were not offensive remotely.


insults/flames no where near as bad as Metakrons
link had been approved by admin, so not spam.

Spuriousmonkey's warnings and infractions clearly 'personal' bearing in mind he let Metakron do as he pleased yet warned theory after a single post in his forum.

So why was she banned?

Was it as her blog says nothing more than you don't like her blog?

bit petty

Better watch my step.

My my, wasn't Meta one of ToR's little underdogs she was trying so hard to defend? So why are you ragging on him now? Nice attempt to draw attention away from yourself.

Meta did receive infractions and did receive a "pre-ban".

ToR was banned because she kept breaking all the rules that she knew would lead to a ban (eg posting Mod warning sent to her, posting other mod PM's sent to her, editing a Mod edit, spamming, continuous flaming, and insults). Now, everyone else who has behaved that way in the past has been banned, why do you expect ToR to be different to anyone else?

We are all bound by the same rules. Sure we all break them sometimes and we get warnings and if we keep going, we'd get a ban without question. ToR had received plenty of warnings for her behaviour and she ignored each one, instead posting the warnings in the threads and claiming how she was expecting a ban, etc. Well the ban she was expecting for repeatedly breaking the rules that we are all bound to has come to fruition.

I doubt ToR cares much about bans, she's already said as much on her blog.
Meanwhile, plasmos defined her link as not spam so? A two week ban for not spam? ooh a poet.
As for the spamming, she was given permission to use her link sparingly, but she just kept on spamming it over and over again in just about every post she made. Now, had anyone else done the same thing, it would have resulted in the same outcome. A ban. She cares about the ban because she/you are still here fighting about it.

Plus she/you are forgetting that she committed several other offences which do result in bans for other members (eg editing modedit, posting mod PM's.. and not just once, continuous insults to members and moderators (spurious), flaming, etc). As for the modedit, she could have just reposted her link with her belief that she was allowed to post it instead of editing a modedit. She received repeated warnings, many of which she posted for all to see.

Now why do you think she should be different to every other member in how she behaves?
Someone post me a link to where it says that you can't post a mod warning. That doesn't make sense.
Someone post me a link to where it says that you can't post a mod warning. That doesn't make sense.

Bells is funny, she hasn't seen plasmo's pm, I have. She's wrapped up in me being a sock. If I get banned they'll say it is because I am a sock, but the reality is, I'm pointing out their errors and asking a question they can't answer. Their insistance I am sock is thier build up to a second unjustifed ban. Prove it....oh you can't can you. But the ban will come anyway, unless I shut up.

Why was she banned Plasmo ?
My my, wasn't Meta one of ToR's little underdogs she was trying so hard to defend? So why are you ragging on him now? Nice attempt to draw attention away from yourself.

Meta did receive infractions and did receive a "pre-ban".

ToR was banned because she kept breaking all the rules that she knew would lead to a ban (eg posting Mod warning sent to her, posting other mod PM's sent to her, editing a Mod edit, spamming, continuous flaming, and insults). Now, everyone else who has behaved that way in the past has been banned, why do you expect ToR to be different to anyone else?

We are all bound by the same rules. Sure we all break them sometimes and we get warnings and if we keep going, we'd get a ban without question. ToR had received plenty of warnings for her behaviour and she ignored each one, instead posting the warnings in the threads and claiming how she was expecting a ban, etc. Well the ban she was expecting for repeatedly breaking the rules that we are all bound to has come to fruition.

As for the spamming, she was given permission to use her link sparingly, but she just kept on spamming it over and over again in just about every post she made. Now, had anyone else done the same thing, it would have resulted in the same outcome. A ban. She cares about the ban because she/you are still here fighting about it.

Plus she/you are forgetting that she committed several other offences which do result in bans for other members (eg editing modedit, posting mod PM's.. and not just once, continuous insults to members and moderators (spurious), flaming, etc). As for the modedit, she could have just reposted her link with her belief that she was allowed to post it instead of editing a modedit. She received repeated warnings, many of which she posted for all to see.

Now why do you think she should be different to every other member in how she behaves?

she used the link three times not in every post
2) she was NOT told to use it sparingly, she was told it did not represent spam as it contained no advertising..would you like to see a copy of the pm?
3)The mod pm being posted publically, well I personally don't agree with that, but she said it was unjustified and why should spurious or you be worried if it was justified? Nothing to hide surely?
4) Mod edit over ruled - she had permission to use the link- so mod edit invalid according to her, again not my thing but her point of view. So far no adequate challengers.

Gonna ban me for asking questions, history repeating itself. Spurious had a thing for her that's obvious. ;) you all need to get over it and concentrate on the shameful display you're making of yourselves.

You know you can't offer a challenge by making it up as you go along! Good try though. ;)
yes, verbatum.

well she's posted it on her blog:

this is the relevant bit though:

"And yes... you won't be banned for self advertising, because you don't sell anything and you don't share malware to our computers."

The blog does prove to spurious though that plasmos fought his corner. So maybe they can kiss and make up now?

seems Bells was also wrong about spurious giving Metakron infractions, according to plasmo none of them were from him!

Anyway I get the message from you both. But I'd still like to know why she was banned.
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Prove it....oh you can't can you.

Not in the unusual event that a member uses more than one internet service provider, but if the same internet connection is used by two ostensibly different forum members the identical IP address would immediately give the game away.

Alternatively a ban may be implemented against the IP address rather than the member name, to block all members from the one location.

In the mean time then, in the absence of any official evidence to that effect, previous accusations of member malpractice are out of order and ill advised. Instead of the outright libel, concerns would better be referred privately to the forum administrators in the better position to know.
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