If god is love, how can the world have so much hate?

piemistress said:
Would you put your biological father's rules to a test, assuming you respect him?
I would not. That's just me, though.
isn't that what all adolescents do , test their parents, however it not so much testing as questioning, it's what your taught to do, use you own mind and question, discern, determine, and test.
you would'nt be human if you did'nt.
I respect my father, I learnt from him, and he learns from me.
and when you do question a god, you usually find it wanting.
PieMistress said:
Call it blind faith if you wish, it is using your own logic that you come to the conclusions.
If you can't explain it, it's not logic. It's faith, the opposite of logic. It would be great if people could admit this.

PieMistress said:
Both chapters are, in the undertone/context stating that the wise choice would be choosing God over the other choice.
King Solomon describes over and over how wise people value knowledge. Not just knowledge of God, but knowledge in general.

PieMistress said:
Would you put your biological father's rules to a test, assuming you respect him?
In this case I know he just made them up rather than give them the authority of an supernatural being who's existence can never be confirmed.

PieMistress said:
And in reference to the link to "Island Lizards Morph in Evolutionary Experiment" -- the evolution I thought we were referring to was evolution as in, humans coming from apes ... not a lizard adapting to the circumstances around him. Forgive me if we weren't.
It's the same thing. I don't have to boil the ocean to prove that water boils.
M*W: Well for starters, why not discuss the idiocy of those who believe in fairy tales?

its not a idiocy. Its their believe.

It doesnt matter if you believe or dont believe in God. Universe goes eitherway. I am a believer of buddhism and Gautama teaches us to accePt other believes.
Darwinian evolution is untestable.

The man created dogma of the bible is untestable!
Evolution is a fact! The evidence is overwhelming. HOW it happens is yes, a theory (at present).
As i mentioned in an earlier post..How is it that we see light coming from stars..4.2 light yrs to billions of light yrs away. Are these methods of determining distance flawed ,perhaps a deception by old lucy (lucifer) himself..hmmm???:rolleyes:
its not a idiocy.
It's idiocy if it fosters the willing dependence of the masses on the words of a few cult leaders, with no requirement for reason or evidence, as do all current religions. See?

If I demand proof that some lord god of the universe told you to tell me to go out and slay all of the canaanites, then maybe there'd be a lot less slaying. Right?
If I demand proof that some lord god of the universe told you to tell me to go out and slay all of the canaanites, then maybe there'd be a lot less slaying. Right?

Yep, you are right. Maybe the world would not be in the state it is in today..as in "on the brink of annihalation", and maybe god believers( like myself ) would not be so embarrassed about other god believers who have taken the myth and dogma of their organized religions way, way,way too seriously!
It's idiocy if it fosters the willing dependence of the masses on the words of a few cult leaders, with no requirement for reason or evidence, as do all current religions. See?

If I demand proof that some lord god of the universe told you to tell me to go out and slay all of the canaanites, then maybe there'd be a lot less slaying. Right?

atheism has leaders too. As for evil done by theists...those have interPreted life wrongly. its not really belief or not...its how we live in life. Follow buddhism, the neutral life.
If organized religion was designed, either purposefully or not, as a method of social and mind control, wouldn't it be that much more powerful if you included a statement about it's assumptions being non-testable? Would anyone accept an explanation for evolution that was un-testable?

Pro 1:22 How long, you simple ones, will foolish things be dear to you? and pride a delight to the haters of authority? how long will the foolish go on hating knowledge?

Pro 14:15 The simple man has faith in every word, but the man of good sense gives thought to his footsteps.

Faith, exactly, athiests have faith that there is no God just as thiests have faith that there is one.
Faith, exactly, athiests have faith that there is no God just as thiests have faith that there is one.

For the billionth time. Most atheists strongly suspect that there is no such thing as a god. We usually don't put ourselves in the silly position of saying outright that there is no god, unless we feel particularly ornery that day. As I do today. There's no god. :D

For the billionth time. Most atheists strongly suspect that there is no such thing as a god. We usually don't put ourselves in the silly position of saying outright that there is no god, unless we feel particularly ornery that day. As I do today. There's no god. :D

what bothers me most is that people concern themselves of God or no God...whereas forgetting the main principles thought by these believes. If you follow the same principles (besides believing in this God or not and all the rituals) you are the same people.

For the billionth time. Most atheists strongly suspect that there is no such thing as a god. We usually don't put ourselves in the silly position of saying outright that there is no god, unless we feel particularly ornery that day. As I do today. There's no god. :D

Thats not an athiest, thats an agnostic, like me.
An athiest knows for sure there is no God. A thiest knows for sure there is a God. Most people are neither a thiest or athiest because most people are agnostic and simply choose which to have faith in.

I can't prove to you without a doubt there is a God, but I strongly suspect there is one.
what bothers me most is that people concern themselves of God or no God...whereas forgetting the main principles thought by these believes. If you follow the same principles (besides believing in this God or not and all the rituals) you are the same people.

That makes perfect sense. You are God of this thread.
Thats not an athiest, thats an agnostic, like me.
An athiest knows for sure there is no God. A thiest knows for sure there is a God. Most people are neither a thiest or athiest because most people are agnostic and simply choose which to have faith in.

I can't prove to you without a doubt there is a God, but I strongly suspect there is one.

The word Atheism [CE] derives from the Greek atheos, a = without, theos = God.

There are apparently Weak and Strong atheists. The weak being the majority I suspect, i.e. I am personally certain there is no god of any kind but I will stop at saying there is proof of some kind that god(s) don't exist. The strong being: There ain't no fucking god you morons.

The agnostic is a true fence-sitter. The have no strong feeling either way. Therefore I am a "weak" atheist, with Strong atheistic tendencies.
Just wondering if hate and love need to balance out. If there is more love then is an equal amount of hate produced? Can one dominate the other or are these emotions locked in to an eternal stalemate?
Agnostic means the question of God can't be known either way, it's unanswerable. Atheists feel that evidence does point towards no God.
M*W: So, is god love? Prove it!
its certainly difficult to prove the existence of god to someone who is inimical to him, just like it is difficult to prove that electrons exist to a high school drop out who is inimical to physicists and physics text books

Why does the world have so much hate?
because there are so many people ignorant of their own nature, what to speak of god's

Why doesn't god eradicate the hate?
its kind of difficult when one hates god

Is he a vengeful god?
"we have seen the enemy and he is us" - Yellow kid

If there were a god, he'd save the world (isn't that supposed to be what he was supposed to do?) Why does god bring hate to the world?

its not uncommon for atheists to raise the objection that if God does in fact exist, then why hasn't he solved the issue of evil in the world. The answer is of course that he is dealing with the issue of evil, but in a progressive manner. Atheists incorrectly assume that God's only choice is to deal with the problem all at once in a single act. God, however, is dealing with the issue of evil through his justice system (dharma - religious rules, karma - resultant acts according to the obedience/transgression of those rules, samsara - the booby prize, ie repeated birth and death in the material world).

The atheist is then likely to respond that it shouldn't take so long for an omnipotent god to deal with the issue of evil, to which the answer is: "Let's say that right now, god asserted that all evil in existence will now simply cease to be. In other words every human being in creation would simply vanish into non existence. Is this an acceptable solution for you?"

The atheist is then likely to demand that a better solution must be available. They would probably suggest that God should have created living entities in such a fashion that people would avoid evil completely . This idea falls on its face since such a scenario means we would no longer have the facility of free will. This situation requires that God manufactures robots who act only in pre-programmed ways.

If the atheist insists saying there must be a better solution to the issue of evil, one can give them this easy test. What is the solution to the problem of evil that
(a) does not infringe on human freedom, or
(b) acts in such a fashion to cause god to violate His constitutional attributes in some way.

Don't expect much of an answer.