If the ipcc seems biased

Ok... check this out. A more detailed response from the guy I’ve been talking to elsewhere.
"The available IR is already absorbed" - a common mistake. The CO2 band is almost, but not completely, saturated. (Which is one reason doubling the CO2 content of the atmosphere will cause a rise of 'only' a few degrees C and not 20 degrees C.)
"More thermals are lost per second to conduction than IR." - Somewhat meaningless, especially with the made up units. Conduction, convection and radiation all play a role - but re-radiation is increasing while the rest are not changing significantly.
"More work is done in less time" - sounds like he's trying to talk about energy flux without knowing the right units to use.
but re-radiation is increasing while the rest are not changing significantly.
Side note: convection is changing significantly - enough to bring water and other ozone-affecting lower atmosphere elements into the ozone heights over temperate and tropical latitudes.