If you had a chance...


Hellenistic polytheist
Valued Senior Member
...to kill God, supposing it exists (though I don't believe it does), with absolutely NO negative consequences whatso-freakin-ever, would you? Suppose that god can die from direct stab, jab, or slash wounds from a close-combat weapon, but not from a firearm or an explosive.

I myself, would. It would be the ultimate challenge to my abilities with a blade weapon. Plus, I'd like to put that on my resume'..."I killed god with a knife"....aww, yeah... :D
I would choose a scimitar! I would first put on an amazing display of scimitar wielding skills in order to first strike terror into any minor deities that were watching, just so they don't get any smart ideas, then SWOOSH! Off with god's head! Then I'd tell the others "Pray that I don't do the same to you!" and I'd laugh at their confusion because they don't have anyone left to pray to! HaHaHaHa!!!

I am such a badass. Awww Yeah! :cool:
Since nothing happens, what fun is it?

Seriously, this is ridiculous. God is not a human being (creature, entity). God can't be killed.
Yorda said:
Then why kill it?
That's the question you must ask yourself when answering this thread.
What, you think I wasn't gonna give ya sommat to thin' aboot? :p
It could be for fun, for glory, personal gain (never said god didn't have no bling on him, eh?:p), or for just no reason at all.

God can't be killed
In this scenario he can, READ THE OP.
Hapsburg: "...to kill God, supposing it exists (though I don't believe it does), with absolutely NO negative consequences whatso-freakin-ever, would you? Suppose that god can die from direct stab, jab, or slash wounds from a close-combat weapon, but not from a firearm or an explosive."

"I myself, would. It would be the ultimate challenge to my abilities with a blade weapon. Plus, I'd like to put that on my resume'..."I killed god with a knife"....aww, yeah... :D"
M*W: I killed god with the most dangerous weapon I could find -- my mind -- and I highly recommend this method to others.
M*W: I killed god with the most dangerous weapon I could find -- my mind -- and I highly recommend this method to others.
Yorda: You just killed your personal idea of God. You really believe you are the center of the universe, don't you?

I killed god with the most dangerous weapon I could find -- my mind -- and I highly recommend this method to others.

But a scimitar or a broadaxe is sooo much more fun!
Nope, as long as it doesn't stop me enjoying my freedom then I have no desire to interfere with its freedom to do whatever it wants.
Yorda: M*W: "I killed god with the most dangerous weapon I could find -- my mind -- and I highly recommend this method to others."
Yorda: You just killed your personal idea of God. You really believe you are the center of the universe, don't you?
M*W: From where I stand, it appears that the universe does, in fact, surround me.

It could be for fun, for glory, personal gain (never said god didn't have no bling on him, eh?),

But by whom would you be glorified?
What personal gain would you have from killing god?

or for just no reason at all.

Why do something for which you have no reason?

So you'd kill god out of boredom?
You just asked if I'd kill god out of boredom, I answered yes, and now you just asked "why".
You're going in circles, man!