I'm Advertising My Experiment and Website


Registered Member
Yep, that's what I'm doing. I'm not allowed to discuss actual research I've been pursuing. It's
a violation of forum rules. After all, this is discussing atmospheric pressures which, it's not on MY website.
Nope, I have to allow myself to be bullied instead. Kind of why I say for the most part forums on the internet
are toxic.
And when research like this https://climate-cycling.com/cold-fusion helps me to move out of the U.S., I'll be
making America and English speaking countries better. And like my family in Norway told me, Norwegians
were supposed to thank Germans for helping them. Those Germans were some real friendly people, after all,
they were willing to help people to understand the right way to think. Why I'm Thanking you guys for teaching
me what the square root of 2 is. In fact my TI-84 Plus scientific calculator even has a function for that
https://photos.app.goo.gl/y2KBZsZPHzADYJji9 and now I know what it's for because you guys helped
me so Thank You you guys.
Kind of sad no one checked the math I showed. If so then you guys would've known that the exponent for the
Earth when using my equation is close to 2. But you have no idea what it means or what r^2 when considering
g = Gm/r^2. Just think, Newton published his book in 1687 and all people can say is an exponential decrease.

And here https://amsi.org.au/ESA_Senior_Years/SeniorTopic3/3b/3b_4history_2.html is information
where Newton and his Royal Society proved that Leibniz stole his work on calculus. It's not possible to
plagiarize unpublished work.
With a historical project that I am working on and which Leibniz witnessed, people who learned to speak in
an English speaking country told me I was stealing someone's work in the same manner as Leibniz was falsely
accused and that I was supposed to give that person credit for my work.
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You guys understand math, right? So when both the IPCC and NOAA agrees that
Carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), and methane (CH4) are each important to climate forcing and to the levels of stratospheric ozone (see Chapter 2).
In terms of the globally averaged ozone column, additional N2O leads to lower ozone levels, whereas additional CO2 and CH4 lead to higher ozone levels. Ozone depletion
to date would have been greater if not for the historical increases in CO2 and CH4.
You guys do know what they're talking about, right? Why are 3 greenhouses gasses linked to recovery of the ozone layer which ozone only contains the oxygen element?
Yep, while the IPCC is saying we need to lower CO2 levels they are relying on the historic trends of CO2 and CH4 to continue. This is because by about 2060 the ozone
layer will have returned to the pre-1980 levels.

For many of the scenarios used in the most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment (IPCC, 2013), global ozone will increase to above
pre-1980 levels due to future trends in the gases.[\quote]


the quote, /quote is doing its own thing.
I'm also aware that the reason a 2 State solution has not been pursued is because both England and the United States want an Israel with no Palestine.

I'm not Palestinian. And yet as a disabled Veteran I do not deserve a life in the U.S. Sue Thomas is deaf and can talk to people;
The TV series https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0329934/ was inspired by Sue Thomas who did work for the FBI. She doesn't really have a life because
she's deaf. I love it when Americans tell me that I have to do what they like because I'm either 1/2 Norwegian or have a significant service
connected hearing loss.
What I think is funny is that the U.S. has a fresh water shortage with no solution while it invests in war. Rome the city fell because its water supply
couldn't support the city. That's if you're familiar with history. And yet it's not safe for me to live in the U.S.

Once again, you have started a thread with several unrelated topics. Try to have one main topic per thread in future.
I'm not allowed to discuss actual research I've been pursuing. It's a violation of forum rules.
That's incorrect.

What actual research have you been pursuing?
Why I'm Thanking you guys for teaching me what the square root of 2 is. .... you guys helped
me so Thank You you guys.
Thank you for your kind words.
Kind of sad no one checked the math I showed.
I checked. There were some errors, which I pointed out.
If so then you guys would've known that the exponent for the Earth when using my equation is close to 2. But you have no idea what it means...
Can you please explain what it means?
... or what r^2 when considering g = Gm/r^2. Just think, Newton published his book in 1687 and all people can say is an exponential decrease.
An inverse square decrease is not exponential. You know about exponents, don't you?
And here https://amsi.org.au/ESA_Senior_Years/SeniorTopic3/3b/3b_4history_2.html is information
where Newton and his Royal Society proved that Leibniz stole his work on calculus. It's not possible to
plagiarize unpublished work.
Are you concerned that Newton made a false accusation 400 years ago? Want to discuss it?
With a historical project that I am working on and which Leibniz witnessed, people who learned to speak in
an English speaking country told me I was stealing someone's work in the same manner as Leibniz was falsely
accused and that I was supposed to give that person credit for my work.
Did you steal somebody else's work, or were you falsely accused? Which work was it?
You guys understand math, right?
Yup. Some of it.
So when both the IPCC and NOAA agrees that

You guys do know what they're talking about, right? Why are 3 greenhouses gasses linked to recovery of the ozone layer which ozone only contains the oxygen element?
Yep, while the IPCC is saying we need to lower CO2 levels they are relying on the historic trends of CO2 and CH4 to continue. This is because by about 2060 the ozone
layer will have returned to the pre-1980 levels.
Would you advise that we keep pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere at the current rate, or perhaps increase greenhouse emissions, to protect the ozone layer?
I'm also aware that the reason a 2 State solution has not been pursued is because both England and the United States want an Israel with no Palestine.
Do those articles support your contention about why a 2 state solution is not being pursued?
I'm not Palestinian. And yet as a disabled Veteran I do not deserve a life in the U.S.
You're American, aren't you?

Do you believe that Palestinians don't deserve a life in the US?
Is that what Sue says?
I love it when Americans tell me that I have to do what they like because I'm either 1/2 Norwegian or have a significant service connected hearing loss.
Do you love that? Why?
What I think is funny is that the U.S. has a fresh water shortage with no solution while it invests in war.
Why is that funny?
Rome the city fell because its water supply couldn't support the city.
Is that the only reason?
That's if you're familiar with history.
Well, my own reading of the history of why Rome fell suggests that there were a few other reasons.
And yet it's not safe for me to live in the U.S.
Because of the water shortage, you mean?

Is it safe for anyone?
And when research like this https://climate-cycling.com/cold-fusion helps me to move out of the U.S. . . .
What happened to trying to convince your friend to let you stay in the US?
Kind of sad no one checked the math I showed.
We did. You made a few mistakes.
With a historical project that I am working on and which Leibniz witnessed, people who learned to speak in
an English speaking country told me I was stealing someone's work in the same manner as Leibniz was falsely
accused and that I was supposed to give that person credit for my work.
Yes, you are just like Leibniz. Up next we will be hearing "you know, they laughed at Einstein too, just like me!"

When I try to identify woo on line, there are about a dozen signs that all point to woo. Three of them are:

-The Einstein gambit. "They laughed at (insert famous scientist here) and now they are laughing at me! We're similar!" An attempt to conflate a poster's theories/ideas with those of a famous scientist; the poster hopes this will increase their credibility.

-The Grand Trampling Exit. "You are all closed minded bullies and I am going somewhere where open minded people discuss my great ideas with honesty and intelligence!" In this tactic, the poster attempts to paint himself as a hapless victim of cruel readers, thereby absolving himself of any responsibility to support his ideas with actual facts. After failing to present a concept rationally, they attempt to make the discussion emotional; they can more easily defend themselves against being "bullied" than they can defend their work.

-The Very Large Number proof. One good sign you are reading woo is that a poster will post an equation, then give the answer with an absurdly large number of digits; something like "I have proven that the answer is 32.1844729582919573! Let's see you top that!" They hope that by conflating the length of a number with intelligence, they can 'prove' how smart they are. Of course, what it actually does is indicate that they haven't done much work with math, and don't understand the concept of significant digits.
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Because of the water shortage, you mean?

Is it safe for anyone?

White Supremacy. And since I am working to move out of the U.S. and English speaking countries, no real need
to associate with hostile people. It's counterproductive.
This Norwegian was killed by his American father-in-law for withing him Happy Birthday! Oops!
Christopher should've known to do what the American wanted. https://metro.co.uk/2019/10/04/dad-...-jumped-out-of-bush-to-surprise-him-10862450/
Just an FYI. My family in Norway told me what Nazis did when they occupied Norway. And as I was told when I first
posted in here, I was being combative by discussing work I've spent years on. Know yourselves for who you are. And I
have had an American (he told me my being from Ohio and a disabled Veteran does not qualify me as an American citizen
because I have to earn my citizenship) tell me that I have to do exactly what he says if I want to live and when he finds
out where I live he's going to come to my home and teach me what happens when I won't do what an American tells me
to do. And I was the problem for saying no to him just as I am a problem to you guys.
And to let you guys know how stupid you are and how much like Nazis you are, an example of what exponents are used for.
1 cell that will become a person is 2^0 = 1. There is 1 cell. When it multiplies (cells do not divide) then it is 2^1 = 2. The cell
multiplied 1 time so there are 2 cells. Then 2^2 = 4 because 2 cells multiplied 1 time for a total of 4 cells. Then 2^3 = 8
because 4 cells multiplied 1 time for a total of 8 cells. That's for considering the exponential growth of what will become a
fetus then a person. How exponents are used is determined by the application/purpose it is being used for.
I'll be glad when I am out of your country. Then you guys can say that you are helping to get rid of problem people, those
who don't do what you want to leave the U.S. In Germany it was called Kristallnacht.
Hmm, I said 1 x 1 = 2. If 2^0 = 1 and 2^1 = 2, the 1 was multiplied 1 time. Looking at a cell MULTIPLYING proves
I did use cells multiplying as 1 example of exponential growth.
If the cells were dividing then they'd become smaller but don't. Even at the end of the video they say that 2 cells and not
2 - 1/2 cells are realized. It got old years ago being attacked.
I became 100% disabled because of malpractice. Why instead of working and having a life I need to do what is not
allowed so I can move to a country where I'll be allowed to have a life. I've had 1 American stalking me for 10 years.
If he would've been okay with my pursuing surgery then I probably could've stayed in the U.S. Also, he is not breaking
the law by stalking me. but I'm not allowed to do anything that a "real" American isn't doing better. And Christians are
the worst.
White Supremacy. And since I am working to move out of the U.S. and English speaking countries, no real need to associate with hostile people. It's counterproductive.
Are you being harassed by neo-Nazi's, RiffRaff? Where?
This Norwegian was killed by his American father-in-law for withing him Happy Birthday!
Are you Norwegian, RiffRaff? I thought you said you were born in the US. Aren't you an American citizen?
Just an FYI. My family in Norway told me what Nazis did when they occupied Norway.
Good on them! If we don't remember the past, we risk repeating it.
And as I was told when I first posted in here, I was being combative by discussing work I've spent years on.
The first time you posted here, you started by complaining that you wouldn't be allowed to post here, that you would be banned, that people would reject your work, and so on. You tried to set yourself up as a victim from your first post. I'm not sure why.
Know yourselves for who you are. And I have had an American (he told me my being from Ohio and a disabled Veteran does not qualify me as an American citizen because I have to earn my citizenship) tell me that I have to do exactly what he says if I want to live and when he finds
out where I live he's going to come to my home and teach me what happens when I won't do what an American tells me to do.
Did you report his illegal threats to the police? What happened?
And I was the problem for saying no to him just as I am a problem to you guys.
You're no problem. It would be better if you could maintain concentration long enough to answer some of the questions asked of you, but other than that you're like many self-styled "scientists" who have a pet theory or three and want to share/promote them here.
And to let you guys know how stupid you are and how much like Nazis you are, an example of what exponents are used for.
1 cell that will become a person is 2^0 = 1. There is 1 cell.
You accept that $2^0=1$. Does that imply that you also accept that $8^0=1$, now? Or are you still undecided on that?
I'll be glad when I am out of your country.
Clearly, you've forgotten that we're not all Americans here.
Then you guys can say that you are helping to get rid of problem people, those who don't do what you want to leave the U.S. In Germany it was called Kristallnacht.
Nobody here has told you to leave the US. What are you talking about? Nobody here is persecuting you.

Remember, you came to us. We didn't come looking for you.
Hmm, I said 1 x 1 = 2.
Clearly, that's wrong. You see the mistake, right?
If 2^0 = 1 and 2^1 = 2, the 1 was multiplied 1 time.
$2^1$ means "multiply the number 2 by itself once". $2^8$ means "multiply 2 by itself eight times". $2^0$ is not so easy to interpret, since it seems to say "multiply the number 2 by itself zero times", which might suggest to the uninitiated that $2^0=0$. However, as several people here showed you - myself included - in fact $2^0=1$. But you already knew that, didn't you?

Now you just have to extend that understanding to deduce that $8^0=1$, as well. Can you do that? In fact, $x^0=1$ for any value of x, with the possible exception of x=0.
I became 100% disabled because of malpractice.
What does 100% disabled mean? YOu can't move any limbs? You can't breath without a ventilation machine? You need kidney dialysis? You're mentally compromised? All of the above?
Why instead of working and having a life I need to do what is not allowed so I can move to a country where I'll be allowed to have a life.
How can you work if you're 100% disabled?
I've had 1 American stalking me for 10 years.
Did you report him to the police? What happened? Stalking is illegal.
If he would've been okay with my pursuing surgery then I probably could've stayed in the U.S.
You asked your stalker permission to get surgery? Why?
Also, he is not breaking the law by stalking me.
Why not? Have you asked the police or a lawyer, or did you take his word for it?
... but I'm not allowed to do anything that a "real" American isn't doing better.
Not allowed by whom?
And Christians are the worst.
The worst what? Which Christians? All of them?
Are you being harassed by neo-Nazi's, RiffRaff? Where?

What does 100% disabled mean? YOu can't move any limbs? You can't breath without a ventilation machine? You need kidney dialysis? You're mentally compromised? All of the above?

From what hospital personnel have told me, no one is given a 100% disability rating when surgery says they can work. I did not ask for disability AFTER surgery but the U.S. government
said I was 100% disabled. An example is that my sister died at age 47. She was 100% disabled. She also worked; http://seekernews.com/
I have been told that she spent 9 months in the ICU while being the editor and publishing a Christian newspaper, all while 100% disabled. This is a stupid question on my part but would you
expect someone who is literally being fed by a machine to work? She did work which proves that people who cannot eat food can work.
She had Crohn's Disease. This Judge had Crohn's disease and had surgery. Without surgery,
no college education, just waiting to die. https://law.uky.edu/news/womens-law-caucus-launches-new-lecture-series-brings-inspiration-uk-law
Ask her how she became a judge or a college graduate. It all started with her having surgery. You are evil. You would've hated my sister and you would've hated Judge Goodwine. She wasn't
a judge UNTIL after she had surgery and finished school. No surgery, no education.
With me, a minor problem but not the "real" problem since Jan. 19th, 2010; Alive I am a witness, dead I am a malpractice suit;https://photos.app.goo.gl/gkGJ1UaaTLjjHiEs7
Suicide is not an option because a surgeon made a deal with me. I'd have surgery and they'd do what they can. Doctors answer to someone who doesn't care. I feel sorry for doctors, they're not
allowed to do their job. America is a capitalist country, we like making money.

p.s., With that doctor, suicide was never mentioned. I offered to donate a corpse to him or his colleagues so they'd know why there is pain people do not care to live with. If not for him agreeing to make a deal with me, I would've gladly donated a corpse to the medical community. Then my Christian family who preys to Jesus could've sued for wrongful death. You know how you Americans are, anything to look good while doing nothing.

Have you decided whether or not you believe that $8^0=1$ yet? You skipped over that part of my previous reply to you (and also in all my previous posts on the matter). Do you have a blind spot when it comes to maths?

Does 100% disabled also mean you can't acknowledge maths?
From what hospital personnel have told me, no one is given a 100% disability rating when surgery says they can work.
You've lost me. How can surgery say anything?
I did not ask for disability AFTER surgery but the U.S. government said I was 100% disabled.
Did you tell the US government that you don't think you're 100% disabled? What did it say?
An example is that my sister died at age 47. She was 100% disabled. She also worked;
How was your sister given a 100% disability rating when surgery said she could work? You said that never happens.
I have been told that she spent 9 months in the ICU while being the editor and publishing a Christian newspaper, all while 100% disabled.
You've been told? Didn't you visit her? Didn't you talk to her while she was in ICU? Why not?
This is a stupid question on my part but would you expect someone who is literally being fed by a machine to work?
I wouldn't be pressuring anybody in that kind of situation with my expectations. I'd prefer to leave them to decide.
She did work which proves that people who cannot eat food can work.
Good on her! That sure showed them, I bet.
She had Crohn's Disease. This Judge had Crohn's disease and had surgery. Without surgery,
no college education, just waiting to die.
I think you do people with Crohn's disease a bit of disservice if you assume that they are all just waiting to die. Maybe you should try talking to some of them.
Ask her how she became a judge or a college graduate. It all started with her having surgery.
What kind of surgery?
You are evil.
Well, that sure came out of the blue.

What made you conclude that I'm evil? Was it the $8^0=1$ thing?
You would've hated my sister and you would've hated Judge Goodwine.
It's doubtful. I don't really hate anybody. But I suppose it's hypothetically possible. Still, you don't know me very well and I'm not confident that your guesses really count for much in this respect.
She wasn't a judge UNTIL after she had surgery and finished school. No surgery, no education.
Nobody is a judge until they finish school. That's not unusual. No education, no judgeship.
With me, a minor problem but not the "real" problem since Jan. 19th, 2010; Alive I am a witness, dead I am a malpractice suit
?? You seem to jump from one topic to the next, almost at random.
Suicide is not an option because a surgeon made a deal with me.
I'd have surgery and they'd do what they can.
It's the hippocratic oath that's to blame, I say.
Doctors answer to someone who doesn't care.
Hospital administration?
I feel sorry for doctors, they're not allowed to do their job.
This seems quite far off the original topic of you advertising your experiment and website. Are you going to get back to that, eventually?
America is a capitalist country, we like making money.
Some of you are making money, sure.
p.s., With that doctor, suicide was never mentioned.
I offered to donate a corpse to him or his colleagues so they'd know why there is pain people do not care to live with.
Where would you get a corpse from?
Then my Christian family who preys to Jesus could've sued for wrongful death.
Well, you can't just going around killing people so you can donate their corpses.
You know how you Americans are, anything to look good while doing nothing.
Who are you talking to? I thought you and I were having a conversation.

Have you decided whether or not you believe that $8^0=1$ yet? You skipped over that part of my previous reply to you (and also in all my previous posts on the matter). Do you have a blind spot when it comes to maths?

Does 100% disabled also mean you can't acknowledge maths?

You've lost me. How can surgery say anything?

Did you tell the US government that you don't think you're 100% disabled? What did it say?

How was your sister given a 100% disability rating when surgery said she could work? You said that never happens.

You've been told? Didn't you visit her? Didn't you talk to her while she was in ICU? Why not?

I wouldn't be pressuring anybody in that kind of situation with my expectations. I'd prefer to leave them to decide.

Good on her! That sure showed them, I bet.

I think you do people with Crohn's disease a bit of disservice if you assume that they are all just waiting to die. Maybe you should try talking to some of them.

What kind of surgery?

Well, that sure came out of the blue.

What made you conclude that I'm evil? Was it the $8^0=1$ thing?

It's doubtful. I don't really hate anybody. But I suppose it's hypothetically possible. Still, you don't know me very well and I'm not confident that your guesses really count for much in this respect.

Nobody is a judge until they finish school. That's not unusual. No education, no judgeship.

?? You seem to jump from one topic to the next, almost at random.


It's the hippocratic oath that's to blame, I say.

Hospital administration?

This seems quite far off the original topic of you advertising your experiment and website. Are you going to get back to that, eventually?

Some of you are making money, sure.


Where would you get a corpse from?

Well, you can't just going around killing people so you can donate their corpses.

Who are you talking to? I thought you and I were having a conversation.

I know a Native American who posts like you. I call him Shadow Warrior. He's okay. As for you, a white supremacist. And there really
weren't any "Nazis". There were patriotic Germans who supported a political party like some Americans support the Republican party.
People say "Nazi" so when they're patriotic while storming Congress, they're patriotic Americans.
And James, you must like Nazis. They were responsible for 43 million civilian deaths. Just not a problem if someone thought the wrong
way. As for me, what I was involved with because I'm not you, I served America; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_submarine_K-314

Ever run over a Soviet submarine Mr. American? I did. Funny thing is no one has said what actually happened. Please tell me what an
American you are when you've done nothing. Why you are an American and I can never be one. I ran over a Russian communist
submarine for America but I can never have a life here because that is not what Americans do.
Americans just say we are better and that is what you do.
I know a Native American who posts like you. I call him Shadow Warrior. He's okay.
Sounds like a cool dude, so far.
As for you, a white supremacist.
Are you calling me a white supremacist, RiffRaff? You'd better be careful. Making up lies of that kind about me didn't go so well for the last guy on this forum who tried that.
And there really weren't any "Nazis".
At no time have I claimed there really weren't any Nazis. Now you know. Don't repeat this mistake again.
There were patriotic Germans who supported a political party like some Americans support the Republican party.
Yes. Mindlessly following populist trend, with many substituting racist prejudice for simple human kindness and empathy.
People say "Nazi" so when they're patriotic while storming Congress, they're patriotic Americans.
Maybe you should take that up with them. I didn't storm any Congress. And, as you know, I'm not American. Do you remember?
And James, you must like Nazis.
Somehow, you've got your wires badly crossed, RiffRaff. I don't like Nazis.

Nazi's aren't people who claim that $8^0=1$, you know? Being able to do some maths doesn't make a person a Nazi.
They were responsible for 43 million civilian deaths.
Perhaps. I'd have to see how you determined who was responsible for what, exactly. But you're probably not too far off.
Just not a problem if someone thought the wrong way.
You've lost me. 43 million civilian deaths is not a problem?
As for me, what I was involved with because I'm not you, I served America;
I wasn't alive at the time, so it was a little hard for me to serve America. Please forgive me for failing to be born early enough for your liking.
Ever run over a Soviet submarine Mr. American?
Who are you talking to?
Morning jog? Or were you on a ship?
Funny thing is no one has said what actually happened.
You just said what actually happened, didn't you?
Please tell me what an American you are when you've done nothing.
I'm not an American. What do you find difficult to understand about that? I've told you many times, but it doesn't go in.
Why you are an American and I can never be one.
I thought you were already an American citizen. You were born in America, weren't you?
I ran over a Russian communist submarine for America but I can never have a life here because that is not what Americans do.
Americans like you can never have a life in America? Why not? You're an American citizen, aren't you? What's stopping you? It seems to me that you're currently having a life in America. Am I wrong?

I think you need to decide whether you want to stay in America or not. You seem to constantly flip-flop between complaining about how you aren't allowed to live in America and then complaining how you can't leave America. What is it you actually want? Go, or stay?
Americans just say we are better and that is what you do.
When did I say you Americans are better? Better than whom? Better for what?

Don't try to put words in my mouth, RiffRaff. That's not nice and it's not honest.
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As for you, a white supremacist. And there really
weren't any "Nazis". There were patriotic Germans who supported a political party like some Americans support the Republican party.
People say "Nazi" so when they're patriotic while storming Congress, they're patriotic Americans.
Can you quit with this? Seriously?
Pointing out rules of exponents does not someone a Nazi.
Stop being silly.
Can you quit with this? Seriously?
Pointing out rules of exponents does not someone a Nazi.
Stop being silly.

Saying I am wrong when I am not and saying I will answer to "pure" English speaking people makes them like
Germans who occupied Norway. None of you understand 93 bars when f(x) = 93/(1 + 10.33)^x = y?
How can 93 divided by (1 + 10.33)^x = 93?

And when I leave the U.S. to have a life, I will need to say that I do not deserve to walk or live among "pure" Englishers.
"pure" Englishers are awesome people because they learned from the Bible.
1 Corinthians 1:19; For it is written: ‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.
"pure" Englishers are good people who believe in Jesus.

As the Bible taught you, why learn when you can be the problem in Jesus' name? You are good, believe you are good
because Jesus loves you. So you traded the swastika for the cross, I'm not a Christian. You guys should go to church then
and do good like you are doing to me. I am a sinner. Can you save me? Can you lead me to salvation?
This is both funny and true. I am a sinner because you think, talk and believe the "right" way.

p.s., Americans tell me all of the time that Mexicans are better and if I want to live in America then I have to do what
Americans expect from me. You guys simply failed to show how my equation is wrong while repeatedly claiming it is wrong.
That describes white supremacy. People in other countries will know that you can be born white in America and serve in its
military but could never be as good as a Mexican.

To prove you guys are fascist, copy and paste this in your browser and hit enter;
93/(1 + 10.33)^x = 93. x is a variable. It can be any number but for the equation to equal 93
it can have only 1 value. And you guys are not smart enough to do math. Why you're fascist. You are right
because you're not me.
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You guys are right. Just like the "pure" English speaking American who said he will ruin my life to prove he is better.
And in my very first post I made this known and that I am 1/2 Norwegian. You guys are doing the very same thing he
has done for 18 years. He told me that if I want to get away from him I'll need to commit suicide.
And you guys are right, you're not Nazis. Nazis did not torment people. Their suffering did not last long. Of course
Americans and Brits support Israel destroying Palestinians. And America's wars in Iraq (illegal) and Afghanistan were
for what purpose? Who has the power? That is why wars have been and are being waged.
And as you guys have shown me, I am wrong because you say I am wrong. And yet you cannot show where my
equation is wrong but keep saying it is. And then you'll say I said something I never said to show you are right. It's guys
like you who make me think that while Nazis were bad people, they were also humane people, they didn't let people suffer long.

p.s., The only reason you guys want me to say I am wrong is so you can dominate like the white supremacist who has stalked me
for over 10 years. None of you showed my equation was wrong while lying about what I said. That is white supremacy.
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The only reason you guys want me to say I am wrong is so you can dominate like the white supremacist who has stalked me
for over 10 years. None of you showed my equation was wrong while lying about what I said. That is white supremacy.
Nonwhite people who have at least a little math background also think your math is wrong.

I hope you are under a doctors care.
I will be banned and it's okay. I never said 8^0 ≠ 1. The only thing you guys have done is claim I said it and then attacked me.
And early posts by you guys said that I was being combative when I tried discussing actual research that I am pursuing. That
thread was removed because I was told that I cannot discuss actual research that I am pursuing.
And when I made it known that a white supremacist has been stalking me for over 10 years because I am 1/2 Norwegian, you did
the same things he did as well as people associated with thenakedscientists website. Why are "pure" English speaking Brtis and
Americans are against someone who is not one of you pursuing a life in an English speaking country using science? As has been
said, I say 8^0 ≠ 1. That is constantly repeated yet I never said that. Why would people in here lie about what I said?
I'm always attacked at work for the same reason while white Americans tell me that Mexicans are better. Enjoy the company of
your Mexican friends whom you like so much because I will be leaving the U.S. It will be funny when the world sees a disabled
Veteran of the U.S. Navy asking for humanitarian sanctuary so I can flee the U.S. because it is not safe for me to live here just as
I should not post in here unless I like being attacked.

BTW, Has the U.S. or England been involved in any wars this century? Is that what their leadership means to the world? It does.