Imaginary universe - to help develope theories about the nature of time

An intersting thought concerning our SIFU is that if one object breaks away and travels at 100kmph relative to the SIFU then the absolute velocity of that object must be 100 kph.

Interesting approach to this old question about absolute velocities.
Quantum Quack:

So what I am proposing is that time is generated by teh movement of energy that is ccnstantly travelling at ´c´
And when that energy is forced to travel faster than ´c´by relative velocity it must effecively slow down to maintain the static rate of ´c´ thus time must slow down or dilate to accommodate the change in velocity from being static and inertial to being relatiev and non-inertial. So as th emass acceleerates the energy must slow down unless the entire unievsre accelrates simultaneously which would effect no attempt to change the rate of change.

So relativity is basically an allowance for motion at all, is what you're saying?

How is time maintained as absolute in an inertial frame or SIFU?

As the "resting rate" is c?
Quantum Quack:

“ So what I am proposing is that time is generated by teh movement of energy that is ccnstantly travelling at ´c´
And when that energy is forced to travel faster than ´c´by relative velocity it must effecively slow down to maintain the static rate of ´c´ thus time must slow down or dilate to accommodate the change in velocity from being static and inertial to being relatiev and non-inertial. So as th emass acceleerates the energy must slow down unless the entire unievsre accelrates simultaneously which would effect no attempt to change the rate of change. ”

1/ So relativity is basically an allowance for motion at all, is what you're saying?

“ How is time maintained as absolute in an inertial frame or SIFU? ”

As the "resting rate" is c?

1/ It may be a simple point but yes relativity is about time and motion. But for motion to exist in the classic or superficial sense it must be relative or non-inertial. [ I am sure if JamesR is reading he is going "tut tut, hmmmmm...QQ is at it again....:) ]

2/ In this context the SIFU universe is quite happilly at rest travelling at ´c´within itself....yes. Therfore energy generates time and time is energy

If you are familiar with principles of inertia, as in the resistance to change you can possibly see attempting to push energy faster than ´c´by introducing relative motion in our SIFU would meet with resistance hence time dilation and length contraction [ allthough I have doubts about length contraction theory as per SRT]

Eventually by use of logic and reasoning logical proof can be arrived at that will state and show quite clearly that time is absolute and that light indeed does not travel. Because inertia is absolute and not relative in that it can only function as part of a whole universe instantaneously, inertia effects are not subject to relative time and relative time as a notion only exists because of photon theory. [re: extensions of machs principle] However I am getting ahead of myself...

As suggested in other threads because we can not differentiate between reflector and reflected regarding the photon this issue of absolute and relative time is far from resolved..... for me any way.

Of course if one asumes no information delays the reflection and reflector are in an absolute time relationship and therefore inertia is caused by that reflections´ absolute resistance to being anything other than in an absolute time relationship. { as the rest rate of energy i steh only rate of energy and can never be any slower or quicker than ´c´ [exception could be the blue light effect sometimes seen around nuclear energy stocks...can´t recall the name they have given it]

A fundamental of the universe is that the sufference of relative time is only the priviledge and burden of sentient self willed conscious entitires such as humans because manipulating time is the outcome of desire for self hood [ self awareness ]..... a rock has no desire so there for can not suffer time distortions. Therefore the rock can not suffer and thus it can merely "be" self reflective. Suffering is therefore only a subjective temporal state and a burden only that which can have a temporal state [active accessable memory]can suffer.

so you can see how I am blending philosophy with science here....
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