In a World...where God (Christian) had finally revealed himself...

Ok Lori, so you would join a missionary force correct? You've already joined one? And now you have less to "prove".

It's really what you've been doing all along right? But now there's some people who STILL don't believe. You would ignore them? You would have a big party on your lawn to celebrate His coming? You would stop going to work everyday? You would post a facebook status of "Who'd a thought...?" It's imaginative...if you can't think of something quirky then it's not worth posting at all. If you want help I can give you some?

You're looking into to much, perhaps staling because you really don't KNOW what you would do, it's far too removed from your daily experience? or it's so natural you wouldn't even realize you're doing it?

He shows up, he says, "Hello Lori we have much work to do. Look around you. How many people have been knocked off their feet, all at once, a thunder that can be heard around the world." How would the dialogue go from there?

"it is already done".

me realizing god was like getting hit repeatedly over the head with a hammer and the people around me witnessed that. that's the extent of my missionary work. i think god will take that and make it mean something to a lot of people. and they can get hit in the head too perhaps, but it will never be a matter of codependence if it's the truth. it will be between you and god, and in between, will be the christ.
Hah, is that a response in itself...just utter confusion?

I have no preference, I am getting a general sample of what would happen...I surely have already considered what people would do, as I have shown some general examples. Beg, cry, revolt, attempt to escape...etc....

You would be in awe of how upside-down your world would be?!

That is the underlying difficulty of this question. It requires imagination or at least a solid introspective understanding of who "you" are.

So you are actually asking what would society\civilization do or how society would react. Not how an individual or i would react if god revealed himself to me personally. This is somewhat different. Societies act as a group and sometimes\usually their collective reactions would influence the individual and sometimes in a negative way so there is no way of knowing for sure how society would react.

Here is what you asked:

if tomorrow God showed himself, almost irrefutably, I mean, everyone can hear Him, "see" his power, know that he exists. He comes to help the humanity with all of his glory, how would you respond. Would you ask for forgiveness? would you inquire into all of the B.S. that had been shoved down your throat prior to his appearance? Would you drink "koolaid" to be released from the world? Would you ask "how?" Would you assume there is a greater force at work? A hoax?

Imagine what would you do? What would it be like?

At that point i dont think it would matter much what i would do.
Nope. I asked what would YOU do. Meaning whoever ever was reading this.

Society would do a whole slew of things after the initial change. But in the first ten minutes, perhaps ten decades, there would be no "society" that would have a different meaning. It's interesting what YOU would do, just as it's interesting what society would do. I am just prodding your brains, seeing if anything original or meaningful might pop up. I don't want you to do anything in particular, as I said. But it's interesting to see what people think they would do in that scenario, just as it was intersting to me when I first thought it up.

It throws you off. Most people don't consider such a thing would ever happen. Hell it seems nonsensical to even pose the question to some. But it's still a nice premise to throw out there. Something easy to "identify" with, and by easy I mean "not far from the world we know today" not the world of Avatar, or Harry Potter, or a world where dreams can be warped and ideas be stolen, but a world we know, just with the idea of God thrown in, for almostcertain, rather than just speculation.
ah, well i dont think there is anything i would do then and i really cannot say how society would react.

there is nothing i need to say verbally because god communicates telepathically. my understanding is that anything i would say is only for others to hear and humans can communicate just fine telepathically with god but i dont think it would have too much of an effect on me personally.
First of all, I would crap my pants.. Seems obvious.
Then, I would most likely get real friggin' pissed. (Not just because I soiled myself ) Though,that's just the shits.. Yeah, pun intended.

But, I would have to ask..
Where have you been?...... Why are you here now?

Then I have read posts in here, God is telepathic.

Some here don't even believe in a "God".. Myself included.
So, how do we reach the conclusion that he is telepathic?

"IF" he ever declared himself to me, of course at 1st, I would be dumbfounded.

Then I would have many questions for him/her... Then I would ask what I needed to do, to be accepted by this deity.

Then get just pissy drunk.

Just sayin'
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ah, well i dont think there is anything i would do then and i really cannot say how society would react.

there is nothing i need to say verbally because god communicates telepathically. my understanding is that anything i would say is only for others to hear and humans can communicate just fine telepathically with god but i dont think it would have too much of an effect on me personally.

Hi John...
Now, I mean NO disrespect at all.. But, you were the last to mention this..
How do you know "God" is telepathic? You are certainly not the 1st in this thread, or anywhere else, to say this.

I am just curious, as to how you, or anyone else, has formulated this theory?

I am actually not just posing this question to you, but, to anyone that explain this theory.

I am by no means an expert in Theology, though I have studied in college.

( no degree though, dropped the class )

But to anyone here, how does anyone know " God " is telepathic?

Has he/she ever spoken to anyone in this forum?

I am only asking, to better understand this crazy world, we call home..

Gremmie. :shrug:
Hello all,

It's been a while since I have posted on the forums. I have spent waayyy too much time here in the past and almost feel weird to be's funny that the same exact conversations with the same people involved are still going on nearly 6 years later. But, I have a new question for you all. One that you may not have come across before.

I am writing a book/screenplay and was wondering: if tomorrow God showed himself, almost irrefutably, I mean, everyone can hear Him, "see" his power, know that he exists. He comes to help the humanity with all of his glory, how would you respond. Would you ask for forgiveness? would you inquire into all of the B.S. that had been shoved down your throat prior to his appearance? Would you drink "koolaid" to be released from the world? Would you ask "how?" Would you assume there is a greater force at work? A hoax?

Imagine what would you do? What would it be like?

In a world...where God has proved his own existence...

Welcome back. although thinking again maybe it is not good to welcome someone back to a place like this???

Well i believe there is going to be a great hoax in relation to the return of the Messiah Jesus and the bible tells me they will be given power to do great lying signs and wonders to deceive the world.

So i would have to closely observe how this "god/God" made his appearance and what He was saying before i would consider my response.

I assume your "koolaid" reference is some kind of suicide drug?

If God exists how does anyone think they can run away from Him by committing suicide?

If God/Jesus actually returned then i would wait with great anticipation for Him to reveal what He wants to reveal to me. I don't think i would pester Him with questions. I would have faith that He would give me anything i need to know. Actually i already trust in Him to give me all i need to know.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
is it imperative that it didn't happen the way it was supposed to in the bible? and how is it supposed to happen in the bible? revelations prophecy is prophecy. it's interpretive until it actually happens. but it says that in the last days 144,000 will be sealed, lose their lives, and be resurrected first into the kingdom.

Just as a side issue:

As the 144,000 will be preserved they will not be dieing before the establishment of the millennial Kingdom. They are the 144,000 who will be the Remnant that will repopulate the promised kingdom of the Messiah on Earth. And that Kingdom is the First Kingdom. The second or expanded continuation of the first comes 1000 years later.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Ok Lori, so you would join a missionary force correct? You've already joined one? And now you have less to "prove".

It's really what you've been doing all along right? But now there's some people who STILL don't believe. You would ignore them? You would have a big party on your lawn to celebrate His coming? You would stop going to work everyday? You would post a facebook status of "Who'd a thought...?" It's imaginative...if you can't think of something quirky then it's not worth posting at all. If you want help I can give you some?

You're looking into to much, perhaps staling because you really don't KNOW what you would do, it's far too removed from your daily experience? or it's so natural you wouldn't even realize you're doing it?

He shows up, he says, "Hello Lori we have much work to do. Look around you. How many people have been knocked off their feet, all at once, a thunder that can be heard around the world." How would the dialogue go from there?

Your questions are unreal.

How could anyone be unbelieving if God chose to reveal himself to the world???

And as i believe all true followers of the Messiah Jesus will be transformed into their eternal state of being upon the return of the Messiah Jesus i doubt any of us (followers) will need to ask any questions because He could give us all the understanding we need in a twinkling of an eye.

As a Christian i believe the second coming is going to be a terrable affair for most of the world. Upon His arrival an ammased army of 200 million troops will turn their wepons on each other and slaughter each other to the last man. And that nothing compared to the stuff thats going to befall the world around the times of His second coming.

Most people are going to be in too much terror to be thinking about questions they would like to ask. Here have a read.

Revelation 6
15 And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, 16 and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”

Jesus is the Lamb of God

So much for sitting down and lighting a smoke to create an atmosphere. The atmosphere will be darkened already as a result of the cataclysm of a Meteor strike.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
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Your questions are unreal.

How could anyone be unbelieving if God chose to reveal himself to the world???

And as i believe all true followers of the Messiah Jesus will be transformed into their eternal state of being upon the return of the Messiah Jesus i doubt any of us (followers) will need to ask any questions because He could give us all the understanding we need in a twinkling of an eye.

As a Christian i believe the second coming is going to be a terrable affair for most of the world. Upon His arrival an ammased army of 200 million troops will turn their wepons on each other and slaughter each other to the last man. And that nothing compared to the stuff thats going to befall the world around the times of His second coming.

Most people are going to be in too much terror to be thinking about questions they would like to ask. Here have a read.

Revelation 6
15 And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, 16 and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”

Jesus is the Lamb of God

So much for sitting down and lighting a smoke to create an atmosphere. The atmosphere will be darkened already as a result of the cataclysm of a Meteor strike.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Interesting enough. Revelations has helped shape some ideas for me, surely. But I would be skeptical, if he simply showed Himself, NOT necessarily as it is in the bible, because you have to realize this is a FICTIONAL screenplay we are speaking of, not the way the Bible has presented it. I would feel no terror whatsoever, God created me correct? Every inch and every nuance of my being is attributed to His Greatness, correct? There is nothing, not a shred of me that is not thanks to His Glory, correct? So what should I have to fear, I am His own creation: Thy will be done? No fear at all...I would be laughing and smoking a cigarette. And waiting for the next chapter.

Some people WOULD be skeptical, however. It is possible that under a circumstance of being able to control the human brain, of emitting electrical impulses in the right order on the right neurons, one can create an illusory perception of something that may not be there. I would assume this FIRST before I would assume God is real.

Welcome back. although thinking again maybe it is not good to welcome someone back to a place like this???

Well i believe there is going to be a great hoax in relation to the return of the Messiah Jesus and the bible tells me they will be given power to do great lying signs and wonders to deceive the world.

So i would have to closely observe how this "god/God" made his appearance and what He was saying before i would consider my response.

I assume your "koolaid" reference is some kind of suicide drug?

If God exists how does anyone think they can run away from Him by committing suicide?

If God/Jesus actually returned then i would wait with great anticipation for Him to reveal what He wants to reveal to me. I don't think i would pester Him with questions. I would have faith that He would give me anything i need to know. Actually i already trust in Him to give me all i need to know.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

The koolaid was a suicide drug reference, yes. Just as you said, paraphrased of course, "great men will ask the rocks to fall upon them and hide them from the face of He who has returned" people wouldn't know what else to do. They would feel it was a bad dream, or something might work...if they're dead, maybe it wouldn't be so bad as being alive and previously well? It's not a completely outlandish idea coming from someone who doesn't believe the afterlife exists.

Hi John...
Now, I mean NO disrespect at all.. But, you were the last to mention this..
How do you know "God" is telepathic? You are certainly not the 1st in this thread, or anywhere else, to say this.

I am just curious, as to how you, or anyone else, has formulated this theory?

I am actually not just posing this question to you, but, to anyone that explain this theory.

I am by no means an expert in Theology, though I have studied in college.

( no degree though, dropped the class )

But to anyone here, how does anyone know " God " is telepathic?

Has he/she ever spoken to anyone in this forum?

I am only asking, to better understand this crazy world, we call home..

Gremmie. :shrug:

It doens't matter if you think God is or isn't telepathic, but to answer the question most people would certainly assume that an all powerful God could speak telepathically, what vocal cords would he have to speak otherwise? It makes him too much of a man and too little a Being of Great power.

First of all, I would crap my pants.. Seems obvious.
Then, I would most likely get real friggin' pissed. (Not just because I soiled myself ) Though,that's just the shits.. Yeah, pun intended.

But, I would have to ask..
Where have you been?...... Why are you here now?

Then I have read posts in here, God is telepathic.

Some here don't even believe in a "God".. Myself included.
So, how do we reach the conclusion that he is telepathic?

"IF" he ever declared himself to me, of course at 1st, I would be dumbfounded.

Then I would have many questions for him/her... Then I would ask what I needed to do, to be accepted by this deity.

Then get just pissy drunk.

Just sayin'

I like the drinking park. I imagine alcholism would run rampant...
Just as a side issue:

As the 144,000 will be preserved they will not be dieing before the establishment of the millennial Kingdom. They are the 144,000 who will be the Remnant that will repopulate the promised kingdom of the Messiah on Earth. And that Kingdom is the First Kingdom. The second or expanded continuation of the first comes 1000 years later.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

this is interesting. i thought that the multitude in the white robes was waiting for a remainder to die and join them. doesn't it say that the 144,000 "did not love their lives"?

and then, when it talks about the population of the kingdom, it describes the tree of life (or possibly 2 trees), producing 12 different fruits each month for a 1000 years. this speaks to me of a population being birthed over a specific time period and not one that (somehow) appears all at once.

i'm extremely interested in this 144,000. i believe this population is the children of the chosenlady, and her chosen sister, in 2nd john. and i think the chosenlady and her sister are the 2 trees in the kingdom.
Interesting enough. Revelations has helped shape some ideas for me, surely. But I would be skeptical, if he simply showed Himself, NOT necessarily as it is in the bible, because you have to realize this is a FICTIONAL screenplay we are speaking of, not the way the Bible has presented it. I would feel no terror whatsoever, God created me correct? Every inch and every nuance of my being is attributed to His Greatness, correct? There is nothing, not a shred of me that is not thanks to His Glory, correct? So what should I have to fear, I am His own creation: Thy will be done? No fear at all...I would be laughing and smoking a cigarette. And waiting for the next chapter.

God also gave you the ability to accept or reject His will. This is why one should fear God, Because they have the ability to reject Him.

Some people WOULD be skeptical, however. It is possible that under a circumstance of being able to control the human brain, of emitting electrical impulses in the right order on the right neurons, one can create an illusory perception of something that may not be there. I would assume this FIRST before I would assume God is real.

Fair enough.

The koolaid was a suicide drug reference, yes. Just as you said, paraphrased of course, "great men will ask the rocks to fall upon them and hide them from the face of He who has returned" people wouldn't know what else to do. They would feel it was a bad dream, or something might work...if they're dead, maybe it wouldn't be so bad as being alive and previously well? It's not a completely outlandish idea coming from someone who doesn't believe the afterlife exists.

Well if they know who it is that is coming. (and the bible seems to indicate they will be made to know) then they will aslo know that an afterlife exists and the one they fear has control there as well. So suicide would be no escape for them.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
this is interesting. i thought that the multitude in the white robes was waiting for a remainder to die and join them.

I believe you are talking about the ones under the altar:

Revealtion 6
11 Then a white robe was given to each of them; and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they were, was completed.

I believe these are seperate from the 144,000. I don't believe the 144.000 will be killed as these where. they will be preserved/ protected to be the starting population of the Mellenial kingdom. The ones in white robes will be resurected upon the day of the Messiahs retun But they will not be getting married or having childeren. they will be in there eternal bodies and will be ruling the earth. They will probably be ruling over the 144.000 and their decendants.

doesn't it say that the 144,000 "did not love their lives"?

No. The 144.000 are marked by the angels and are protected on earth during the tribulation. your quote comes from:

Revelation 12
11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.

The 144,000 being innocents do not need the blood of the lamb to overcome. But me and you sinners do need the blood of the Lamb. The 144,000 don't need to surender their lives for their beliefs. But in the end times most followers of the Messiah Jesus will be required to do just that.

and then, when it talks about the population of the kingdom, it describes the tree of life (or possibly 2 trees), producing 12 different fruits each month for a 1000 years. this speaks to me of a population being birthed over a specific time period and not one that (somehow) appears all at once.

I believe this is the food that will sustain the population. I believe the 144,000 will grow up and get married and have childeren and so forth for 1000 years. they will live in the land promised to Abraham.

i'm extremely interested in this 144,000. i believe this population is the children of the chosenlady, and her chosen sister, in 2nd john. and i think the chosenlady and her sister are the 2 trees in the kingdom.

Well i do not get that message from scriptures. I hope we will boath see how things actually turn out :) . Lets keep seeking understanding from Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
God also gave you the ability to accept or reject His will. This is why one should fear God, Because they have the ability to reject Him.

Well if they know who it is that is coming. (and the bible seems to indicate they will be made to know) then they will aslo know that an afterlife exists and the one they fear has control there as well. So suicide would be no escape for them.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Not that I want to get into the "Debate" that I have been in and am well over arguing anymore, but free will cannot exist if God has created everything and it is all a part of "The Plan".

Unfortunately for people like me, who look into the logic of things before he "believes" them this idea seems to be the LARGEST discrepency in beliefs amongst Christians. That at once, God knows and creates and has his hand in EVERYTHING, yet has NO control over your ability to believe in Him or reject Him. This is utterly and entirely matter what it "says" in the bible. He either controls everything or he doesn't. Simple...

If I give a 5 year old a book, and never teach him to read it, is it safe to say that the child ALONE is responsible for understanding the information in it? Is it safe to say that if there are rules and regulations that the child is expected to follow and he does not follow them that it is by the child's own direct disboediance that he has not followed them...or that the rules themselves made no sense to him? That the rules just looked like foreign and unknown squibbles put together into incoherent (to someone unable to read) combinations?

Just the same, if my brain operates on logic, and understanding, and a very strong curiosity for the nature of the universe, and then is presented with a book that is very "human" very simplistic, and banal, very much like a fable or a childrens story when in relation to the complexity of existence (i.e. Sodom was evil, Sodom was punsihed. The wicked were bad, and bad things happened to bad people. Moses was faithful and obedient Moses was rewarded...)

Yes, all this is well and good, but, I ask, why is it the E=MC^2?

I ask, now that I am in a civilized and cultured world, where man has developed great things and has transcended his ancestors, where the world is less about how much "grain" one can produce in a given season, and more about the longevity of his community's grain? Where the world has structure and government, and at least a semblance of order that these stories of inquity and tyranny, and corruption fit into my everyday world? I would punish a corrupt governor, NOT because God tells me so, but because it is harmful to society...I would promote punishment from theft, NOT because it is written that "Thou shalt not" but because if thou did it would equally be detrimental to a society where correspondence and companionship, and teamwork and success itself REQUIRE that one shouldn't steal from his neighbor? What value does this book have to the man of today?

food for thought in regards to the tree...

it says the tree(s) will produce 12 different fruits, each month, for 1000 years.

12 X 12 X 1000 = 144,000
I would spend a lot of time questioning my sanity & perhaps would never be convinced that I was not hallucinating or otherwise mentally unbalanced.

BTW: 5-10 years ago, a series of novels were written about the "saved" being removed from Earth (The Rapture) as per various interpretations of the Book of Revelations.