Inactive moderators

That's easy: Post all your account #s, PINs, etc. and "You're It!" When do you start?

Actually, this is my specialty. I belong to that subspecies referred to as telemarketers, direct marketers, list brokers. etc.

I have heard, in a small bar, from this cute blond chickie (of all the gin joints in all the world, why did she have to walk into this one) that one could get upwards of $10.00 per name and credit card number...

Now, who can hack? Ready set, go!

Seriously, that is what a primo list including CC numbers goes for on the black market, although $2-$3 is more typical. Or so I've been told... :cool:
Thank you for this thread Enmos. I'll check all inactive moderators and their plans, and also all forums that need 'another hand'.
Thank you for this thread Enmos. I'll check all inactive moderators and their plans, and also all forums that need 'another hand'.

Absolutely, one must, after all, keep the riff-raff such as myself away from those art fora.

Course, I'm not so sure about Enmos, either... :poke:
I'll check all inactive moderators and their plans, and also all forums that need 'another hand'.

What action will you take upon those who are guilty of lassitude?! Will you smite thy angels into oblivion or will you, Gabriel, reach thy hands welcoming desolation of Sciforums?
Thank You Enmos for this thread, the administrators will act upon these deviants and resolve all of these conflicts once and for all, forever.
GRR! You see? :mad:
I made a typo in one of my thread titles and the thread just happens to be in Earth Science.
The only one moderating that subforum is Tristan..
I asked if the mod could please correct the title for me, but I guess I can forget about that..