Incredible pic of Natural Rainbow.!!!

How incredible do you rate my rainbow pic... 1 bein sad an 5 bein incredible.!!!

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+ Public Dilemma +
Valued Senior Member
I am prolly the only person in this forum who has seen such a rainbow an took a pic of it… ie… a rainbow that ends right in ther own back yard less than 200 feet away.!!!

You're funnin' with us. Rainbows can be seen in sprinklers all the time. They're not just for rain showers.
Well so far the votes about my pic have been above average to incredible B-)

An so far... it apears that i have been the only one in this forum to have seen such a sight :biggrin:
Well so far the votes about my pic have been above average to incredible B-)

An so far... it apears that i have been the only one in this forum to have seen such a sight :biggrin:
I've seem them quite close up.Outside of a house next to the road driving past in the car.
I don't know, 35 metres,maybe?

Couldn't be arsed to take a photo,though. I leave that to the touristsB-)
No pot of gold... an i told my wife... "whares the pot of gold"... LOL.!!!
When I was a little kid, my dad was taking us somewhere and right there on the side of the road was the end of a rainbow. My dad asked me if there was a pot of gold there. I looked and said no. He said, "Just my luck - wrong end".
When I was a little kid, my dad was taking us somewhere and right there on the side of the road was the end of a rainbow. My dad asked me if there was a pot of gold there. I looked and said no. He said, "Just my luck - wrong end".
That happened to Obama. Everyone thinks he was on wrong side of the rainbow (pointing), but it was Obama who was the "pot of gold" for millions of people. Obama Care!
I've seem them quite close up.Outside of a house next to the road driving past in the car.
I don't know, 35 metres,maybe?

Couldn't be arsed to take a photo,though. I leave that to the touristsB-)

When my wife sees a rainbow she hollers at me... an i was takin my sweet time to go look... until she said "its in the back yard" an then i put some pep in my step :p

From our back deck... the height of the rainbow looked to be about 150 feet.!!!
When my wife sees a rainbow she hollers at me... an i was takin my sweet time to go look... until she said "its in the back yard" an then i put some pep in my step :p

From our back deck... the height of the rainbow looked to be about 150 feet.!!!
Rainbows do not really have a height. They are caused by optical geometry; they don't exist in a physical place.

What does exist in a certain place is the body of droplets in which the light is refracting.

I don't know what the source of the droplets is in the photo you posted - it could be a sprinkler system, it could be rain, but it is in front of those trees. That is where the refraction is occurring.

Here is a rainbow that is limited by the boundaries of the mist from an agricultural sprinker:

"From our back deck... the height of the rainbow looked to be about 150 feet.!!!"
Rainbows do not really have a height.

Yes… an from my perspective “on my back deck”... i estimated it to be 200 feet away an it looked twice as high as a 75 foot tree it appeared to be above.!!!
I don't know what the source of the droplets is in the photo you posted - it could be a sprinkler system, it could be rain,

In the poll… how did you rate the pic on my sad-to-incredible scale
it's a picture of a rainbow in a backyard sprinkler.

I thank you'r just joshin me... but even if not... ill assume that you woud have picked “1” (which represents “sad”) if you had voted. So even wit that 1... my rainbow pic still rates a 3 which is perty good B-)
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