Indian babythrow

Well, if we are at it, I prefer ratworship to cowworship, because they don't cause traffic jams like cows, and their farts don't eliminate the ozonelayer, although you kind of have to worry about plague:

This place NEVER been hit by any rat spread illnesses, sure sign of the existence of Ratgod...

(going out to buy a rat or two)
i didnt say its not wrong to kill a baby, only an unborn foetus prior to a debatable level of development, the sooner the better. by extension the later the worse, and after its born only if there are rational reasons for it

to put a perfectly good baby in deliberate danger for no good reason is just ignorant

i dont understand what you are babling about

there is no making up my mind, this has already been stablished:
killing may be legal, but it is imoral
and so is endangering a child

Sure but it depends on the baby, does it not?

I remember the fuss over this:


but for some reason I don't recall an equivalent outrage over this:


or this:


Child killed by the poisonous gas leak in the Union Carbide chemical plant disaster.
Seems like you're backpedaling. As for the "doesn't make sense that parents would throw their children" part, you have to understand that it's a different culture. Admittedly, I personally think it is weird. Actually, I think a lot of the cultures and traditions over there are pretty weird, but I guess that's natural, considering everybody in the West (including myself) is brainwashed to some degree to think that those cultures are nonsensical and should be criminally outlawed. I bet they think we're pretty weird, too.

so, basicaly, what is culturally accepted is moral?
sam, the croc hunter had questionable judgement...which is probably why he's dead. Starvation in africa is a force of nature, if the crops fail you will probably die like any other animal without food.
sam, the croc hunter had questionable judgement...which is probably why he's dead. Starvation in africa is a force of nature, if the crops fail you will probably die like any other animal without food.

More and more its is a deliberate policy sustained by agricultural subsidies and food dumping.

Ignorance takes many forms.
It's been defanged and devenomized. A family dog is much more dangerous.

Oh, OK. Hey Lovius Dovius, come here for a minute!

(defanging the family dog)

I still wonder about the purpose, because the kid WRONGLY learns that cobras aren't dangerous...
Sure but it depends on the baby, does it not?

no, it doesn't

and if there is a greater fuss about some babies more than others, it's probably because in some areas people value children enough to keep them from being endangered, rather than endangering them themselves
Oh, OK. Hey Lovius Dovius, come here for a minute!

(defanging the family dog)

I still wonder about the purpose, because the kid WRONGLY learns that cobras aren't dangerous...

Indian kids are not that stupid. :rolleyes:

There is a festival of Nag Panchami, when wild cobras are given milk by farmers for their service in keeping farms free of rodents (there is also some mythology attached to it). Everyone knows, if you don't bother a cobra, it won't bother you. Hence all its posturing which basically means, go away.

Whatever. This:

is irresponsible. If they did it is the US, the government would take their kids away. These Muslims are superstitious and stupid, and the cause is religion. The whole caste system is immoral and irrational.

The US government has no compunction in irresponsibly bombing other people's kids into oblivion. So I'm not impressed by their values.

The communists used to throw babies on bayonets, so religion is not a requirement for irresponsibility either.
If its religious it cannot be questioned, why is that?

Actually, if its religious ONLY, its questioned. No one bats an eye at the 20,000 children die everyday due to "secular" trade practices or the hundreds of thousands of children who die from conflicts where arms are supplied by the UNSC members or the 46 million who are aborted every year legally (no count for illegal abortions).