Indian Yuga


Staff member
Some speculation from can do that too...

"The lifetime of a Brahma himself may be between 40 billion and 311 trillion years"

...may mean that our Universe may last only 40 Billion Years and that other universes are born (multi-verse) for a total life of Brahma of 311 Trillion Years....

Yugas may apply to Earth:
The duration of the Satya-yuga is therefore 4,800 x 360, or 1,728,000 years.
The duration of the Tretā-yuga is 3,600 x 360, or 1,296,000 years.
The duration of the Dvāpara-yuga is 2,400 x 360, or 864,000 years. And the last, the Kali-yuga, is 1,200 x 360, or 432,000 years in total."

That is a total of 4,320,000 Years. This may mean that we have life cycles with this specific years each time. Does that mean we had many civilizations over 750 million years?

Just to think...
As to Rama Empire...I read (Ramayana) that He and a few others left planet Earth and left five people to manage the local population in Dvāpara-yuga. He was there for a thousand years on Earth. Then left the Earth....from a River system as the basis (sounds like Star Gate...may be). Also Indra was there (To me that sounds like Krishna's people including Krishna)...

Stuff to think...

Some items:

105. braahmaNaaH = Brahmins (the priest-class); kShatriyaaH = Kshatriyas (the warrior-class); vaishyaaH = Vaishyas (the merchants and agriculturists); shuudraaH = Shudras (the servent-class) pravartante = were performing; svakarmasu = their own duties; tuShTaaH = satisfied; svaiH karmabhireva = with their own works; lobhavivarjitaah = bereft of greed; raame = (while) Rama; shaasati = was ruling; prajaaH = the people; aasan = were; dharmaparaaH = intent on virtue; na anR^itaaH = (and lived) without untruth.

Brahmins (the priest-class), Kshatriyas (the warrior-class), Vaishyas (the class of merchants and agriculturists), Shudras (the servant-class) were performing their own duties, satisfied with their own work and bereft of any greed. While Rama was ruling, the people were intent on virtue and lived without telling lies.

106. sarve = all; lakShaNa sampannaaH = were endowed with good characteristics; sarve = all; dharmaparaayaNaaH = were engaged in virtue; raamaH = Rama; akaarayat = was engaged; raajyam = in kingship; varShasahasraaNi = for one thousand years.

All the people were endowed with excellent characteristics. All were engaged in virtue. Rama was engaged in the kingship thus for one thousand years.
More Stuff...

8. te = those monkeys; ye = who; na gaNayanti = did not take into account; mR^ityum = their death; abhiraktaaH matpriyeShu = and who were fond of doing favour to me; te sameyuH = let them get reunited; (with their near and dear ones); tvatprasaadaat = by your grace; aham = I; vR^iNe = seek; etam = this varam = boon (of you).

"Those mokeys - who coutned death as nothing and who were fond of doing favour to me - let them get re-united with their near and dear ones by your grace. I seek this boon of you."
17. tataH = thereupon; sarve hariyuuthapaaH = all those monkey-warriors; samutthitaaH = got up; sustvaiva = as of from a sleep; samaiH gaatraiH = with even limbs; idaaniim = now; nirvraNaiH = without any wounds; prathamam savraNaiH = which were injured earlier; vaanaraaH = all the mokeys; babhuuvuH = became; vismitaaH = surprised; etat kim nu iti = saying to one another; "what (miracle) is this?"

Thereupon, all those monkey-warriors got up, as if from a sleep, with all their limbs completely healed of wounds. All the monkeys felt surprised, saying to one another "What miracle is this?"
Appropriately, each procures a grand weapon for the occasion. Rama will use a weapon called
“Brahmasthra,” which is a combination of the words “Brahma” (creator) and “asthra” (a weapon of the mind). Notice that the name of Rama’s weapon communicates its purpose: to create something good out of the destruction of something bad.


Ravana’a weapon of choice, however, should come as no surprise. His magic weapon is a highly effective one: “Maya.” The word Maya in Sanskrit means “illusion.” We have seen this word earlier in the story: after Hanuman had burned down Ravana’s island at the end of Chapter 8, Ravana’s architect, Maya, rebuilt the city by the start of Chapter 9. It seems appropriate that Ravana’s home is build upon illusion, since none of it is real or lasting, just like the physical, material world of dualities in which we currently suffer. Eventually, Ravana is slain by Rama, who becomes the hero of the story by defeating this great force of chaos.

Soon afterwards Rama gives up the government to his two sons Kusha and Lava, and himself enters heaven, where be again becomes Vishnu.

Krishna here is Indra...and his friend Shiva is still Shiva...that is how it looks...

Those monkeys - who coutned death as nothing
More Stuff...

8. te = those monkeys; ye = who; na gaNayanti = did not take into account; mR^ityum = their death; abhiraktaaH matpriyeShu = and who were fond of doing favour to me; te sameyuH = let them get reunited; (with their near and dear ones); tvatprasaadaat = by your grace; aham = I; vR^iNe = seek; etam = this varam = boon (of you).

"Those mokeys - who coutned death as nothing and who were fond of doing favour to me - let them get re-united with their near and dear ones by your grace. I seek this boon of you."
17. tataH = thereupon; sarve hariyuuthapaaH = all those monkey-warriors; samutthitaaH = got up; sustvaiva = as of from a sleep; samaiH gaatraiH = with even limbs; idaaniim = now; nirvraNaiH = without any wounds; prathamam savraNaiH = which were injured earlier; vaanaraaH = all the mokeys; babhuuvuH = became; vismitaaH = surprised; etat kim nu iti = saying to one another; "what (miracle) is this?"

Thereupon, all those monkey-warriors got up, as if from a sleep, with all their limbs completely healed of wounds. All the monkeys felt surprised, saying to one another "What miracle is this?"
Appropriately, each procures a grand weapon for the occasion. Rama will use a weapon called
“Brahmasthra,” which is a combination of the words “Brahma” (creator) and “asthra” (a weapon of the mind). Notice that the name of Rama’s weapon communicates its purpose: to create something good out of the destruction of something bad.


Ravana’a weapon of choice, however, should come as no surprise. His magic weapon is a highly effective one: “Maya.” The word Maya in Sanskrit means “illusion.” We have seen this word earlier in the story: after Hanuman had burned down Ravana’s island at the end of Chapter 8, Ravana’s architect, Maya, rebuilt the city by the start of Chapter 9. It seems appropriate that Ravana’s home is build upon illusion, since none of it is real or lasting, just like the physical, material world of dualities in which we currently suffer. Eventually, Ravana is slain by Rama, who becomes the hero of the story by defeating this great force of chaos.

Soon afterwards Rama gives up the government to his two sons Kusha and Lava, and himself enters heaven, where be again becomes Vishnu.

Krishna here is Indra...and his friend Shiva is still Shiva...that is how it looks...

How are you ever going to learn all those Hindu gods kmguru?
How are you ever going to learn all those Hindu gods kmguru?

I think those Gods are the past humans that left this planet....or just a lot of present day cartoon basis...and now a religion...

It happens to human societies...over long term...

I thought perhaps in the next 50 years, Rama Civilization may show up and say HI...then Indians will crap out....and imagine the Hanuman Group that started with Monkeys (we are from apes) ...then what? sorry did not want to offend any Indians out there...

There is a SF book called "River of Gods" by Ian McDonald....interesting...
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