Influencing children to become heterosexual

Should parents ever try to infulence their children to become heterosexual?

  • YES

    Votes: 14 40.0%
  • NO

    Votes: 22 62.9%

  • Total voters
D'ster said:
Do you guys think it is OK for parents to try to influence their children to become heterosexual?


As long as the influence is the facts and nothing more than the facts. Most people are hetro, only some people homo. Each lifestyle has its natural consequences. Each is a good way to live life. That's all the child really needs to know, so they can decide for themselves.
Even after someone compleatly tried to change the question, the poll numbers speak for themselfs.

Influencing children to become heterosexual

Old Question:
Do you think it is OK for parents to try to Influence their children to become heterosexual?

Big difference

The question actually reads:

"Should parents ever try to infulence their children to become heterosexual?"

I assume you're referring to the thread title change. The old title was "Do you guys think it is ok" ... and that was it.

The thread title was changed for two reasons:

1. It was completely uninformative about the content of the thread.
2. There was another almost identical thread with an almost identical title.
James R you clearly changed the question to try to sway the poll numbers. You don't like the way it's going, do you?

When you changed the question to a statement "Influencing children to become heterosexual"

Your trying to change the focus of the question to CAN a parent influence a child sexuality,
when what I'm asking is:

What does the parent WANT for their child.
D'ster said:

Tell us more of your own world.

Well, what, specifically?

My daughter is not conscious of her sexuality; she's three. I don't actually recognize many signs of its development at this point, but then again, I'm not really looking. To the other, though, a question arises because of the paranoid conservatism of her maternal grandparents, and also through her mother's vicious sense of one-upmanship. My daughter, when she wakes in the middle of the night, will often come into my room and climb into bed with me. She sleeps peacefully, and more often than not I don't know she's there until I wake up in the morning. (It was really cute the other morning when I got up and turned on the shower, she sat up, looked at the bathroom door, and then flopped back on the bed as if exasperated that her sleep had been interrupted.) But both her mother and maternal grandparents dislike this permissiveness of mine because they fear inappropriate sexual influence. It even shows through when my daughter stays at her grandparents for a night. (She wakes up, grandpa calms her, puts her back to bed, "But don't worry, he wears pajamas.") At some point, I want to pound the table and ask for volunteers: "Who is going to sexualize my daughter's outlook? Come on? Step up and make yourself known!"

My daughter doesn't look at the issue in terms of sexuality, but rather security and comfort. Do I foster in her an inappropriate dependence on my presence for her sense of security? Perhaps, but it's a gamble I'm willing to run with. Someone must first teach her to view these things in sexual terms, and I'm really curious to see who the first is to introduce that perspective: I will have something to say on that day.

In the meantime, the culture around us distributes its sexual sentiments wrongly and perversely. I was seventeen when a girl apologized to me for not being a virgin when we were first together; why should she apologize to me for being raped as a little girl? That such currents hold so much power in the culture is worrisome. Hetero- or homo-, I just want my daughter to find happiness. If I think her odds are better as a lesbian, it's probably some silly prejudice on my part asserting the simplicity and wholesomeness of a relationship sans penis.

James R you clearly changed the question to try to sway the poll numbers. You don't like the way it's going, do you?

I didn't touch the question. Look at the top of the screen. It has the exact wording you started with originally. Don't confuse the question text with the thread title.

When you changed the question to a statement "Influencing children to become heterosexual"

I changed the thread title, away from the unhelpful "Do you guys think it is ok" - like I said.

Your trying to change the focus of the question to CAN a parent influence a child sexuality, when what I'm asking is:

What does the parent WANT for their child.

As written, the question clearly does not ask whether a parent CAN influence their child's sexuality. A poll on that question could be interesting, but it isn't what you posted.

But you didn't ask what parents want, either. You asked what they should or should not do, which again is a different question.

You need to work out what you really want to ask before posting your threads.
Nobody should force their values, philosophy, or sexual orientation on their children, only knowledge. As with the other poll, I voted no. You like to attack JamesR because he changed your titles, perhaps you have some problem with the results of the poll.
D'ster said:
James R you clearly changed the question to try to sway the poll numbers. You don't like the way it's going, do you?

When you changed the question to a statement "Influencing children to become heterosexual"

Your trying to change the focus of the question to CAN a parent influence a child sexuality,
when what I'm asking is:

What does the parent WANT for their child.

actually from the old thread title it could have meant do you guys think it is ok to go out on a saturday night and get smashed. if you read the thread title more closely it opens up the tread to debate much more easily
Of course, they should be heavily influenced into hating the Gay population, so that eventually, Gays will die out, because none of the "bi-people" will be there.
you know that around midnight your account will cease to exist. people like you come and go all the time, its just a matter of waiting for JamesR to come on
Athiest Hater #1 said:
Of course, they should be heavily influenced into hating the Gay population, so that eventually, Gays will die out, because none of the "bi-people" will be there.
Misspelled atheist. :cool:
James R said:
What point is that?

It is interesting comparing this thread with the other one. At this point in time responses are as follows:

1. Should parents ever try to influence their children to become homosexual?
Yes: 2 votes. No: 29 votes.

2. Should parents ever try to influence their children to become heterosexual?
Yes: 10 votes. No: 10 votes.

This smacks of inconsistency to me, assuming that some of the same people voted differently in the two threads.

Would one of you like to explain to me why it would be ok for a parent to influence a child to become heterosexual (presumably against his or her "natural" inclination), while it would not be permissible to encourage a child to become homosexual?

Seems like a double-standard to me. I can only assume it is based on fear and prejudice. But I could be wrong.
D'ster said:
It is interesting comparing this thread with the other one. At this point in time responses are as follows:

1. Should parents ever try to influence their children to become homosexual?
Yes: 2 votes. No: 29 votes.

2. Should parents ever try to influence their children to become heterosexual?
Yes: 10 votes. No: 10 votes.

This smacks of inconsistency to me, assuming that some of the same people voted differently in the two threads.

Would one of you like to explain to me why it would be ok for a parent to influence a child to become heterosexual (presumably against his or her "natural" inclination), while it would not be permissible to encourage a child to become homosexual?

Seems like a double-standard to me. I can only assume it is based on fear and prejudice. But I could be wrong.
Sexuality is grounded in our wiring. Trying to influence someone in this area is wrong to begin with. Since gays are such an easy target in theocratic societies like Iran, Saudi Arabia and the US trying to Make someone straight would be the logical 1st thing most people would do. Hiding is an option most gays take. It of course leads to isolation, alcohol problems, self esteem issues and lots of other fun stuff. I wouldn't want my own child to be gay because of their despised status. Thankfully I don't have any.
How can you "influence" a child into heterosexuality? Give the girls little dolls to play with, dress her in pink, etc? Make the little boy play with cars and dress him in blue, etc? A child's sexuality will be what it is. I cannot influence my son to be heterosexual, like I cannot influence him to be homosexual. Looking at his toys I honestly cannot find any item that would somehow give him the push into heterosexuality. If he wants to play with a doll, we'd give him a doll. If he wants to play with a car, we'd give him a car.

His sexuality will be his own. His father and I will not keep repeating 'you must like girls' as though it's a mantra. He will like and be attracted to whatever sex that makes him happy. I can't understand the thought of attempting to influence a child's sexuality. At the moment he's a happy 9 month old only interested in trying to learn to walk by himself. He plays with his penis when his nappy is off simply because of the 'ooh it's there' factor. He showers with my husband and myself because he likes the feeling of water falling on his head. Will we be unhappy if he turned out to be homosexual? In all honesty I can tell you now, the answer is no. As long as he is happy, that is all that matters. Our role as parents is to support him in his choices. If his choices tend towards drugs, or other illegal activities, then we'd do something about it. But if turned out to be homosexual, then so be it. If he's happy as a homosexual, who are we to deny him or try to force him into being something or someone that he is not? The same would be if he is heterosexual. At 9 months, I cannot say what he will be or where his preferences will lie. And as long as it's not an attraction to little children when he's a grown man, I honestly do not care.