Interesting 9/11 video


With no fire ever having brought down a skyscraper before? Admittedly none had been hit by airliners before, but how does that explain tons of steel hurled hundreds of feet from the towers? I would think it more logical for engineers and scientists to be all over this like white on rice and have detailed explanations by 2003 at the latest.

But instead we don't have an official source that even specifies the quantity of concrete since 9/11.


Which, if anything, SHOULD show that the quantity of concrete doesn't really matter...
When you can build a physical model that can support itself but completely collapse due to the fall of its top 15% then I will consider the possibility that butt joints are an important issue. But so far I don't know of anyone trying to make a big deal about them besides you.
you don't see it because you don't want to.
i'll bet you a million to one that these perimeter butt joints are the cause of the failures of 1&2.
don't you get it?
butt joints are one of the weakest known to engineering.
the arrangement of these joints around the perimeter basically allowed the building to "unzip" itself.
yes, it's really that simple.
Now you say you have watched the video, but as we both predicted watching it would in no way change your mind. All right. You're entitled to an opinion, but really isn't that a bit thick? Seventy minutes of new information and you have not budged a centimeter? Strikes me as rather hard-headed really.
This is actually insulting on the one hand, I'm fairly sure I didn't predict it wouldn't change my mind, I'm fairly sure that the most I have said is that it wouldn't change the questions I asked you. If you believe otherwise quote me and link to the post.

You and Fraggle have already given your take on the meaning of theory and it appears above, and here you see mine, so let's not go over all that again. Notice, however, my question in bold at the end of the quote. If we're exhaustively answering unanswered questions, here's one of mine you haven't addressed.
Actually, it has been addressed, it's implicit in a subsequent post of mine - specifically Post 13.

I not only addressed you post 3, but I addressed your question as well.

Oh, and to answer yours: Yes!!! I am serious!!!

Your next two questions about evolution and gravity are rhetorical, but yes, I agree they are theories.
And apparently you managed to completely miss the point I was making there.

Your next question is,"What win?" This is badly phrased somehow, but I guess I get what you mean. You are asking how I (or someone) could have won the lottery if we didn't play. So again, a rhetorical question really. So your whole monolog on gravity, evolution and lottery tickets are what I mean about you being condescending. You over-explain and do it in a rather tedious manner.
This is what happens when you cherry-pick. Here's what I actually said:
What win? If you never by a ticket you never have a chance of winning.
No need to guess, only a need to retain context.

Read your question carefully. You don't ask who is responsible for 9/11 (who carried the attacks out). You merely ask: "who executed the hypothesis?" Either way, of course my answer is that I don't know. Why all this endless talk in the world if anyone knew the answer? I suppose the actual perpetrators know, but they're not saying.
On the one hand, that was supposed to read "Who executed the conspiracy" I'm not quite sure what happened there.
On the other hand you've twisted my words by removing them from their context (more cherry-picking, I'm beginning to think that engaging in fallacies is the only way you know how to hold a discussion).
If Hypothesis A is "The American government executed the conspiracy" and Hypothesis B is "A group of muslim extremists executed the conspiracy" where "The Conspiracy" is the events of 9/11 then asking "Who executed the conspiracy" or "which hypothesis is correct" is, in the context of the discussion, the same thing as asking "Who is responsible."

Your next question is:
Another rhetorical question apparently, but I'll answer: No, never. Can't imagine why you would suddenly become so hostile.
Because the post in question pretty much fits the text-book definitions of trolling.

Next: " Rhetorical, and just plain dumb, and I have answered this already earlier. You can scroll back and search if you like. I am not going to do everything for you.
Not rhetorical. You like to harp on a lot about how closed minded I am, and yet you yourself are unable to say what level of evidence it would take to convince you that the commonly held explanation for the events of 9/11 is the correct one.

We discussed this. I do understand, and you seemed to have backed down from the aggressive tone I originally sensed in it. So, enough said.
I haven't backed down from anything, and we didn't really discuss anything.

At last a real question! My answer is all over the ground and in the building, of course, and tons of it. Now, the presenter in the video says there was an entire film made in France about this, and his own group's investigation thought the French must be wrong about their conclusion that there isn't enough debris if what the government and mainstream media claimed had happened on 9/11 actually occurred. However, when they looked at all the publicly available photos, they tended to agree with the French.
The presenters argument is based on a handfull of photos that show no wreckage from a particular angle. He completely neglects to account for forshortening, persepective, and topography.

Never underestimate the importance of persepctive and foreshortening in photography. Besides, I have presented at least as many photos of wreckage on the lawn as he has of photos of a lawn without wreckage.

Why are you dismissing or ignoring this photo, for example:

What do I think? I think two teams of investigator that I know of (I suppose there were other teams) find strangely little debris. In the Plane Site video we are discussing, they suggested it was a missile or some government conspiracy ordered 'other' plane that hit the Pentagon. I don't think it was in this video, but some other article that perhaps YOU led me to, mentions that on 9/10 the news out of the Pentagon that 2.5 billion dollars had gone missing. The source though t it rather 'convenient' that something occurred the very next day to distract the public from that news. So two teams of investigators have their suspicions. I think I have few as well then.
I think the video is strangely silent on how much wreckage there ahould have been.
He questions the lack of wreckage in this photo:

Or one similar to it without accounting for factors like the fire trucks being parked on a hill

But even in that photo, if it was a cruise missile that hit the pentagon, what cause the damage on the right hand side of that photo? What started those fires? For that matter, what knocked over the spools that the presenter used for reference points or knocked over and/or damaged the lamp posts (not visible in this photo) and damaged the rood of the shed?

We've discussed this. Brilliant waffling on your part there.

Tsk tsk. Temper, temper. And Fraggle wants me to apologize to you?
Yeah, I think that several apologies on your part might restore some sciforums karmic balance...

This is really not worth discussing. It's you getting all confused. I was talking to Russ W and you got confused and thought I was talking to you. You actually mixed up a post I wrote to you with another to Russ. No big deal. You must have been tired.
Actually, I wasn't confused. I knew you were talking to Russ, the point is still valid, you were still referring to me, and you're still playing dodgeball with it. I only ever said that what I had seen of the video was crap.

To conclude, you actually had very few questions that you asked me, and only one of them something like pertinent, but actually not since I admit that I can't know more than two teams of investigators (when I haven't even seen their complete conclusion). I only know what I saw on TV like every one else.

Now that we have reviewed your false perception that you had asked me many pertinent questions, I have to say that all this supports my view that your not much of a moderator...
At no time have I quantified or qualified how many questions I have asked you, I have simply pointed out that there were questions, and arguments that in spite of all your huffing and puffing remained relevant and unaddressed.

You certainly are not a very objective or fair-minded man.
This an adhominem. Worse than that is there is no reasonable grounds on which you can make this assertion. The most that you can reasonably infer from this discussion is that I found the video in question unconvincing and/or inaccurate.

I can't find it now, but I seem to recall you or your little friend Russ calling me a liar. I do not care to review his questions to me because among other things he accused me of having not read the links you and he posted to refute me. I have explained that he made this accusations so quickly after the postings that I simply had not seen them yet because I was writing to defend myself from earlier nonsense. He hasn't yet admitted that he was wrong to do that. So, whatever...
Here's the thing.

Post 31 I posted three photographs of wreckage, and three links discussing the debris field, misperceptions in relation to the debris field, and comparing some of the debris to the aircraft that is alleged to have hit the pentagon. In response to Russ's Post #42 you made Post #46 a full what is it, 15 hours after I made Post 31? Six minutes later I replied, and a full six minutes after that Russ replied with the post in question.

Why is this important? Well, 15 hours before the post in question, when I made post 31, I posted this link: ERROR: 'The Pentagon Attack Left No Aircraft Debris'. If you follow that link you will find the fourth section which is titled "Inside or Outside the Building". That section links to the page which you are saying you hadn't had the opportunity to look at yet. So what then. You claim to have watched the video. You know that the hole size is an issue raised in the video. You question Russ about it, but apparently you're not curiouse enough to click on link on a page which you have had at your disposal for 15 hours, which is in a section that posits a much larger hole than that claimed by the video in the OP?

You have called me a whiner, a liar and a troll simply because I have said you should watch a film before commenting on it.
No, I have called you a whiner a liar and a troll when you have whined lied and trolled. These are independent of anything you have said about me watching the film.

I was rather aggressive, but that's because you are right when you say I "don't like the color of your name." (Hmm. I have never heard that expression before) but yes. In the past I often have found your posts overbearing, short-tempered and self-satisfied - you often assume that you know everything before you have even really investigated it properly.
So you're persecuting a grudge against me. Got it, I'll keep that in mind for the future.

Apparently you agreed that you should have because now you have watched it.
Oh what rot:
At some point I probably will force myself to sit through the entirety of the video ... that will be at a time when I am not under workplace stress and actually have an hour to sit down and watch, well, anything.

For the record - now that it's the weekend (as I said I probably would), and I no longer have the stress of trying to finalize an 80 page report that falls into the grey area where law enforcement, environmental science, and environmental policy meet, and now that I'm no longer trying to get 5 days worth of work (according to the manager of the resource science unit anyway - mostly just changing the order things are presented in) done in three (I'm on annual leave for a week and it goes to the politicians on the 3rd of september) I've had the opportunity this morning to sit down and watch the video from start to finish.

I said I would likely watch it when I had the time and was under less stress, and then two days later, when I got to my weekend and got my work out of the way, I watched it... This has nothing to do with anything you have said or done and it would likely have worked out the same way had we not had any interaction at all on the matter. In short, your opinion that people should watch it in it's entirety was (and is) wholy irrelevant to my decision to watch

We both knew you wouldnt change your mind...
You're claiming god-hood now? You claim to know my mind before I know it myslef? Lemme know how that telepathy thing works out for you.

and you have said nothing since watching it to explain why you think it is a bad film with wrong conclusions.
At this stage in the game why would I waste my time? Having said that, we both know that's not true don't we. I reiterated that the film did not change my opinion regarding my points about the conservation of momentum and so on...

But really, don't bother. I'm not interested in your opinion anymore.
You demonstrably never were.

You just talked and talked about 9/11 and talked down to me because you thought you knew what a video you hadn't seen was all about...
And, as it happens I was right. That's what's really burning you here isn't it Arne. That's what's got you so mad. Is the fact that I can genuinely put my hand on my heart and honestly say that I have heard everything in that video before, and seen the counterarguments to it - you know, this page is four years old, and this page is seven years old. The youtube video in the OP is three years old (some to think of it, I may even have watched it in a previous discussion on another forum). If the French team he's talking about is the one that I think he's talking about (Thierry Meyssan) then that was published in 2002. Here's a
page discussing at least some of the claims made in Meyssan's 2003 book Pentagate (seriously, what a lame name).

Just to prove my point further here's a page discussing the whole 'pod plane' thing that even explicitly mentions the "In plane sight" documentary: ERROR: 'A Pod Was Attached to the South Tower Plane'.

Last modified 2012.

Now, are we done here are you going to keep making yourself look like an ass?
I don't know how you managed to watch that video.
I admire your strength of purpose.
I'm actually passionatly curious, it's one of the reasons I got into science in the first place - I was driven by my curiosity.

Sometimes my sense of curiosity overwhelms my better judgement. Sometimes that pays off - there have been youtube videos that I have watched inspite of my expecting them to be woo-woo BS that have actually turned out to be informative and accurate.

Unfortunately most people seem to equate curisoity with gullibility and critical thinking with being judgemental and closed minded - as if the two were somehow mutually exclusive.
Do you understand the kind of heat we are talking about here? Lets assume, for a moment, the fuel tanks were at 25% capacity - a 767 has a maximum fuel capacity of 23,980 U.S. gallons. So, round it up to 24,000 gallons. At 25%, that's still six THOUSAND gallons of Jet A1, which has an open-air burn temperature of just shy of 1,900 degrees Fahrenheit - the melting point of construction grade steel averages around 2,750 degrees Fahrenheit.

Oh what a tangled temperature web we weave.

Now this is really interesting. How can an "Open Air" fire be Adiabatic? How can an Adiabatic fire heat steel external to itself?

Wikipedia got really interesting in May of 2014. Before then "Open Air" jet fuel fires weren't "adiabatic" and the temperature was only 599 °F.

Go back and trace the history of this page.

Max Adiabatic burn temperature 2,500 K (2,230 °C)(4,040 °F) Open Air Burn temperature: 1890 Degrees Fahrenheit [11] [12] [13]

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by (talk) at 03:51, 9 May 2014

Max Adiabatic burn temperature 2,500 K (2,230 °C)(4,040 °F)[11] [12] [13]

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by (talk) at 21:25, 6 May 2014

Open air burning temperatures 260–315 °C (500–599 °F)[11]

Notice it says "Open air" but not "Adiabatic" with that 599 degrees.

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Wtshymanski (talk | contribs) at 13:38, 2 May 2014

Open air burning temperatures 260–315 °C (500–599 °F)[11]

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by WildCation (talk | contribs) at 14:27, 29 April 2014

Open air burning temperatures 260–315 °C (500–599 °F)[11]

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by (talk) at 14:22, 29 December 2013

Open air burning temperatures 260–315 °C (500–599 °F)[10]

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by (talk) at 19:32, 24 August 2013.

Open air burning temperatures 260–315 °C (500–599 °F)[9]

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by (talk) at 16:24, 27 January 2013

Open air burning temperatures 260-315 °C (500-599 °F)[7]

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Flame Color (talk | contribs) at 18:08, 13 August 2012

Open air burning temperatures 260-315 °C (500-599 °F)[7]

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Mynameisnoted (talk | contribs) at 07:41, 12 December 2011

Open air burning temperatures 260-315 °C (500-599 °F)[7]

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Lightbot (talk | contribs) at 17:24, 21 September 2011

Open air burning temperatures 260-315 °C (500-599 °F)

I have looked at this page plenty of times but apparently not since May. I knew the previous open air temperature was less than 1,000 deg Fahr. So who is fiddling the Wiki?

The footnote number changed from 7 to 9 in August of 1013, then to 10 in Dec of 2013, and then to 11 in April of 2014 but the temperature remained the same. But in May the word "Adiabatic" came in and the temperature made a big jump.

How many people know what ADIABATIC means? I don't remember using the term since college chemistry.

you don't see it because you don't want to.
i'll bet you a million to one that these perimeter butt joints are the cause of the failures of 1&2.
don't you get it?
butt joints are one of the weakest known to engineering.
the arrangement of these joints around the perimeter basically allowed the building to "unzip" itself.
yes, it's really that simple.

You can bet all you want but how could they make the top of the south tower tilt 25 degrees in 5 seconds according to Frank Greening? What happened to the south tower was significantly different from the north. But they had the same but joints.

You seem to think claiming is as good as proving. But apparently you can't make a self supporting model completely collapse out of any material using any kind of joints. I have not made any constraints on the model but that it support its own weight with an even or bottom heavy distribution and that the top 15% by height destroy the intact portion below. Use any kind of joints you want.

My model supported its own weight for 3 days. I originally intended a week but I got impatient. Two paper loops did collapse after one night though and I had to make them stronger. So most of the loops lasted 4 days.

You can BELIEVE whatever you want about the butt joints. What did the NIST say about them?

Like it is just me:


Which, if anything, SHOULD show that the quantity of concrete doesn't really matter...

Did the steel have to hold up the concrete or not?

So did the quantity of concrete have to affect the quantity of steel or not?

Your logic is brilliant! ROFLMAO

Oh what a tangled temperature web we weave.

Now this is really interesting. How can an "Open Air" fire be Adiabatic? How can an Adiabatic fire heat steel external to itself?

Wikipedia got really interesting in May of 2014. Before then "Open Air" jet fuel fires weren't "adiabatic" and the temperature was only 599 °F.

Go back and trace the history of this page.

Notice it says "Open air" but not "Adiabatic" with that 599 degrees.

I have looked at this page plenty of times but apparently not since May. I knew the previous open air temperature was less than 1,000 deg Fahr. So who is fiddling the Wiki?

The footnote number changed from 7 to 9 in August of 1013, then to 10 in Dec of 2013, and then to 11 in April of 2014 but the temperature remained the same. But in May the word "Adiabatic" came in and the temperature made a big jump.

How many people know what ADIABATIC means? I don't remember using the term since college chemistry.


None of that matters, since I didn't get the open-air burn temperature from Wikipedia... though if you actually bothered to follow the link they have in that very article:
The adiabatic flame temperature is a virtual quantity. It is the temperature that would be achieved by a flame in the absence of heat loss to the surroundings.

That said- it would appear the site I did pull the number from sourced Wikipedia. Digging into it further, it is important to note - Jet A-1, as with anything else, has varying heat output depending on how it is burning and its physical qualities at the time, such as if it is liquid or vapor, mixture with oxygen and atmospheric gasses, etc. A proper chemist could probably give you, to within a reasonable margin of error, the actual temperature at which Jet A-1, after being turned into an aerosol via an explosion and mixed with the atmosphere (read, no forced oxygen/air injection) would burn.

That said:

Thomas W. Eagar said:
The fire is the most misunderstood part of the WTC collapse. Even today, the media report (and many scientists believe) that the steel melted. It is argued that the jet fuel burns very hot, especially with so much fuel present. This is not true.

Part of the problem is that people (including engineers) often confuse temperature and heat. While they are related, they are not the same. Thermodynamically, the heat contained in a material is related to the temperature through the heat capacity and the density (or mass). Temperature is defined as an intensive property, meaning that it does not vary with the quantity of material, while the heat is an extensive property, which does vary with the amount of material. One way to distinguish the two is to note that if a second log is added to the fireplace, the temperature does not double; it stays roughly the same, but the size of the fire or the length of time the fire burns, or a combination of the two, doubles. Thus, the fact that there were 90,000 L of jet fuel on a few floors of the WTC does not mean that this was an unusually hot fire. The temperature of the fire at the WTC was not unusual, and it was most definitely not capable of melting steel.

In combustion science, there are three basic types of flames, namely, a jet burner, a pre-mixed flame, and a diffuse flame. A jet burner generally involves mixing the fuel and the oxidant in nearly stoichiometric proportions and igniting the mixture in a constant-volume chamber. Since the combustion products cannot expand in the constant-volume chamber, they exit the chamber as a very high velocity, fully combusted, jet. This is what occurs in a jet engine, and this is the flame type that generates the most intense heat.

In a pre-mixed flame, the same nearly stoichiometric mixture is ignited as it exits a nozzle, under constant pressure conditions. It does not attain the flame velocities of a jet burner. An oxyacetylene torch or a Bunsen burner is a pre-mixed flame.

In a diffuse flame, the fuel and the oxidant are not mixed before ignition, but flow together in an uncontrolled manner and combust when the fuel/oxidant ratios reach values within the flammable range. A fireplace flame is a diffuse flame burning in air, as was the WTC fire.

Diffuse flames generate the lowest heat intensities of the three flame types.

If the fuel and the oxidant start at ambient temperature, a maximum flame temperature can be defined. For carbon burning in pure oxygen, the maximum is 3,200°C; for hydrogen it is 2,750°C. Thus, for virtually any hydrocarbons, the maximum flame temperature, starting at ambient temperature and using pure oxygen, is approximately 3,000°C.

This maximum flame temperature is reduced by two-thirds if air is used rather than pure oxygen. The reason is that every molecule of oxygen releases the heat of formation of a molecule of carbon monoxide and a molecule of water. If pure oxygen is used, this heat only needs to heat two molecules (carbon monoxide and water), while with air, these two molecules must be heated plus four molecules of nitrogen. Thus, burning hydrocarbons in air produces only one-third the temperature increase as burning in pure oxygen because three times as many molecules must be heated when air is used. The maximum flame temperature increase for burning hydrocarbons (jet fuel) in air is, thus, about 1,000°C—hardly sufficient to melt steel at 1,500°C.

But it is very difficult to reach this maximum temperature with a diffuse flame. There is nothing to ensure that the fuel and air in a diffuse flame are mixed in the best ratio. Typically, diffuse flames are fuel rich, meaning that the excess fuel molecules, which are unburned, must also be heated. It is known that most diffuse fires are fuel rich because blowing on a campfire or using a blacksmith’s bellows increases the rate of combustion by adding more oxygen. This fuel-rich diffuse flame can drop the temperature by up to a factor of two again. This is why the temperatures in a residential fire are usually in the 500°C to 650°C range.2,3 It is known that the WTC fire was a fuel-rich, diffuse flame as evidenced by the copious black smoke. Soot is generated by incompletely burned fuel; hence, the WTC fire was fuel rich—hardly surprising with 90,000 L of jet fuel available. Factors such as flame volume and quantity of soot decrease the radiative heat loss in the fire, moving the temperature closer to the maximum of 1,000°C. However, it is highly unlikely that the steel at the WTC experienced temperatures above the 750–800°C range. All reports that the steel melted at 1,500°C are using imprecise terminology at best.

Some reports suggest that the aluminum from the aircraft ignited, creating very high temperatures. While it is possible to ignite aluminum under special conditions, such conditions are not commonly attained in a hydrocarbon-based diffuse flame. In addition, the flame would be white hot, like a giant sparkler. There was no evidence of such aluminum ignition, which would have been visible even through the dense soot.

It is known that structural steel begins to soften around 425°C and loses about half of its strength at 650°C.4 This is why steel is stress relieved in this temperature range. But even a 50% loss of strength is still insufficient, by itself, to explain the WTC collapse. It was noted above that the wind load controlled the design allowables. The WTC, on this low-wind day, was likely not stressed more than a third of the design allowable, which is roughly one-fifth of the yield strength of the steel. Even with its strength halved, the steel could still support two to three times the stresses imposed by a 650°C fire.

The additional problem was distortion of the steel in the fire. The temperature of the fire was not uniform everywhere, and the temperature on the outside of the box columns was clearly lower than on the side facing the fire. The temperature along the 18 m long joists was certainly not uniform. Given the thermal expansion of steel, a 150°C temperature difference from one location to another will produce yield-level residual stresses. This produced distortions in the slender structural steel, which resulted in buckling failures. Thus, the failure of the steel was due to two factors: loss of strength due to the temperature of the fire, and loss of structural integrity due to distortion of the steel from the non-uniform temperatures in the fire.

Did the steel have to hold up the concrete or not?

So did the quantity of concrete have to affect the quantity of steel or not?

Your logic is brilliant! ROFLMAO


More brilliant waffling... as well as a typical and intentional attempt to completely miss the point.

Are you claiming there is a correlative relationship between the quantity of steel and the quantity of concrete on each level then? If so - what would this have to do with the collapse? We are talking about a design by which each floor transfers its own weight to the central and exterior columns via the butt joints, and the columns carry this weight to the foundation. You start stacking the weight of eight, nine, or ten floors onto a single floor, and you are greatly overloading said joints. Factor in metal fatigue from uneven heating/cooling as well as loss of overall strength from the heat of the fires, plus a section in which there were no connections because of the damage from the impact...

Seems like pretty simple stuff to me... it's no wonder the damn thing fell.
None of that matters, since I didn't get the open-air burn temperature from Wikipedia... though if you actually bothered to follow the link they have in that very article:

Adiabatic means a fire is not transferring heat to external masses. How can a fire heat steel if it is not doing that? So if it is not heating steel how is it relevant to a 9/11 discussion.

But before May the temperature was only 600 deg F. You can check the history yourself, I provided the dates.

Does the NIST report ever use the word "adiabatic"?

Yeah, it looks like they used it 12 times in 10,000 pages. :D


I see you've reset again to full truther BS. Don't you ever learn anything?

But instead we don't have an official source that even specifies the quantity of concrete since 9/11.

The NIST report contains the information, so this oft repeated statement of yours is still a complete lie.

Concrete-there was no STRUCTURAL concrete above ground level outside of the three equipment floors. The floors were 4 inches of lightweight concrete(110 lbs per cubic foot)poured into sheet metal pans. The cores had normal weight concrete(160 lbs/ft^3)poured into pans 6 inches deep where elevator shafts did not exist(about 50% of that area). Each floor had one acre of area, you could do the math and determine the weight of each floor's concrete(they were all exactly the same except for machinery floors). That would give you the exact distribution of all the concrete in the towers(above ground, which is the relevant area). This information is in the NIST report.

Butt joints-they work fine in the as-constructed configuration but fail easily if acted on by forces sideways to normal. Therefore the collapsing buildings did not have to overcome the structural strength of the steel, they just had to overcome the structural strength of the weak butt joints. A column that is intact holds massive weights, a column disconnected at it's butt joints provides zero structural strength.

Cantilevered truss floors-each floor held up only it's own contents, the load being transferred at the edges to the structural steel. The condition of one floor had no effect on the floor above, nor the floor below, nor was any weight transferred between floors until they collapsed on top of the floor below. In addition catarenary forces of sagging floors pulled structural steel out of alignment vertically, reducing it's load carrying ability and resistance to collapse, add in heat that caused the steel to lose half it's structural strength and damage caused by impact and you have your cause of collapse. "Ejected" steel is just the outer frames falling apart like banana peels in long strips.

What happened to the south tower was significantly different from the north. But they had the same but joints.

But not the same impact point, degree of asymmetry or type and position of the damage and fires. 2 was hit lower and more off center and it's fires concentrated into one corner leading to different times and sequences of collapse initiation. Once initiated, however, the collapses proceeded in the same fashion, which tells you the butt joints were failing in the same way, and that the structures reacted the same.

The NIST report contains the information, so this oft repeated statement of yours is still a complete lie.

But it would be so easy to PROVE that it is a complete lie.

All you have to do it tell us the quantity of concrete and specify where it is in the NIST report. Then everyone could go there and check it.

So why haven't you done it? :D

But then no one has done that since I have been saying it which has been at least SIX YEARS.

Are you claiming there is a correlative relationship between the quantity of steel and the quantity of concrete on each level then?

No, that is not what I said. But there has to be a correlative relationship between the amount of steel on each level below 105 and the amount of concrete on all of the levels above them because the steel on each level must support everything above, including the concrete. So ultimately it comes down to needing to know the amount of steel and concrete on every level.

No, that is not what I said. But there has to be a correlative relationship between the amount of steel on each level below 105 and the amount of concrete on all of the levels above them because the steel on each level must support everything above, including the concrete. So ultimately it comes down to needing to know the amount of steel and concrete on every level.


False, and you know it is. Each floor supported ONLY its own weight, not the weight of the above floors. This is by design of the building.
False, and you know it is. Each floor supported ONLY its own weight, not the weight of the above floors. This is by design of the building.

I said LEVEL not FLOOR.

That means the 12 foot height of columns in the core and on the perimeter.

The WTC was built around a central tube-core of reinforced concrete and steel - here is a simplified image of the floor design:

No, of course it wasn't "the same" on every level - there were, no doubt, minute differences in composition for each of the thousands of batches of concrete in the building.

I wasn't talking about trivial variations in concrete consistency. The sizes of the columns in the core changed from the 1st level to the top of the building. You said the "tube-core" was "reinforced concrete and steel". So how much did the amount of concrete change with the steel?

If you look up blueprints of the building, they will be listed there... they have to be because, you know, it's sort of what they followed to build the thing.

ROFL You can post a silly picture of a single truss showing two clips like that is important but you can't find the number of clips. I have never seen the number specified. I have computed the total should be about 200 with 66 around the core. So how could they all give way simultaneously for a floor to fall and remain horizontal?

The blue prints don't even show the horizontal beams in the core even though the urinals are there.

I wasn't talking about trivial variations in concrete consistency. The sizes of the columns in the core changed from the 1st level to the top of the building. You said the "tube-core" was "reinforced concrete and steel". So how much did the amount of concrete change with the steel?

ROFL You can post a silly picture of a single truss showing two clips like that is important but you can't find the number of clips. I have never seen the number specified. I have computed the total should be about 200 with 66 around the core. So how could they all give way simultaneously for a floor to fall and remain horizontal?

The blue prints don't even show the horizontal beams in the core even though the urinals are there.


They don't give way simultaneously... I can only assume at this point you are being willfully and intentionally dishonest, because NOBODY could POSSIBLY be that stupid.

Obviously the ones at the site of impact were pretty well obliterated, and ones nearby were damaged/knocked out of alignment. Others a bit further from that were subjected to intense heat from the fires, causing them to weaken. Additionally, structural steel members that sat upon these joints were expanding at irregular rates due to uneven heating, causing still more to become off-centered or even completely unattached.

Combine all of that together, and as the metal fatigued and weakened from the fires and the strain of holding up additional load from the missing members... and eventually, the ones nearest the site of impact gave way, and it was a chain-reaction from there, as the next set of joints in line received the additional load, exceeded their capacity to hold it, and failed. Eventually, enough failed that the entire floor collapsed.
They don't give way simultaneously... I can only assume at this point you are being willfully and intentionally dishonest, because NOBODY could POSSIBLY be that stupid.

You can assume whatever you want.

You can't tell us how many connections there were. At least I provided an approximation.

But if they didn't give way simultaneously then what would happen? Wouldn't the floor have to tilt?

You can assume whatever you want.

You can't tell us how many connections there were. At least I provided an approximation.

But if they didn't give way simultaneously then what would happen? Wouldn't the floor have to tilt?


No, not any substantial amount. It wouldn't have time - they don't give way simultaneously, but in very rapid succession; the floor might tip a few degrees, but by that point the remaining connections have failed and the entire thing is at the mercy of gravity.

But it would be so easy to PROVE that it is a complete lie.

All you have to do it tell us the quantity of concrete and specify where it is in the NIST report. Then everyone could go there and check it.
So why haven't you done it?

You've been shown the info several times over the years, it hasn't changed your lying habits yet, so it is a complete waste of my time. You can lead a Jackass to water, but I could care less if you remain thirsty.


They don't give way simultaneously... I can only assume at this point you are being willfully and intentionally dishonest, because NOBODY could POSSIBLY be that stupid.

Unfortunately, they can. We call them "Troothers". And they are both, willfully and intentionally.

With no fire ever having brought down a skyscraper before? Admittedly none had been hit by airliners before, but how does that explain tons of steel hurled hundreds of feet from the towers? I would think it more logical for engineers and scientists to be all over this like white on rice and have detailed explanations by 2003 at the latest.
Yes, i (am) know a lot of engineers so i know pretty well how they tend to think. But OK, so what's your hypothesis for why you are wrong?