Irish dog fighting.

But that's exactly what we do with cows and pigs and chickens ...hold them in prisons until time for the execution!
Yep, like i said i don't like it.

And how do you know that? Or is it just a way to ease your mind about eating meat?
They have no knowledge about the machine they are walking into, animals have not evolved to figure out the meat industry.

And perhaps that's similar to how the dog fighting advocates do it .....they just think that the dogs don't know what's happening.
Thats just laughable.
It's always been that, modern high-speed communication and news is the only thing that's changed.

And the spread of atomic weapons, they weren't around until 70 years ago and now many countries have them.
I watched this TV program
and I have never seen anything so sickeningly
depraved as the "human beings"
who put animals through this ordeal.
fair enough. And you do raise some interesting points.

Don't you wonder sometimes just how much business it is of ours to tell others how to live and what to do? I mean, if it's right there in your own town or city, that's one thing, I suppose. But is it any of our business to tell people 10,000 miles away what to do and how to do it? Doesn't that strike you as a little .....ahh, odd or egocentric of us?

Most of the people on this forum think that we were wrong to have invaded Iraq to tell those people what to do and how to do it. And yet, almost every topic around here is exactly that ......telling others what to do and how to do it. Odd, don't you think?

Baron Max
Don't you wonder sometimes just how much business it is of ours to tell others how to live and what to do? I mean, if it's right there in your own town or city, that's one thing, I suppose. But is it any of our business to tell people 10,000 miles away what to do and how to do it? Doesn't that strike you as a little .....ahh, odd or egocentric of us?

Most of the people on this forum think that we were wrong to have invaded Iraq to tell those people what to do and how to do it. And yet, almost every topic around here is exactly that ......telling others what to do and how to do it. Odd, don't you think?

Baron Max

If everyone at least tried to respect life in general I'd be happy.
Don't you wonder sometimes just how much business it is of ours to tell others how to live and what to do? I mean, if it's right there in your own town or city, that's one thing, I suppose. But is it any of our business to tell people 10,000 miles away what to do and how to do it? ....

Incest doesn't happen in my home. Does that mean I shouldn't be outraged when a pedophile ring is discovered in the UK?
We don't torture the animals we have in our home. Does that mean...well, you get the drift.

It is my job as a good human to care about others.
Then why did you watch it?

Baron Max

I didn't make an effort to watch it.
It was just something that I happened across by chance.
It's not a subject that particularly interests me.

I'm not easily shocked
and I don't have any strong opinions re Fox-hunting, Birdshooting etc.
I wouldn't do it myself, but I wouldn't presume to judge those that do.

But this dogfighting is a pure evil
and the people who indulge in it are sick to the core.

If you can stomach it, and you get the chance
watch it yourself.
It is my job as a good human to care about others.

Other than those close to you, ....why should you care?

Is that because of what you've been taught? Perhaps biblical teachings? Or do you think it's some innate human trait?

Thousands of people are murdered every day all over the world ...why should anyone care if they're not anyone you know and love?

Baron Max
But this dogfighting is a pure evil and the people who indulge in it are sick to the core.

Lots of things that humans do is "pure evil", but those people like doing those things ...even if you don't. Denigrating others because of ones own preferences is pretty intolerant, don't you think?

And just remember, other people might think that some of what you enjoy is "pure evil". What do you think about that?

If you can stomach it, and you get the chance
watch it yourself.

No thanks, I don't watch things that turn my stomach. But that doesn't mean that I can't support the right of others to do things that I don't like or enjoy. Would you want others to tell you what to do or not do?

Baron Max
Other than those close to you, ....why should you care?

Is that because of what you've been taught? Perhaps biblical teachings? Or do you think it's some innate human trait?

Thousands of people are murdered every day all over the world ...why should anyone care if they're not anyone you know and love?

Baron Max

I'm starting to get the picture here.. have you ever been diagnosed with a antisocial personality disorder ?
Lots of things that humans do is "pure evil", but those people like doing those things ...even if you don't. Denigrating others because of ones own preferences is pretty intolerant, don't you think?

And just remember, other people might think that some of what you enjoy is "pure evil". What do you think about that?
Do serial killers fall into that category too ? Who are we to judge their actions, it would be intolerant to stop them from doing their thing.. :rolleyes:

No thanks, I don't watch things that turn my stomach. But that doesn't mean that I can't support the right of others to do things that I don't like or enjoy. Would you want others to tell you what to do or not do?