American culture is media and entertainment driven, more than it is education driven. This fantasy push sets the example of what is prestigious and stylish to a degree that can trump common sense. Acquiring character is not as important as being a character. Our politicians are actors playing the roles of statesmen, due to the influence of the media over education. Gridlock is a way to avoid showing their complete lack of ability.
The women and children are easy to convince of almost anything, which helps sell goods and services for business and propaganda for politics. Currently this system works well with a wide range of influence over people who are herded and easily sheared by government and business. This efficient machine was not always the case. Let us go back.
The first hurdle that needed to be overcome, to set up the modern media machine, was downgrading the masculine aspects of culture, since this represented the common sense that allows men to see the lies of other men.
With most religions masculine or based on a patriarchy, they needed to undermine religion since this meant too much male common sense therefore creating a buffer to the women and children. Even if they could undermine religion with new role Hollywood created roles models, since males are male, you also needed to remove the male or father influence from the picture, so the boys don't have an example of common sense to grow up with. Common sense is not about education but about inference in the field. Without that skill, culture will replace dad with the Mr Media so they can learn herd conformity, thereby making them easier to manipulate via the media.
This required a break up of the family and the establishment of sexist laws that discriminate against the males, who did nothing in real time but was based on retroactive guilt of a stereo type. Dumb as a stump would fall for this after other things were in play. Controlling public education helped the cause since it allowed revisionist history, thereby distorting the data fields for logical inference. The new inference with stacked data would help reinforce the needs of the deception. It is like using a data field with extra weight on minor data points while ignoring the main data. Conclusions will change but not based on weighed reality. Fantasy takes over. It looks real but the curve is not real.
Other changes that were needed was to change the melting pot, which concentrated the best of all cultures into a single future. This was changed to diversity which promoted second and third tier ingredients that still keeps some cultures from even leaving the third world. This was useful since it helps to regress an advanced culture away from optimization back toward a third world average. In the third world, culture is such, that the herd has no control over the edicts of dictators, who will control their lives in as many ways as possible. This allows the propaganda to work easier since you can set up the robots for programming.
The biggest problem is the continual resistance from those who were not easily duped, by retained common sense. This machines did not work with the old school which included religions, which is why they could be be allowed to coexist.
Atheism plays a role in the deception. It sells itself as science but is irrational in terms of blind nature. It appears to make use of the female on-off switch. If a women loves a man, she will put up with anything, for long periods of time, including lying, cheating and abuse. Her love is unconditional and she will not see the wrong and the abuse in her relationship.
A women scorned is the opposite. She can see no good in her former mate, and has no sentiment for data that is contrary to her scorn. Even if the guy was good with the kids this will not be seen is she is scorned. She will even poison the well so the children side with her and pit them against her husband with her bitterness. The approach of atheism to religion appears to have been based on the emotions of a scorned women, who can't admit anything good about religion in a blind on/off switch sense. One needed to remove masculine common sense, since males would expect other males to man up and see reality as is. This was the biggest mistake of the entire plan.