The big bang is one explanation for some facts and some beliefs.
Singularities if they exist (there is no evidence) are ultimately stable so do not inflate or expand.
Cosmology does have a lot of speculation in it, so as you say, an open mind in case it is proved wrong. Too many people treat it as a religion and have minds locked tightly shut.
I'd say it is more like, the proven parts of Big Bang are true, but there could be much more, and not all of it is proven.
We have the ability to observe the moment after singularity becomes everything, but that everything onl;y includes everything we can see and observe (ie: our universe only, and our dimensions only).
What most call the beginning in their search, starts with the beginning of our universe. What we call singularity might be just a small part of an even bigger beginning, and that bigger beginning may or maynot be an even bigger singularity.
We don't understand what limits there are, but most scientist do expect that their is a limit to how much 'singularity' can be held. But if there are more then one form of what we call singularity (ie: the center of a black hole), than their might be different quanities of forces, and therefor the limits we don't understand would likely be variable anyway!
Many possibilities can still also exist within the proven parts of Big Bang, just as many possibilities can also exist within the proven parts of evolution. I keep many doors open, and my 'beliefs' change with knoweledge. Directly contradicting science won't work, but finding the holes and exploring possibilities can help open doors. Just don't put too much belief in the possibilities, that way opening and closing doors can become much easier to do as information available changes.

You might enjoy my 'Beginning of Man' thread in pseudoscience. This is an old dream of mine that has been modified many times. It is probably my most absurd possible solution I could think of, while using the information I have available.

- I don't 'believe' this fantasy of mans beginning is true, I 'believe' it is possible, and that is how all my beliefs work - some of my beliefs contradict themselves because I just don't know!!!!
I am a dreamer, but if I were to test things, I would look for the most rational explaination first. My posts in forums are oppisite of that, I'm ussually posting the most absurd explainations I can think of, lmao.