Valued Senior Member
andYou definitely cannot get rid of a problem by pretending it does not exist.
You can create a problem by pretending/assuming that it does exist.
You get to choose.
andYou definitely cannot get rid of a problem by pretending it does not exist.
You can also make it more than it is. There will always be problems. It's a matter of ranking them by degree of severity. When they decline far enough it's generally more productive to move on to the next problem rather than dialing up the sensitivity to a declining problem.and
You can create a problem by pretending/assuming that it does exist.
You get to choose.
Do you think racism exists?and You can create a problem by pretending/assuming that it does exist. You get to choose.
Exactly. You can get rid of redlining by getting rid of that middleman. But if white people don't want to sell directly to black people (because they want to keep the neighborhood safe, because blacks don't pay, because . . . any reason at all) then you have exactly the same problem, just with fewer people.Yes, blockchain can take out the middleman from systems, but is it really the middlemen that give rise to systemic racism rather than the overall system that they are part of?
Not at all. As long as computers are associated with humans, they will acquire human foibles.Non sequitur.
yesDo you think racism exists?
Good, we agree.
Underlying all of that is homophily, and it is inherent in every one of us. This cannot be cured. It can be managed and counteracted. But it takes work - and ignoring it fosters it.It seems that peer group identification racism, sexism, religion, is much an emotional and not well reasoned thing.
Given that you just agreed with me that racism exists, no, I'm not. There has been systemic racism. Hopefully you don't need examples. Systemic racism exists today. Again, hopefully you don't need examples. You cannot fix it by ignoring it, any more than you can cure lung cancer by ignoring it and hoping it goes away.By supporting it with the assumption of "systemic racism" you are just fostering the disease.