Is breastfeeding obscene?

Is breastfeeding in public obscene?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 9.3%
  • No

    Votes: 49 90.7%

  • Total voters
Well my second son I tried it the first day, had the same problems and went right to the formula. Like I said if you compare babies that were fed mostly breast milk to those who drank formula would you be able to notice any differences in their health? Are their noticeable differences between them when they get older? I KNOW they stress breast milk is the best, but in the end does it really matter?

I'm not sure if every mum's breast milk is healthy. If a mum leads a really unhealthy lifestyle that influences the quality of her milk then I guess they're better off feeding the baby with formula.
I'm not sure if every mum's breast milk is healthy. If a mum leads a really unhealthy lifestyle that influences the quality of her milk then I guess they're better off feeding the baby with formula.

Good point.

Imagine if I had a kid and breastfed it....I drink unhealthy amounts of Red Bull...:D

I must admit..before reading the posts in this very thread I've never thought of the possibility that breastfeeding could be considered as perverted, inciting lust, and compared to shitting and pissing. I've always considered breastfeeding as something "beautiful" because it somehow represents the bond between the baby and its mum. And certainly, I would have never thought that the bond between a baby and its mum is the same as guys peeing on walls and shitting in public places.

Same here. I always thought of it as a bonding moment between mother and infant...not equivalent to defecating.
I think there are a few milk banks for those mothers with difficulty producing milk for their infants.
If they find it so obscene then why do they stare at the mum who's breastfeeding? Nobody is forcing them to look at her. Nobody. Plus, it's not very well-mannered to stare at others. To stress this out - staring at others - could be considered just as obscene.

I don't know the specifics of why they find it obscene, they have a problem with sexual organs, I'll leave it at that.

Peeing and shitting in public places, i.e. out of facilities that were made for those very actions, hasn't been banned just because of its obscenity, but because of the health hazards that are brought with it.

Then way in many countries in Europe is it not banished? It is coincidence it coincides with topless beeches?

PS: I can assure you that every doc out there will confirm that urine and faeces in general have nothing in common with breast milk. Nothing.

Pathetic appeal to authority.

I just compared things they have in common: they are both bodily functions, they both involve the excretion of fluids from sexual organs, they both involve the possible display of said organs which some find offensive to display, if you do not disagree with ALL of these then guess what, they have something in common and thus you are wrong, next time learn not to make generalization involving definitives, because just one single exception invalidates a definitive and damages your argument.
Breasts are sexual organs? That's the first I've heard of it.

Damn, I should go put on a long top instead of the short red one I'm wearing to aviod the heat. My "sexual organs" are kinda visible.
Should all people only eat in private?

I mean, should they be allowed to eat food in public, with their mouths? Especially meat, which is flesh?

Just wondering.

Or do you specifically discriminate against babies who need to eat?

I am fairly sure that a lot the Peta members find eating meat to be very obscene.
Fetus said:
Then way in many countries in Europe is it not banished? It is coincidence it coincides with topless beeches?

Are you seriously saying that there is a correlation? If so, I'm not really sure you have anything more to add to the conversation that has any sort of logic to it. Clearly, you have a breast issue, and it has nothing to do with anyone else.
I'm not sure if every mum's breast milk is healthy. If a mum leads a really unhealthy lifestyle that influences the quality of her milk then I guess they're better off feeding the baby with formula.

Good Point!

I however live a pretty clean healthy lifestyle. I never took up smoking and rarely ever drink. I have never been a coffee drinker either. However I cracked down on my Diet Pepsi addiction when I was pregnant. ;) and drank a lot more milk then usual.
Breasts are sexual organs? That's the first I've heard of it.

Yep, look up "secondary sexual organ", learn.

Are you seriously saying that there is a correlation? If so, I'm not really sure you have anything more to add to the conversation that has any sort of logic to it. Clearly, you have a breast issue, and it has nothing to do with anyone else.

and what issue would that be that I clearly have? "Breast issue" is to vague, be detailed, what do you think is wrong with me. The simple fact they are more liberal about these things is a correlation.
It seems many member here are taking this personally and have a personal and emotional biases against my argument, if you can't except that breastfeeding and urinating are both bodily functions involving sexual organs (or what ever organ you want to call them) excreting fluids, that some people find offensive for the public display of said organs or public use of said organs, then that it a fault with you not I, stop insulting me or others who are capable of objective analysis.
Breasts are not considered sex organs, and it's debatable if they are even considered organs (some doctors don't believe it meets the criteria to be considered an organ just tissue). They are secondary sexual characteristcs just like a man's beard or deepened voice. That's what my work places Pediatrician says. Humans don't have secondary sex organs, unless there is something abnormal about them.
This is how I feel in a nutshell...

I agree with you, that some ppl find it offensive and they have the right to their opinion.

I would not breast feed in public, because I would not be comfortable with it. (Yeah I am a prude)

I think businesses have the right to make rules in thier establishments, including breastfeeding as long as they offer the proper private facilities for the woman to feed.

I think that if women are going to breastfeed in public they should be discreet about it.

I do not find it appropriate for a woman to just whip out her breast, because she can or is some women's lib nut trying to prove something.

I don't think it is "obscene" I just think sometimes it may not be appropriate in some places.

I also think that if you plan correctly you can bring expressed milk in a bottle with you or a bottle of formula. If you know you are going somewhere that you think it might not be appropriate to breastfeed in public.
Should all people only eat in private?

I mean, should they be allowed to eat food in public, with their mouths? Especially meat, which is flesh?

Just wondering.

Or do you specifically discriminate against babies who need to eat?

I am fairly sure that a lot the Peta members find eating meat to be very obscene.

I noticed you ignored this... Please respond to this post, if you would.
This and that

Baron Max said:

And just who makes those rules about social rules, Tiassa?

Depends on the society. You and I, for instance, live in the United States. The rules people can make are limited, ultimately, by the United States Constitution.

Nope, it's about following the society's rules ...whatever they might be. Nothing of a "leap" in that remark at all.

Something about perspective goes here, but it's obvious you don't care.

• • •​

ElectricFetus said:

It seems many member here are taking this personally and have a personal and emotional biases against my argument, if you can't except that breastfeeding and urinating are both bodily functions involving sexual organs (or what ever organ you want to call them) excreting fluids, that some people find offensive for the public display of said organs or public use of said organs, then that it a fault with you not I, stop insulting me or others who are capable of objective analysis.

So ... let's do some objective analysis, sir.

How often do you drink urine for nutrition?

I mean, if you can't accept that breastfeeding is feeding, and for the vast majority of people, urination isn't ... well help me out here, what do I say for this part? Is it, "Fuck you?" Or is it to stop insulting people who are capable of objective analysis?

Anyway, the point is that breastfeeding is feeding. And if you choose to find it sexual, that's your own issue to deal with. And if you really think it's analogous to urination, I'll be happy to pour you a glass. Or better yet, we can just skip the glass. So, yes, if you want to drink urine straight from the fount in public, go ahead and start your campaign to "Stop Nutritional Discrimination Now". I will certainly support your right to embarrass the hell out of yourself by doing so.
I don't know the specifics of why they find it obscene, they have a problem with sexual organs, I'll leave it at that.

Then way in many countries in Europe is it not banished? It is coincidence it coincides with topless beeches?

Pathetic appeal to authority.

I just compared things they have in common: they are both bodily functions, they both involve the excretion of fluids from sexual organs, they both involve the possible display of said organs which some find offensive to display, if you do not disagree with ALL of these then guess what, they have something in common and thus you are wrong, next time learn not to make generalization involving definitives, because just one single exception invalidates a definitive and damages your argument.
I haven't asked for "why people find it obscene". I've asked WHY do they stare at other people. If they're so into having a well-mannered moral surrounding then why do they stare at other people in the first place? Personally, I think that it's those people who are complaining about breastfeeding that are the obscene ones. They've got a sick mind that makes them think that a mum nursing her baby is actually erotic. That's so messed up. Then they even have the guts to make their notions public by complaining to the authority of said building to advice that woman to stop nursing her infant because they think it's "obscene". What kind of idiot goes around revealing that they're actually sexually confused that they don't even see the difference between feeding and sex.

Why in many countries it isn't banned? I tell you something. If you get caught pissing on the wall of an administrative building or anywhere else in the city or wherever by an authority(police or whatever), then you can be sure as Hell that they're going to show you the "right" way. You'll probably end up getting accused of damaging property, infringement of public order and/or will have to pay a fine which is around 35 Euros. In Germany it isn't allowed. And to be honest, I don't know any other European countries where it would be allowed. I really don't know where you're getting that idea from that it's allowed to piss and shit in public places in Europe.

It's not a pathetic appeal to authority. I just wish you'd go to your doc and tell him "Hey doc, urine and sh*t are just the same as breast milk, AM I RIGHT?!" Doc will surely reply "Sure, son." No. Just because urine is a bodily fluid doesn't make it the same as milk or blood. Do you understand that? While there's no use for urine, milk actually does have a purpose. One is waste and one isn't.

"involve the possible display of said organs which some find offensive to display"
Excuse me? So, breast = penis? Is that what you're trying to get across so eagerly? Well, we two obviously live in a completely different world of perception then. I always thought that vagina is somehow more equivalent to penis. But obviously I was mistaken. My bad.
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Depends on the society. You and I, for instance, live in the United States. The rules people can make are limited, ultimately, by the United States Constitution.

How often do you drink urine for nutrition?

I mean, if you can't accept that breastfeeding is feeding, and for the vast majority of people, urination isn't ... well help me out here, what do I say for this part? Is it, "Fuck you?" Or is it to stop insulting people who are capable of objective analysis?

Anyway, the point is that breastfeeding is feeding. And if you choose to find it sexual, that's your own issue to deal with. And if you really think it's analogous to urination, I'll be happy to pour you a glass. Or better yet, we can just skip the glass. So, yes, if you want to drink urine straight from the fount in public, go ahead and start your campaign to "Stop Nutritional Discrimination Now". I will certainly support your right to embarrass the hell out of yourself by doing so.

I don't care about the differences, I care about the similarities, I found several of which are relevant to this issue, so far few have against those points and none against all of them but continue to show off the differences like how urine is not consider edible, My point find that irrelevant: they aren't objecting to piss in public because you should not drink urine, their objection is for other reasons specifically the sight of so called "offensive" organs in use, a characteristic which breastfeeding and urinating share, a fact none of you deny but keep using non-sequiturs, red herrings and strawmen against!
I haven't asked for "why people find it obscene". I've asked WHY do they stare at other people. If they're so into having a well-mannered moral surrounding then why do they stare at other people in the first place?

I don't care, go start you own thread on "why people stare" this thread is about why people find it obscene.

Why in many countries it isn't banned? I tell you something. If you get caught pissing on the wall of an administrative building or anywhere else in the city or wherever by an authority(police or whatever), then you can be sure as Hell that they're going to show you the "right" way. You'll probably end up getting accused of damaging property, infringement of public order and/or will have to pay a fine which is around 35 Euros. In Germany it isn't allowed. And to be honest, I don't know any other European countries where it would be allowed. I really don't know where you're getting that idea that it's allowed to piss and shit in public places in Europe.

I've seen it with my own eyes.

It's not a pathetic appeal to authority. I just wish you'd go to your doc and tell him "Hey doc, urine and sh*t are just the same as breast milk, AM I RIGHT?!" Doc will surely reply "Sure, son." No. Just because urine is a bodily fluid doesn't make it the same as milk or blood. Do you understand that? While there's no use for urine, milk actually does have a purpose. One is waste and one isn't.

That never was my argument, your right its more of a strawman.

"involve the possible display of said organs which some find offensive to display"
Excuse me? So, breast = penis? Is that what you're trying to get across so eagerly? Well, we two obviously live in a completely different world of perception then. I always thought that vagina is somehow more equivalent to penis. But obviously I was mistaken. My bad.

Yes you are mistaken, and no I was not saying they were "equal", but in many countries the display of either is banned, for reasons that are identical.

I noticed you ignored this... Please respond to this post, if you would.

If your talking to me, the response is: no relevance. I can't make your statement about eating make any relevance to the reasoning breastfeeding and urinating are offensive because they involve to display of "offensive" organs in use, etc, etc, so it has no relevance as an argument against mine.
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their objection is for other reasons specifically the sight of so called "offensive" organs in use, a characteristic which breastfeeding and urinating share, a fact none of you deny but keep using non-sequiturs, red herrings and strawmen against!

Pardon moi? I've got that itchy feeling in my fingers. Must resist.