Is consciousness to be found in quantum processes in microtubules?

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I mean, we can keep linking you studies, and you will keep ignoring them while making the same ridiculously wrong arguments and claims.
Who is the "we" that are linking me studies? What are the studies that are being linked? I want to see quotes specifically citing ORCH OR or studies that prove microtubules as being worthless in relation to "consciousness".

We keep looking for substantial contributions, but you keep ignoring my posts while making the same ridiculously wrong arguments starting with "No" and without proofs of any formal claims against ORCH OR and the possible role of microtubules in the greater picture of conscious awareness.

I want to see quotes that specifically point to debunking of a specific fatal flaws in Penrose's ORCH OR or proof that Hameroff's microtubule hypothesis is fatally flawed. If you are unable to provide clear and pertinent information, you cannot claim scientific standing..

I provide supporting evidence which no one reads and still the answer is always the same. "No, this has been debunked" and "Go to Wiki to read a bunch of generalities about tangently related research." What is the immediate scientific value of that in a real time debate?

I can see it now. Visualize a real time debate and have people cite links to Wiki, in lieu of providing RT evidence. Not acceptable.

You condemn me for providing an abundance of specific arguments by scientists in favor, but you demand that I provide specific argument against. Hell no!
If you want to debate the point, you provide RT videos or formal papers against. that is not my burden.

In fact I go out of my way trying to offer a balanced approach. You want it all one way., but without offering anything of substance.

You want to debunk the theory, you provide the proof, not some vague handwaving. Show me the facts or do not presume to call me names. I have the courtesy of refraining from calling you stupid or ignorant. Don't play power politics with me.

Those are just cheap shots from lazy debating. If you want to debunk someone's science do your own research and post quotes of formal papers. I am arguing FOR and provide clear and comprehensive facts in favor. If you are arguing AGAINST, do everyone a favor and post comprehensive facts in opposition.
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You are a an ex-chemist? Retired? Why? Got caught in medical malpractice perhaps? You're a quack with a demonstrated lack of credible knowledgeable information. You're arguing from hearsay, not from fact!

If you keep slinging shit at me like a zoo gorilla, don't be surprised if and when I decide to return the "favor".
Trust me, you don't want me on your case...........

I'm terrified.
I do not consider a reference number to a page or a paragraph as constituting "some detail".
If you are posting detail, quote the detail and provide the reference as confirmation. That's what I do, but if no one reads what I actually quote and link for confirmation, it is a one sided effort on my part.
You are the one declaring ORCH OR is fatally flawed and has been debunked. Apparently you are in posession of "fatal arguments" falsifying both ORCH OR or the possibility that microtubules may be the fundamental instrument of generating consciousness. Which you have not provided.

Do provide some quotes that I and others can read before you send me running around on a wild goose chase through the Wiki encyclopedia, thank you.
More lies? I don't believe I have said either of these things. It is you that introduced the criterion "fatally flawed", not me. Similarly, I never use the term "debunk" in relation to science.

In future, please check what I actually said before you fly off the handle - amusing though it is for us to watch when you screw up.
You can beg to differ all you want.
Yes, that is my right.
Unfortunately, scientific tests and studies on their theory has proven that it is impossible and you were provided with many, many links, which you basically ignored and clearly did not read, while demanding more and more links and more proof, and you are still pushing the same argument that has already been debunked.
Where is your proof?
This is where zealotry enters the fray. Either that or you are exceptionally gullible.
I can just a easy accuse you of the same.
I mean, we can keep linking you studies, and you will keep ignoring them while making the same ridiculously wrong arguments and claims. What is even funnier is that you claim to offer a balanced view, but that balance is from Hameroff.
You cannot judge if you do not read what I post and your accusation is wholly unfounded.
There's a reason why when a police officer commits a crime, for example, the police officers working in the same station as he is should not investigate their colleague.
Why no link to Serpico?
Something something about bias goes here. When something is deemed biologically impossible in regards to Hameroff and Penrose's "theory", then it's pretty much a safe bet to say it has been debunked and is settled.
Deemed by whom?

Orch OR also required gap junctions between neurons and glial cells,[42] yet Binmöller et. al. proved in 1992 that these don't exist in the adult brain
That quote looks impressive, but it is completely useless as any kind of proof. There is no link to any scientific paper, nor can Mr Binmoller et al. be found in google.
There is a ; Franz-Josef Binmöller,

Which has nothing to do with this thread. Provide link to actual scientific paper, please.
I guess there is a reason for Hameroff turning to religious and mysticism to peddle his wares. And there is a reason for scientists who are studying consciousness running in the opposite direction. Not because he is right.
Nono, that's Penrose's area of expertise. Hameroff does not automatically reject the concept of an universal connectivity and form of consciousness, nor does he specifically endorse it.

He merely believes that if there is a form of quantum mechanics involved, microtubules might be the biological structure suitable for such use.

Why not throw David Bohm and Schrodinger and Dennett and a host of other scientists who contemplated the possibility of universal self-referential information sharing under the bus also. They all ventured with speculation of an abstract form of universal information sharing, such as "entanglement". Do you even know what these people are talking about?

btw. what is this "quantum entanglement" hypothesis in migrating bird's eyes.?
A bird’s eye view of quantum entanglement
Scientists have long wondered how birds “read” Earth’s magnetic field to navigate. Some think entangled particles in birds’ eyes play a role.

Hey, quantum is biologically impossible, no? Or are birds the exception to the rule?
I do not think you are dumb. But I do think you are gullible and a zealot.
I think you have lost any objectivity and you are so obsessed and you want to believe so much, that you are willing to make yourself look like an obsessed zealot. And you do not get to threaten "censure" when your next sentence is: Firstly, slander and libel is a big no no.
Yes, and no one can accuse me of such tactics. I don't slander anyone. I don't need to resort such banality. It's beneath me.....:(
Secondly, he has provided you with various scientific links that debunk your obsession, he is arguing from a point of scientific fact.
But he does not demonstrate that.
You are now operating from a standpoint of empty and bizarre threats and pure desperation and frankly, foolishness.
Show me which links are pertinent. An actual link to a scientific paper would be helpful. I'm done being sent on a "fools errant".
Thirdly, we can easily make an argument that you are now resorting to threatening behaviour. So I would suggest you get a grip on yourself and stop sounding like a blithering zealot and acolyte.
Well, there you have it. Yet you managed to squeeze in a few well chosen ad hominems, cute......:)
And finally, you are the absolute last person to be accusing anyone of being a quack or having a "demonstrated lack of credible knowledgeable information" when you have openly and repeatedly disregarded scientific studies because you are too busy carrying water for a dude and theory that is biologically impossible.
Do you have proof of the scientific studies which show the "biological impossibility" of what the "dude and his theory" are hypothesizing?

So, you are carrying the water for real science? Without proof it is you who is the one carrying an empty vessel. Is that not the scientific method?

Who is Binmoller? Do a google and see what turns up.......:? No link to a paper. A useless quote.

It took me several minutes to even find this "important paper" which apparently has nothing to do with debunking ORCH OR or the ability of microtubules to act as the consciousness generating microtubular network.
Research article
1. Experimental Cell Research,
2. Volume 202, Issue 2
3. October 1992
4. Pages 440-449
1. Georg Reiser
2. Marija Cesar
3. Franz-Josef Binmöller

Research article
1. Experimental Cell Research

2. Volume 186, Issue 1
3. January 1990
4. Pages 47-53
1. Georg Reiser
2. Frédéric Donié
3. Franz-Josef Binmöller
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More lies? I don't believe I have said either of these things. It is you that introduced the criterion "fatally flawed", not me. Similarly, I never use the term "debunk" in relation to science.

In future, please check what I actually said before you fly off the handle - amusing though it is for us to watch when you screw up.
Well, what have you been saying then? That ORCH OR is still a possible viable approach to "consciousness"? Don't weasel out on me now.
I'm terrified.
Nor am I terrified by you. Your attempts to intimidate are wasted on me.

I have a very simple philosophy; "Those my equal or above me don't insult me. Those below me can't insult me."
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Well, what have you been saying then? That ORCH OR is still a possible viable approach to "consciousness"? Don't weasel out on me now.
I pointed out that several of its predictions have been falsified, and commented that it is not doing well and that it is most likely on its way to being discarded. I also, separately, observed that Hameroff seems to be starting to keep strange company (Chopra), implying he seems to be going the woo route. That does not augur well.

"Debunk" is not a word I like to use in science, so long as we are talking about theories that are put forward in good faith, because it means to expose a sham or falsehood. A wrong theory is not a sham or falsehood. It is just wrong: one of the numerous dead ends that litter the history of science, like the phlogiston theory.
In future, please check what I actually said before you fly off the handle - amusing though it is for us to watch when you screw up.
Well, that is to be expected. You are a most disagreeable person and I am getting very inpatient with your refusal to actually address any of the issues in real time, as I have done.

Apparently you are reluctant to stick out your own neck. I can appreciate that, but then don't presume to judge my objective interest in the subject under discussion. My intent is to gain knowledge and share that which interests me.

p.s. Your last post was encouraging. I don't like to see serious and sincere scientists being labeled as charlatans and cranks. That is patently unfair.

And after watching several interviews and lectures by Hameroff , I am convinced that he is sincere and is committed to exhaust every avenue in approach toward "consciousness".
Sir Roger Penrose has sufficient credentials which speak of his contributions to science.
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Well, that is to be expected. You are a most disagreeable person and I am getting very inpatient with your refusal to actually address any of the issues in real time, as I have done.

Apparently you are reluctant to stick out your own neck. I can appreciate that, but then don't presume to judge my objective interest in the subject under discussion. My intent is to gain knowledge and share that which interests me.
I don't need to stick my neck out, as I am not the one making claims with little support.

The work on Orch-OR has been done and I have pointed you to it. That's it, as far as I'm concerned.
I don't need to stick my neck out, as I am not the one making claims with little support.

The work on Orch-OR has been done and I have pointed you to it. That's it, as far as I'm concerned.
OK, bye.

I'm sure Penrose and Hameroff will not interrupt their important research based on your "opinion" .

Nor will I stop following and reporting on their journey.
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Similarly, I never use the term "debunk" in relation to science.
Yes well, Bells does.
Bells said,
Something something about bias goes here. When something is deemed biologically impossible in regards to Hameroff and Penrose's "theory", then it's pretty much a safe bet to say it has been debunked and is settled
I am of a different opinion. In view of a brandnew well attended conference in Interlaken a few months ago, I see that as a continued and dedicated effort to explore these (and related) avenues of research.
Yes well, Bells does. I am of a different opinion. In view of a brandnew well attended conference in Interlaken a few months ago, I see that as a continued and dedicated effort to explore these (and related) avenues of research.
And to once again repeat what I already posted before.
Orchestrated objective reduction (Orch OR) is a biological philosophy of mind that postulates that consciousness originates at the quantum level inside neurons, rather than the conventional view that it is a product of connections between neurons
While mainstream theories assert that consciousness emerges as the complexity of the computations performed by cerebral neurons increases,[4][5] Orch OR posits that consciousness is based on non-computable quantum processing performed by qubits formed collectively on cellular microtubules, a process significantly amplified in the neurons.[6] The qubits are based on oscillating dipoles forming superposed resonance rings in helical pathways throughout lattices of microtubules.
The oscillations are either electric, due to charge separation from London forces, or magnetic, due to electron spin—and possibly also due to nuclear spins (that can remain isolated for longer periods) that occur in gigahertz, megahertz and kilohertz frequency ranges.[2][7]
Orchestration refers to the hypothetical process by which connective proteins, such as microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs), influence or orchestrate qubit state reduction by modifying the spacetime-separation of their superimposed states.[8] The latter is based on Penrose's objective-collapse theory for interpreting quantum mechanics, which postulates the existence of an objective threshold governing the collapse of quantum-states, related to the difference of the space-time curvature of these states in the universe's fine-scale structure.[9]
Orch OR has been criticized from its inception by mathematicians, philosophers,[10][11][12][13] and scientists,[14][15][16][17][18] prompting the authors to revise and elaborate many of the theory's peripheral assumptions, while retaining the core hypothesis.[19]
The criticism concentrated on three issues: Penrose's interpretation of Gödel's theorem; Penrose's abductive reasoning linking non-computability to quantum processes; and the brain's unsuitability to host the quantum phenomena required by the theory, since it is considered too "warm, wet and noisy" to avoid decoherence. In other words, there is a missing link between physics and neuroscience in the pursuit of a theory of everything.[20] However, some evidence has been produced in recent years.
And I found our friend Binmöller et. al. , whoever that is.
Orch OR also required gap junctions between neurons and glial cells,[42] yet Binmöller et. al. proved in 1992 that these don't exist in the adult brain.[66] In vitro research with primary neuronal cultures shows evidence for electrotonic (gap junction) coupling between immature neurons and astrocytes obtained from rat embryos extracted prematurely through Cesarean section,[67] however, the Orch-OR claim is that mature neurons are electrotonically coupled to astrocytes in the adult brain.
F. J. Binmöller & C. M. Müller (1992). "Postnatal development of dye-coupling among astrocytes in rat visual cortex". Glia. 6 (2): 127–137. doi:10.1002/glia.440060207. PMID 1328051.
Therefore, Orch OR contradicts the well-documented electrotonic decoupling of neurons from astrocytes in the process of neuronal maturation, which is stated by Fróes et al. as follows: "junctional communication may provide metabolic and electrotonic interconnections between neuronal and astrocytic networks at early stages of neural development and such interactions are weakened as differentiation progresses."[67]

Oh and look here;[/quote]
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Where is your proof?
You were provided with numerous links Write4U and this repeated and constant demand for proof, when proof has been provided repeatedly, and you have either ignored it or refused to read it, would fall under any definition of trolling.

I can just a easy accuse you of the same.
I'm not the one pushing woo as science. You are.

You cannot judge if you do not read what I post and your accusation is wholly unfounded.
Given how you keep demanding links, even when links have been provided and you keep asking for proof, when proof has been provided, do you really think you are in a position to accuse anyone of not reading what you post?
Why no link to Serpico?
With the plethora of shootings in the US, for example, and police departments investigating their own, you need a link to a movie?
Which has nothing to do with this thread. Provide link to actual scientific paper, please.
Link to the paper that shows that Hameroff and Penrose based their theory on something that is literally biologically impossible:

That quote looks impressive, but it is completely useless as any kind of proof. There is no link to any scientific paper, nor can Mr Binmoller et al. be found in google.
There is a ; Franz-Josef Binmöller,
Then you fail at google or you are being dishonest. Had you clicked on the link I provided in my previous post, you'd see a link of that study embedded in that quote.

And one google search for his name yielded several publications by him.

Nono, that's Penrose's area of expertise. Hameroff does not automatically reject the concept of an universal connectivity and form of consciousness, nor does he specifically endorse it.
Despite the fact that I provided you with direct quote of Hameroff literally endorsing it, you are still claiming he does not endorse it?

He merely believes that if there is a form of quantum mechanics involved, microtubules might be the biological structure suitable for such use.
Uh huh..

Neuroscience and mainstream philosophy attacked our theory even before it was published, and continue to do so. Nonetheless Orch OR remains viable, completely consistent with known neuroscience and can also account for aspects of the soul.

1) Interconnectedness among living beings can be accounted for by nonlocal quantum entanglement. 2) Interaction with cosmic intelligence may be influence by Penrose noncomputable Platonic wisdom embedded in Planck scale geometry. 3) Existence outside the body: According to Orch OR, consciousness occurs at the fundamental level of Planck scale geometry, normally in and around microtubules between our ears. But when brain coherence is lost, quantum information related to consciousness and the unconscious mind remain in the universe, distributed but still entangled

Hey, quantum is biologically impossible, no? Or are birds the exception to the rule?
I'll repeat again. Orch Or is based on something that does not exist in adult brains.

And had you clicked on the link, you'd have seen why and where they went wrong when they proposed Orch Or as a "theory". And had you clicked on the link, you would have found that it actually went further. There is a reason as to why I did not quote the full paragraph. I wanted to see if you'd actually click on a link for once.... The irony is that you accuse others of not reading your links, but you have consistently failed to do so, particularly in instances where it shows just how wrong you are:

Orch OR also required gap junctions between neurons and glial cells,[42] yet Binmöller et. al. proved in 1992 that these don't exist in the adult brain.[66] In vitro research with primary neuronal cultures shows evidence for electrotonic (gap junction) coupling between immature neurons and astrocytes obtained from rat embryos extracted prematurely through Cesarean section,[67] however, the Orch-OR claim is that mature neurons are electrotonically coupled to astrocytes in the adult brain. Therefore, Orch OR contradicts the well-documented electrotonic decoupling of neurons from astrocytes in the process of neuronal maturation, which is stated by Fróes et al. as follows: "junctional communication may provide metabolic and electrotonic interconnections between neuronal and astrocytic networks at early stages of neural development and such interactions are weakened as differentiation progresses."[67]

In 2001, Hameroff further proposed that microtubule coherence spreads between different neurons via dendritic lamellar bodies (DLBs) that are connected directly with gap junctions.[68] De Zeeuw et al. had already proved this to be impossible in 1995,[69] by showing that DLBs are located micrometers away from gap junctions.[16]

And before you ask for links to these studies, they were linked already in this thread, numerous times and if you require it yet again they are embedded above and in the link provided.

Yes, and no one can accuse me of such tactics. I don't slander anyone. I don't need to resort such banality. It's beneath me.....:(

You are a an ex-chemist? Retired? Why? Got caught in medical malpractice perhaps?

Stop lying.

But he does not demonstrate that.
But he did.
Show me which links are pertinent. An actual link to a scientific paper would be helpful. I'm done being sent on a "fools errant".
I provided you with more than half a dozen links to papers and studies... You claimed you could not read them, despite the fact that the majority of them are free to view in pdf format.

I then provided you with an explanation of how to access those papers and then gave you 3 such examples where it's in pdf format.

And you still demand links that are "pertinent"?
So, you are carrying the water for real science? Without proof it is you who is the one carrying an empty vessel. Is that not the scientific method?

Who is Binmoller? Do a google and see what turns up.......:? No link to a paper. A useless quote.

It took me several minutes to even find this "important paper" which apparently has nothing to do with debunking ORCH OR or the ability of microtubules to act as the consciousness generating microtubular network.
Research article
Troll, stop posting crap in bold font. I have told you this before.

Secondly, links were provided. Just because you failed to click on it and if you had, you'd have seen a link embedded in the quote.

So stop demanding links. When links are provided repeatedly and you refuse to read them and keep demanding more, it just makes you a dishonest troll.

And how do I know you are a dishonest troll? Because only dishonest trolls alter quotes and insert words into it to try to pass it off as being something else entirely. And that is the low type of rubbish that you have tried to pull in this thread.

I'm sure Penrose and Hameroff will not interrupt their important research based on your "opinion" .

Nor will I stop following and reporting on their journey.
Which is interesting.

Because you have avoided how a major part of that journey now applies to mysticism and religious quackery.

Which I already addressed and you, funnily enough, avoided it like the plague.. Despite the fact that this has been the direction Hameroff has been going in in a while now, so much so, that real scientists involved in studies on consciousness have avoided his conferences (which he organises, selects speakers and subject matter) because he is a quack.
You were provided with numerous links Write4U and this repeated and constant demand for proof, when proof has been provided repeatedly, and you have either ignored it or refused to read it, would fall under any definition of trolling.
I'm not the one pushing woo as science. You are.
And you are qualified to judge?
Given how you keep demanding links, even when links have been provided and you keep asking for proof, when proof has been provided, do you really think you are in a position to accuse anyone of not reading what you post?
I was looking for links, you know, something that starts with http://, not some blue colored sentences which are used for mod notes AND ONLY SHOW UP AS LINKS WHEN YOU ACTUALLY PLACE CURSOR OVER THEM?
Link to the paper that shows that Hameroff and Penrose based their theory on something that is literally biologically impossible:

Hello! An actual link instead of a hidden link embedded in an innocuous sentence. See how easy that is! No chance for confusion. It's a true link, praise the lord....:rolleyes:
Then you fail at google or you are being dishonest. Had you clicked on the link I provided in my previous post, you'd see a link of that study embedded in that quote.
Embedded links that must be discovered instead of being presented as open links.
Not by that name. google shows the name And I have to wade through a dozen papers written by others. NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY.
Despite the fact that I provided you with direct quote of Hameroff literally endorsing it, you are still claiming he does not endorse it?
In his 1989 book The Emperor's New Mind, Penrose suggested that such information/logic could influence our conscious perceptions and choices. Although Penrose avoided any reference to religion or spirituality, others were struck by potential analogies to divine guidance, the way of the Tao, may the force be with you, etc.
Penrose didn't have a good neurobiological structure for quantum computation in the brain, but I did. Since 1972 I had studied computing capabilities of microtubules - structural lattices inside neurons which organize their activities. I also knew that anesthetic gases selectively erase consciousness solely through very weak quantum forces. Roger and I teamed up and put forth our Orch OR model based on quantum computing in microtubules in 1994.
Where is the endorsement by either author?
Another hidden link!
Neuroscience and mainstream philosophy attacked our theory even before it was published, and continue to do so. Nonetheless Orch OR remains viable, completely consistent with known neuroscience and can also account for aspects of the soul.
If you are inclined to believe that. Do you really expect Hameroff to oppose endorsement from Deepak Chopra?
1) Interconnectedness among living beings can be accounted for by nonlocal quantum entanglement. 2) Interaction with cosmic intelligence may be influence by Penrose noncomputable Platonic wisdom embedded in Planck scale geometry. 3) Existence outside the body: According to Orch OR, consciousness occurs at the fundamental level of Planck scale geometry, normally in and around microtubules between our ears. But when brain coherence is lost, quantum information related to consciousness and the unconscious mind remain in the universe, distributed but still entangled
Yes Plato was such a fool. He should not have been allowed to teach 3rd grade​
I'll repeat again. Orch Or is based on something that does not exist in adult brains.
Yes it is. They are called microtubules.

Your protestations do nothing to alter the fact that ORCH OR addresses something that exists in the microtubules of all flora and fauna. That you see it differently does nothing to alter the theory. It is not intended nor presented as a religion, by either men.

p.s. You have not answered the role of quantum in photosynthesis
And had you clicked on the link, you'd have seen why and where they went wrong when they proposed Orch Or as a "theory". And had you clicked on the link, you would have found that it actually went further. There is a reason as to why I did not quote the full paragraph. I wanted to see if you'd actually click on a link for once...
The irony is that you accuse others of not reading your links, but you have consistently failed to do so, particularly in instances where it shows just how wrong you are:
Oops, another link embedded in a sentence which has nothing to do with "how wrong I was"
Orch OR also required gap junctions between neurons and glial cells,[42] yet Binmöller et. al. proved in 1992 that these don't exist in the adult brain.[66] In vitro research with primary neuronal cultures shows evidence for electrotonic (gap junction) coupling between immature neurons and astrocytes obtained from rat embryos extracted prematurely through Cesarean section,[67] however, the Orch-OR claim is that mature neurons are electrotonically coupled to astrocytes in the adult brain.
Therefore, Orch OR contradicts the well-documented electrotonic decoupling of neurons from astrocytes in the process of neuronal maturation, which is stated by Fróes et al. as follows: "junctional communication may provide metabolic and electrotonic interconnections between neuronal and astrocytic networks at early stages of neural development and such interactions are weakened as differentiation progresses."[67]
Well, that settles that. Baby rats confirm ORCH OR is woo. How simple. It's a wonder that Hameroff and Penrose even finished HS.
In 2001, Hameroff further proposed that microtubule coherence spreads between different neurons via
dendritic lamellar bodies (DLBs) that are connected directly with gap junctions.[68] De Zeeuw et al. had already proved this to be impossible in 1995,[69] by showing that DLBs are located micrometers away from gap junctions.[16]
Yes I already posted that and this is just repeating what I already addressed..

And that has been "debunked" also? Seems like you are addressing ORCH OR as a project by HS kids at a science fair.​
And before you ask for links to these studies, they were linked already in this thread, numerous times and if you require it yet again they are embedded above and in the link provided.
Yes and I was the first one to post that link, but no one read it and therefore I am now accused of ignoring it. I don't have the time to decypher your blue coded links which only show as links when the cursor is actually placed on the sentence. I am not yet to the point where I need to place my my cursor over sentences to read what it says.
Oh? Stop lying.
No lies, just your unusual way of posting links. Now that I know your little confusing trick, Ill place my cursor on every sentence you utter, so that I won't miss the hidden links.
But he did
He did what? Acknowledge the interest by spiritually minded persons?

And come to think of it, is "entanglement over distances" a spiritual concept? Is quantum a spiritual concept?
Can someone explain the difference?
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And you are qualified to judge? I was looking for links, you know, something that starts with http://, not some blue colored sentences which are used for mod notes AND ONLY SHOW UP AS LINKS WHEN YOU ACTUALLY PLACE CURSOR OVER THEM?

Hello! An actual link instead of a hidden link embedded in an innocuous sentence. See how easy that is! No chance for confusion. It's a true link, praise the lord....:rolleyes:

Embedded links that must be discovered instead of being presented as open links.
Not by that name. google shows the name And I have to wade through a dozen papers written by others. NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY.
Yes. Where is the endorsement by either author? Another hidden link!
If you are inclined to believe that. Do you really expect Hameroff to oppose endorsement from Deepak Chopra? Yes Plato was such a fool. He should not have been allowed to teach 3rd grade​
Yes it is. They are called microtubules.

Your protestations do nothing to alter the fact that ORCH OR addresses something that exists in the microtubules of all flora and fauna. That you see it differently does nothing to alter the theory. It is not intended nor presented as a religion, by either men.

p.s. You have not answered the role of quantum in photosynthesis
Oops, another link embedded in a sentence which has nothing to do with "how wrong I was"
Well, that settles that. Baby rats confirm ORCH OR is woo. How simple. It's a wonder that Hameroff and Penrose even finished HS. Yes I already posted that and this is just repeating what I already addressed..

And that has been "debunked" also? Seems like you are addressing ORCH OR as a project by HS kids at a science fair.​
Yes and I was the first one to post that link, but no one read it and therefore I am now accused of ignoring it. I don't have the time to decypher your blue coded links which only show as links when the cursor is actually placed on the sentence. I am not yet to the point where I need to place my my cursor over sentences to read what it says.
No lies, just your unusual way of posting links. Now that I know your little confusing trick, Ill place my cursor on every sentence you utter, so that I won't miss the hidden links.
He did what? Acknowledge the interest by spiritually minded persons?

And come to think of it, is "entanglement over distances" a spiritual concept? Is quantum a spiritual concept?
Can someone explain the difference?

Write4U, a serious question: are you on the autistic spectrum, by any chance?
Write4U, a serious question: are you on the autistic spectrum, by any chance?
No, I just never had the opportunity to get an advanced education. It is not easy growing up in a war torn country for the first six years of my life.
But now that I am retired I want to cram in everything I have missed, but I still do not have the time for a formal education.
I may have perhaps another 5-10 years in me. I am just working on my bucket list.....:)

But I have no complaints. I have lived a very diverse and interesting life and had the good fortune to have travelled half way around the world and meet the most interesting people from Dutch royalty to convicted criminals. No one has ever treated me with the disrespect I have received here. Check out my profile info for a short synopsis of my life.

I started my life in a physical war zone, I don't want to end it in a mental war zone. I don't have the time for that.

Being that you asked me to volunteer any mental problems, perhaps the fact that I have a (certified) IQ of 158 and scored 70 % on a Mensa test might account for my interest in advanced science rather than playing computer games. But I'll take on anyone for a game of chess....:)
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The fact that linked text is very hard to spot is a constant source of frustration for me and, I'll hazard, other people as well.
Here, it is problematic enough to exacerbate an already lively conversation.
It is a pity the overlords that built and maintain the site have passed into history - its such a simple fix.
No, I just never had the opportunity to get an advanced education. It is not easy growing up in a war torn country for the first six years of my life.
But now that I am retired I want to cram in everything I have missed, but I still do not have the time for a formal education.
I may have perhaps another 5-10 years in me. I am just working on my bucket list.....:)

But I have no complaints. I have lived a very diverse and interesting life and had the good fortune to have travelled half way around the world and meet the most interesting people from Dutch royalty to convicted criminals. No one has ever treated me with the disrespect I have received here. Check out my profile info for a short synopsis of my life.

I started my life in a physical war zone, I don't want to end it in a mental war zone. I don't have the time for that.

Being that you asked me to volunteer any mental problems, perhaps the fact that I have a (certified) IQ of 158 and scored 70 % on a Mensa test might account for my interest in advanced science rather than playing computer games. But I'll take on anyone for a game of chess....:)
Hmm. Thanks for clarifying.
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