Is eeryone happy with the Big Bang? I'm not.

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More likely than God?
Since YOU made the claim it's up to you to support it. :rolleyes:

No you didn't.

Post 263.
And WTF is "primped" hydrogen? Please explain how "primping" is "transdimensional".

Can't even copy a name?

I'm always ready to denigrate crackpits.

So what?

You'd have to define exactly what you mean by "transdimensional". If all you mean is that dogs are more receptive to smells than humans, then okay. If you mean something else then you'll have to support it.
So you can't come up with a more likely source for the Original Hydrogen - then I'm going to go with God. Sure, some things are transdimentional. Spirits, if they exist, can feel anger - at least God can, according to the Bible. They can be Jealous - God is a jealous God. Further to this idea, experienced palliative care workers can walk into a room and say, "Who died?" Apparently death has a particular aroma. Back to Spirits - 'Primping,' according to the Bible, is what got Lucifer ejected from Heaven. I don't believe in God, myself, but many do, and one of the Popes actually declared the Big Bang an article of Catholic Faith. Because I say these things, and you are unable to gainsay them, that makes me wrong? That's Poor Science, Dywddyr!
And you're just here to denigrate - with nothing to add, or contribute, I suppose. You're another one who's been juiced in this Big Bang all your life, and don't have the imagination to see it any other way. Your mind is firmly closed, you think just like everybody else , and I don't know.. Do you drink, and I ask this confidentially, because you seem to have a lot of anger. Like God? What you know you're going to keep secret from us. That's great, Dywddyr, you're just what I need.
Maybe he means this pop-sci visual:

If so, I don't know where he got the idea that accelerated expansion began in 1998. But, I've given up. He's not here to learn and discuss, he's just here to win his little pissing contest.
Wow, Pete - is your picture ever complicated. That just has to be the way the Cosmos is unfolding, you need a Phd in Math to figure out that drawing! And the insults come free... Imagine! And you admit you're just here to denigrate, with nothing to add (except insults, of course.) You have a closed mind, Ferrous Cranus, I think you might well be allergic to new ideas.
Wow, Pete - is your picture ever complicated. That just has to be the way the Cosmos is unfolding, you need a Phd in Math to figure out that drawing! And the insults come free... Imagine! And you admit you're just here to denigrate, with nothing to add (except insults, of course.) You have a closed mind, Ferrous Cranus, I think you might well be allergic to new ideas.

You certainly don't need a PHD in math to understand the picture, as the picture does not represent the correct model of reality. The universe is not cigar-shaped. No model in fact, whether pertaining to $$\omega<1 (or) = (or) >1$$ have a cigar-shaped model. We usually associate expansion to some saddle-shaped universe.
Alternatively, the COBE measurements of the CMB were simply more precise than the earlier ones. The variations in the CMB are really very small indeed you know.
The variations in the CMB are non-existent, according to COBE's picture unveiled by NASA's Eli Dwek, except to show the direction in which the Observable Universe is headed. And you never did tell me when you think the Cosmos started Speeding Up again? Was it just now, or in 1998? If you go to Wiki, "Expansion of the Universe,' and scroll down, you'll find it. You'll see also, that they allow no possibility for this expansion to have started slowly. They only allow a Speeding Up Universe, then a Slowing Down Universe, then a repeat of the Speeding Up. I just wanted to know if you agree with this notion? I sure don't.
Wow, I clearly missed nothing in the week I couldn't access SciForums, astro is still thick as two short planks.

Wow, Pete - is your picture ever complicated. That just has to be the way the Cosmos is unfolding, you need a Phd in Math to figure out that drawing!
No, you don't need a PhD in mathematics, you just need a high school grasp of physics and have seen a few TV documentaries. I know that from your perspective even high school physics is beyond you and so you have trouble telling the difference between 'simple' physics and eye wateringly complex physics but some of us can tell the difference.

You have a closed mind, Ferrous Cranus,
You're the guy who thinks he knows how the universe works and how physics is done when you have no education or knowledge in regards to physics and you have no experimental data in regards to how the universe behaves. As such you telling people they have a closed mind is like an alcoholic telling someone their drinking is a bit excessive when they buy a root beer.

You certainly don't need a PHD in math to understand the picture, as the picture does not represent the correct model of reality. The universe is not cigar-shaped.
The picture is of a 2d projection of the universe developing over time, not of the spatial configuration of the universe at a particular time. Its like a light cone diagram for the universe.

Wow, Pete - is your picture ever complicated.
But it leads to experimentally validated predictions. Your 'model' can't model anything, so its nothing but 2 lines of waffle. You call others closed minded yet you don't even know what 'scientific theory' means.
You certainly don't need a PHD in math to understand the picture, as the picture does not represent the correct model of reality. The universe is not cigar-shaped. No model in fact, whether pertaining to $$\omega<1 (or) = (or) >1$$ have a cigar-shaped model. We usually associate expansion to some saddle-shaped universe.
Good for you, JackBlack. The picture is misleading, I agree. It's just that when I look up at the sky, I don't see many saddle shapes, or cigars. What I do see is a lot of Spirals, Galaxies, I suppose they are, surely the commonest shape in Space, after the circle? I myself think the Universe is a Vortex, probably shaped lot like the Milky Way, with four arms that extend out into Space, only on a different Scale.
Do you really think I'm going to answer that?
Fail! That was a reply to Simonsays.

Please! And let me ask you right off the bat, Dywddyr, are you a Mathematician, or a Physicist?
I'm a genius polymath. Why?

So you can't come up with a more likely source for the Original Hydrogen - then I'm going to go with God.
In other words you're supposing.

Sure, some things are transdimentional.
Such as?

Spirits, if they exist, can feel anger - at least God can, according to the Bible. They can be Jealous - God is a jealous God. Further to this idea, experienced palliative care workers can walk into a room and say, "Who died?" Apparently death has a particular aroma. Back to Spirits - 'Primping,' according to the Bible, is what got Lucifer ejected from Heaven.
All of which relates to "transdimensional"... how?

I don't believe in God, myself
Yet, strangely, you claim him to be the source of hydrogen.

I went to the link you provided. There was no graph.
The link I provided? I merely followed YOUR instructions and looked at the Wiki page for Big Bang. :rolleyes:

Either they removed it, or it was under 'Expansion of the Universe,' but it is definitely there somewhere. After this I'll relocate it - it agrees with what I have said. Sorry.
So you still can't provide a source for this claim of yours?
How clever of you...
Wow, I clearly missed nothing in the week I couldn't access SciForums, astro is still thick as two short planks.

No, you don't need a PhD in mathematics, you just need a high school grasp of physics and have seen a few TV documentaries. I know that from your perspective even high school physics is beyond you and so you have trouble telling the difference between 'simple' physics and eye wateringly complex physics but some of us can tell the difference.

You're the guy who thinks he knows how the universe works and how physics is done when you have no education or knowledge in regards to physics and you have no experimental data in regards to how the universe behaves. As such you telling people they have a closed mind is like an alcoholic telling someone their drinking is a bit excessive when they buy a root beer.

The picture is of a 2d projection of the universe developing over time, not of the spatial configuration of the universe at a particular time. Its like a light cone diagram for the universe.

But it leads to experimentally validated predictions. Your 'model' can't model anything, so its nothing but 2 lines of waffle. You call others closed minded yet you don't even know what 'scientific theory' means.
Spoken like a true Mathematician. It's all insults, of course, but thanks for explaining the 2D representation of a 4D Space. This picture can only have come from a Mathematician. You can prove anything in Math, that's why it's not a Science. The Big Bang is a Backward looking theory, all about what happened. The Black Hole at the center of the Universe is a forward looking theory, all about where we're going. How many eyes do you have inthe front of your head, Alpha Numeric, and how many looking backwards. What's more important, Alpha Numeric? Which theory would you imagine shows the future best - one that looks back, or one that looks forward?. Which Theory do you think models the Cosmos better? Mine, of course. I, for example, have the Observable Universe Speeding Up to a Terminal Velocity. Your Universe is Speeding Up ad infinitum. Which scenario sounds more scientific to you?
Fail! That was a reply to Simonsays.

I'm a genius polymath. Why?

In other words you're supposing.

Such as?

All of which relates to "transdimensional"... how?

Yet, strangely, you claim him to be the source of hydrogen.

The link I provided? I merely followed YOUR instructions and looked at the Wiki page for Big Bang. :rolleyes:

So you still can't provide a source for this claim of yours?
How clever of you...
I'm quickly seeing that you're just here to denigrate, not contribute anything. You won't even admit that you're a Mathematician. Why? Are you ashamed of it? Transdimentional? That's easy. The Spirit world, if it exists, is in another dimention. To me, there are only four dimensions, Length, Breadth, Height and Time, but many people (including Newton) believe in a Spirit World. Am I going to tell them they're wrong, when I can't prove it? Certainly not!
You won't even admit that you're a Mathematician.
Which bit of polymath did you not understand? In point of fact most of my life I've worked as a design engineer.

Transdimentional? That's easy. The Spirit world, if it exists, is in another dimention. To me, there are only four dimensions, Length, Breadth, Height and Time, but many people (including Newton) believe in a Spirit World. Am I going to tell them they're wrong, when I can't prove it? Certainly not!
In other words you're making a claim (of "transdimensionality") on something that IF true would "support" this claim. Yet there is no evidence whatsoever for spirits, despite what Newton believed. Irrational beliefs are not exclusive to non-scientists.

You're still spouting insupportable nonsense.
Asscat is simply one of the stupidest posters on this board.

There's no reason to argue with him, other that the compulsion to poke at an animal in a cage with a stick.
Spoken like a true Mathematician.
I am more of a physicist than you. My very job is applying mathematics to solve real world problems. If you were even vaguely a physicist you'd know how important a formal accurate description of things is, ie the use of mathematics.

but thanks for explaining the 2D representation of a 4D Space. This picture can only have come from a Mathematician.
Its made by cosmologists so you're wrong.

You can prove anything in Math, that's why it's not a Science.
No, you can't prove 'anything'. You can prove things which are not physical but that's because its about logical constructs. Physicists use mathematics to formalise descriptions, make predictions which they then test. The big bang model made predictions which were tested and verified. That is science.

Which Theory do you think models the Cosmos better? Mine, of course.
You have no 'model'. Please provide a working model which models some real phenomenon. Models model, you have no ability to model anything so you don't have a model. You don't have a 'theory' because a scientific theory is a model which has made tested and verified predictions. You have nothing but a vague hypothesis based no absolutely nothing in reality. You complain mathematics isn't a science yet you aren't doing science at all.

Which scenario sounds more scientific to you?
The one which follows the scientific method of making predictions, doing experiments/observations and passing those tests. Thus it isn't your 'work'
When did our awareness of the accelerated expansion come into being? Was that 1998?

astrocat employs the same snide, deliberate misunderstandings often seen in creationists. One suspects he is not nearly as dumb as he appears - largely beacuse it is doubtful anyone could be that dumb and survive.
No, Ophiolite, I'm deadly serious. In Wiki, under 'The Expanding Universe,' if you scroll down, almost, I suppose to the bottom of the page, you can't miss it. It's there in black and white. When did the Universe start Speeding Up? Now! according to the graph. Has anybody else seen this graph? Can they please tell me if I'm right or wrong? And please don't put me in with creationists - they love the Big Bang because it agrees with the Bible (and you know how creationists love their bible - every word coming from God, the way they say it does.) You think I'm dumb? Because I say there was no Big Bang, neither is there any Dark Energy. There is no Dark Energy - can you show me some? Is there some Dark Energy in some museum that I can check out? Your Big Bang and Dark Energy are just hot air, and I don't care who knows it.
Which bit of polymath did you not understand? In point of fact most of my life I've worked as a design engineer.

In other words you're making a claim (of "transdimensionality") on something that IF true would "support" this claim. Yet there is no evidence whatsoever for spirits, despite what Newton believed. Irrational beliefs are not exclusive to non-scientists.

You're still spouting insupportable nonsense.
Okay, I'll look up 'Polymath' in Wiki (Yawn.) Could you please just quickly explain what you did as a design engineer - just a couple of sentences... Yes, lots of Scientists believe there is (what I call) another dimension - the Spirit World. Telling me where you stand on the issue helps me see where you're coming from. I have to look at everything from both sides - I'm actually a dualist. For every Yin, you see, there has to be a Yang. Okay, now can you tell me how you feel about the Big Bang and related Repulsive Forces. Do you believe the Cosmos is run by Gravity or Anti-Gravity. Or maybe you won't tell me anything, and just hurl more insults... Let's see what kind of Scientist you'd make, Dywddyr. (That name, I just wondered, are you Welsh? not that it matters...)
No, Ophiolite, I'm deadly serious. In Wiki, under 'The Expanding Universe,'
Link please. I can't find a Wiki page entitled "The Expanding Universe".

if you scroll down, almost, I suppose to the bottom of the page, you can't miss it. It's there in black and white. When did the Universe start Speeding Up? Now! according to the graph. Has anybody else seen this graph?
Still won't provide a link yet you persist in this ridiculous claim?
Sad. Really really sad.
Asscat is simply one of the stupidest posters on this board.

There's no reason to argue with him, other that the compulsion to poke at an animal in a cage with a stick.
Sure, get personal why don't you - just don't get Scientific on me AlexG.
Okay, I'll look up 'Polymath' in Wiki (Yawn.)
:eek: You need to look it up?

Could you please just quickly explain what you did as a design engineer - just a couple of sentences...
I designed things.
For engineering firms.

That's two sentences.

Yes, lots of Scientists believe there is (what I call) another dimension - the Spirit World.
So what?
There is no evidence for spirits, or a spirit world. Like I said: belief in nonsense isn't the sole domain of non-scientists.

Telling me where you stand on the issue helps me see where you're coming from.

I'm actually a dualist.
Nope, you're a crackpot.

For every Yin, you see, there has to be a Yang.

Let's see what kind of Scientist you'd make, Dywddyr.
Hmm, I wonder if my degree courses and actual job experience would be a better indicator...

(That name, I just wondered, are you Welsh? not that it matters...)
No, I'm not.
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