is god a sociopath

Round and round,... you said "Why in the hell would the bible mention genetics?", yet above you make the claim that the bible does mention perfect physical bodies, and you personally have claimed genetic make up causes that. Can you separate personal and biblical points of view, and reference each please.

The only reason we're going round is because you're playing dumb. Isn't your ego killing you? You pride yourself on intelligence.

The bible is very clear about christs purpose, which is to restore us physically to a sinless state. Google it if you don't believe me. It's also very clear about sin being inherent in our flesh.

You and I both know what determines what's inherent in our flesh.

I do. Because prophets of doom are ten a penny. Predictions come and go, and life goes on. I want you to put stake in the ground, so you can be proven wrong, quite simply.

No, I'm going to question you on why it didn't happen on the day you said it would.

No, the point is that life goes on despite all these predictions of the end times.

well i don't have a date and i'm not a liar. but you certainly are if you're looking at the world and thinking there's not a catastrophic correction coming soon.

i also never said life won't go on. it just won't go on for many, and certainly not the way it has been.
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You and I both know what determines what's inherent in our flesh.

Only the current 'imperfect' version of it. You have no concept of what there could be to come. We only have genes and DNA to pass on traits to the next generation,.... no need for that there won't be any breeding in Heaven will there?

well i don't have a date and i'm not a liar. but you certainly are if you're looking at the world and thinking there's not a catastrophic correction coming soon.

Go on then Nostradamus, tell us what it is and when it is. Saying 'that was it' after the fact won't cut it.

i also never said life won't go on. it just won't go on for many, and certainly not the way it has been.

Nice and vague, just like many predictions.
is god a sociopath

Jehovah? probably...and he claims he's a good guy.

Worship him, and you get Cargo!

Yay! I want Cargo!:D CAR-GO! CAR-GO!

*Worships model of cargo plane*
Only the current 'imperfect' version of it. You have no concept of what there could be to come. We only have genes and DNA to pass on traits to the next generation,.... no need for that there won't be any breeding in Heaven will there?

i already told you that we're not talking about heaven, we're talking about christ's kingdom, which is on earth. have you taken up smoking pot recently or something?

Go on then Nostradamus, tell us what it is and when it is. Saying 'that was it' after the fact won't cut it.

Nice and vague, just like many predictions.

well gee phlog, if it's not obvious now (which i really don't see how that's possible), then it certainly will be then. i'm just talking about what's obvious.

in regards to the tribulation...taken from mark ch 13...

20 If the Lord had not cut short those days, no one would survive. But for the sake of the elect, whom he has chosen, he has shortened them.

i am one of the elect. i am the lady who is addressed in 2 john.
i already told you that we're not talking about heaven, we're talking about christ's kingdom, which is on earth. have you taken up smoking pot recently or something?

I don't really give a rat's ass if it's in 'Heaven' or Disneyland to be honest. Are you saying humans will carry on breeding?

well gee phlog, if it's not obvious now

If you think it's obvious, tell me the date.
I don't really give a rat's ass if it's in 'Heaven' or Disneyland to be honest. Are you saying humans will carry on breeding?

If you think it's obvious, tell me the date.

You seem to have lost any reasoning capabilities and you're being a jerk.
i am one of the elect. i am the lady who is addressed in 2 john.

Right. Not only does God speak to you directly, one of the books of the new testament is about you. You're that significant.

Did you stumble across it one night and have some kind of profound revelation when you read the word "lady"? Did you think "Faaark! That has gotta be me. I mean, seriously, deep down I've always known I was special. And guess what? I fucking am!".

The vast majority of Christian's believe that this letter was either written to an actual person who was alive at the time (as is typically the case with the letters of the NT) or that "lady" is simply a metaphor for the church. But the funniest thing about all this is that about 15 or so years ago when I was a Christian myself, a girl I knew at the time (a new member of the church I was part of) had exactly the same "revelation" as you (she didn't have kids but believed that "children" was metaphorical). I would imagine that it's rather common among Christian women actually, considering that they are rarely addressed so directly in the Bible and because the book doesn't mention a specific name.

So you've got at least one competitor (assuming she still believes it), and likely a whole lot more.
Right. Not only does God speak to you directly, one of the books of the new testament is about you. You're that significant.

Did you stumble across it one night and have some kind of profound revelation when you read the word "lady"? Did you think "Faaark! That has gotta be me. I mean, seriously, deep down I've always known I was special. And guess what? I fucking am!".

The vast majority of Christian's believe that this letter was either written to an actual person who was alive at the time (as is typically the case with the letters of the NT) or that "lady" is simply a metaphor for the church. But the funniest thing about all this is that about 15 or so years ago when I was a Christian myself, a girl I knew at the time (a new member of the church I was part of) had exactly the same "revelation" as you (she didn't have kids but believed that "children" was metaphorical). I would imagine that it's rather common among Christian women actually, considering that they are rarely addressed so directly in the Bible and because the book doesn't mention a specific name.

So you've got at least one competitor (assuming she still believes it), and likely a whole lot more.

no, that's not even close to what happened to me.
In any case, you're not the only one who's reached the same conclusion and like said, there's probably a whole lot more.

that in no way changes what happened to me.
that in no way changes what happened to me.

Of course it doesn't. You felt what you felt (or heard, or realized, or whatever) at the time and you believe what you believe. But how do you think the conversation would go if you ever met the girl I referred to above? Would you be able to find a rational way for you to both be the chosen lady, or can there only be one?
Of course it doesn't. You felt what you felt (or heard, or realized, or whatever) at the time and you believe what you believe. But how do you think the conversation would go if you ever met the girl I referred to above? Would you be able to find a rational way for you to both be the chosen lady, or can there only be one?

after what i've been through i would never try to judge someone else's experiences, and i certainly wouldn't feel threatened by someone else's opinion of me or of mine.

it's been my understanding for a while now, and primarily because of what i've been through, that the bible is a tool that's used by the holy spirit to accomplish things in different people. i think the same scripture could be interpreted in different ways to different people for different reasons, and all of those interpretations be relevant, or true.
it's been my understanding for a while now, and primarily because of what i've been through, that the bible is a tool that's used by the holy spirit to accomplish things in different people.

Many serial killers have said the same. 'God told me to do it' etc.

What's your point?
it's been my understanding for a while now, and primarily because of what i've been through, that the bible is a tool that's used by the holy spirit to accomplish things in different people. i think the same scripture could be interpreted in different ways to different people for different reasons, and all of those interpretations be relevant, or true.

Except when it comes to me, and some others, right?

You ever so confidently exclude us from "being used by the holy spirit to accomplish things" and you are sure that our interpretations are not relevant and not true.
